important news


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Alexandria University's Community Service and Development Council, , headed by Dr. Saeed Allam, Vice President of the University for Community Service and Development Affairs, discussed intensifying the medical convoys system at Alexandria University during the coming period, to achieve the goals of the presidential initiative, “Bedaya” (A New Beginning for Building the Human Being), as Dr. Saeed Allam indicated that these convoys began last Friday with the convoy that was launched to the village of Abis 7, to provide integrated medical care and treatment services to the villagers.
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Allam stressed that there is a strategic plan to launch five other convoys to the most needy towns and villages in Alexandria Governorate, in implementation of the presidential initiative, “Beginning”.
 The Council approved the proposal submitted by the Community Service and Environmental Development Sector in coordination with the Department of Internal Medicine, regarding the formation of a medical team to conduct a survey of high blood pressure and diabetes among university employees, as part of the keenness to detect these types of chronic non-communicable diseases early, in order to protect the health of university employees.
 Dr. Saeed Allam also directed the Vice Deans of the Faculties for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs to coordinate with the Deans of the Faculties and Institutes of Alexandria University to follow up on the preparation of the internal environment of all faculties and institutes of the university in preparation for the new academic year, to provide a safe environment for Alexandria University affiliates from faculty members, students and employees, by ensuring the maintenance of all facilities, stands and ventilation areas, and placing guidance signs in all buildings and roads, in addition to completing maintenance work in the various laboratories in implementation of the university's strategic plan to develop laboratories in the university's faculties, based on the directives of Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of the University, in this regard.
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 The Council also approved the cooperation protocol between Alexandria University (Faculty of Medicine) and the East City Hospital affiliated to the Ministry of Health regarding the use of faculty members to provide medical services at the hospital.
 The Council reviewed a report from the faculty vice deans for community service and environmental development affairs on the achievements of the community service and environmental development affairs sector in each faculty and institute in the academic year 2023/2024.


Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, issued decisions to appoint new deputies in the Faculties of Science, Specific Education, Agriculture and Nursing as follows:
* Appointing Dr. Mohamed Essam Fayez as Vice Dean of the Faculty of Science for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs, for a period of three years.
* Renewing the appointment of Dr. Salwa Hassan Pasha as Vice Dean of the Faculty of Specific Education for Graduate Studies and Research Affairs, for a period of three years.
* Appointing Dr. Maha Adel Ibrahim as Vice Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture for Education and Student Affairs, for a period of three years.
* Appointing Dr. Mohamed Gamal Atwa as Vice Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs, for a period of three years
* Appointing Dr. Awatif Ali Hassan Al-Sharqawi as Vice Dean of the Faculty of Nursing for Graduate Studies and Research Affairs, for a period of three years.

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Dr. Ayman Ashour, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, witnessed the activities of the closing camp for the projects participating in the semi-final rounds of the Startup Olympiad, and qualifying for the Gen-Z TV program, which is being held in cooperation between the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, represented by the Innovators Support Fund (ISF) and the United Media Services Company, at El-Galala University.
Dr. Ghada El-Khayat, Alexandria University Coordinator for the Startup Olympiad, indicated that 3 teams from Alexandria University have qualified for the final rounds, explaining that this training camp comes within the framework of the directives of Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of the University, to participate in this program, to contribute to reaching innovative marketable outputs, and emerging small and medium companies and projects, which will contribute to addressing current challenges, deepening the local product, and expanding its scope in global markets, in line with the state's vision for sustainable development. She noted Alexandria University's keenness to provide the necessary support to students, researchers, and faculty members to transform their innovative ideas into successful projects, and market the technology, to ensure maximum benefit from innovations and contribute to the development of the national economy.

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Alexandria University participated in the line-up to launch the presidential initiative "Bidaya" (Beginning - the Presidential Initiative for Human Development) - at five o'clock in the evening on Tuesday, September 17, in front of the Alexandria Governorate building.
It is worth noting that this participation came based on the directives of Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, and Dr. Saeed Allam, Vice President of the University for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs, where a number of ambulances from the Faculty of Medicine and university hospitals and the mobile examination vehicle affiliated with the Faculty of Dentistry were present, accompanied by medical staff and paramedics.
This participation comes within the framework of the university's keenness to participate effectively in the activities of the presidential initiative "Bidaya" and to perform its assigned role at the local and regional levels, in coordination and integration with all state institutions included in the initiative to invest in human capital through a work program aimed at developing the human being and working to consolidate the Egyptian identity.
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Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, received a delegation from the National Council for People with Disabilities headed by Dr. Iman Karim, General Supervisor of the Council, with the aim of supporting cooperation between the two sides and providing support in all its forms to students with disabilities studying at Alexandria University.
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The meeting was attended by Dr. Ali Abdelmohsen, Acting Vice President of the University for Education and Student Affairs, Dr. Ziad El-Sayyad, Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Engineering, and Dr. Alaa Gamea, Executive Director of Taha Hussein Centre for Disability Services at the University.
During the meeting, Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa stressed the role of Alexandria University and its keenness to care for its students with various disabilities, reviewing the vital role of Taha Hussein Centre at the university to serve these students in a way that ensures sustainability by providing distinguished and appropriate educational services to them and facilitating their educational process, providing them with appropriate family guidance and helping their parents, in addition to integrating them with other segments of society to achieve the principle of equality among students. The university president pointed out the rehabilitation of all faculties and university facilities to suit the needs of students with various disabilities, explaining that the university is working to provide many student activities and cultural, artistic, literary, social and sports events to facilitate the involvement of students with disabilities in these student activities, discover their talents, and enhance communication between them and other students.
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For her part, Dr. Iman Karim expressed her pleasure with the cooperation and coordination with Alexandria University to provide the best service to students with disabilities, stressing the importance of focusing on inspiring success stories that stem from the strong will of students with disabilities. She pointed out the need to spread awareness of the culture and arts of dealing with students with disabilities and their families and providing all care and support, and working to provide all necessary means, noting her aspiration for more cooperation with Alexandria University and Taha Hussein Centre for Disability Services at the university. She also pointed out that the Council provides its technical expertise to serve the issues of people with disabilities in society, in addition to providing a number of awareness services to students with disabilities and their families, administrators, and faculty members with disabilities.