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Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, witnessed the introductory meeting to clarify the requirements of the call for research projects of the European regional cooperation program Interreg NEXT MED, in the presence of Dr. Hisham Saeed, Vice President of the University for Graduate Studies and Research, Dr. Khaled El-Saadani, Expert in Development, Innovation and Scientific Research at the European Union - Interreg NEXT MED Program, Dr. Dina El-Gayar, Executive Director of the Project Management Unit at the University, in addition to Deans and Vice Deans of Graduate Studies for the Faculties of Science, Agriculture, Engineering, Medicine, Pharmacy, the Institute of Graduate Studies and Research, and the Institute of Medical Research, as well as a group of researchers from various faculties.
In his speech, Dr. Konsowa directed the faculties’ representatives to coordinate efforts and form working groups to present applicable research projects in the call that ends on April 15, 2025 in the fields of education, health, energy efficiency, sustainable water management, training and entrepreneurship, issues of restoring cultural heritage, confronting climate change, converting waste into added value, and supporting the green economy, in cooperation with industrial partners.
Dr. Khaled El-Saadani gave a presentation on the Interreg NEXT MED program, in which he addressed the requirements for obtaining funding for applicable research projects aimed at enabling Mediterranean countries to achieve more sustainable, intelligent, competitive, cooperative, and comprehensive development with lower carbon emissions and pollution rates, by supporting youth environmental projects and green transformation projects in the sectors of education, health, waste management, confronting climate change, entrepreneurship, applied research, rationalization of energy consumption, water scarcity research, and governance, and focusing on areas of policy development, awareness-raising, training, modern technology, and innovation.
It is worth noting that the Interreg NEXT Mediterranean Regional Cooperation Programme (referred to as “NEXT MED”) is the third generation of one of the largest cross-border cooperation initiatives implemented by the European Union in the Mediterranean region. It aims to contribute to smart, sustainable and equitable development all across the Mediterranean basin by supporting balanced cooperation and multi-level governance. The programme’s mission is to finance cooperation projects that address social, economic, environmental and shared governance challenges at the Mediterranean basin level.
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