important news
Faculty of Pharmacy's Project Wins Third Place in National Initiative for Green Smart Projects
Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, congratulated the Faculty of Pharmacy for its "Green Cycle" project winning third place at the level of Alexandria Governorate in the National Initiative for Green Smart Projects in its third edition (2024) in the category of non-profit community initiatives and participations.
It is worth noting that the project won for the second year in a row in this initiative, as it achieved first place at the level of Alexandria Governorate last year.
For his part, Lieutenant General Ahmed Khaled Saeed, Governor of Alexandria, honoured the winning projects, and handed over certificates of appreciation to Dr. Sherif Rostom, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs, and Dr. Amr El-Hawit, Professor of Drugs and Member of the Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs Committee at the Faculty, in the presence of Major General Khaled Shoeib, Governor of Matrouh, Dr. Jacqueline Azer, Governor of Beheira, and the faculty members.
President of Alexandria University Inspects Regularity of Classes on First Day of New Academic Year, Directs Support for Financially Struggling Students
Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, inspected today, Saturday, 28 September 2024, the progress of lectures in the university's faculties and institutes on the first day of the new academic year. He was accompanied during the tour by Dr. Saeed Allam, Acting Vice President for Environmental Development and Community Service Affairs, Dr. Ali Abdelmohsen, Acting Vice President for Education and Student Affairs, as well as deans, vice deans and secretaries of various faculties.
The tour included inspecting the faculties of the Medical Complex, followed by the Humanities Complex. The university president reassured the readiness of lecture halls, laboratories and laboratories and following the procedures organized for entering the university campus. Dr. Konsowa said that Alexandria University has harnessed all its capabilities of infrastructure, buildings and services to receive new and old students, and listened to the explanations of the deans of the faculties about the mechanisms and procedures of each faculty regarding the preparations made to receive students at the beginning of the new academic year, where he directed the deans to organize many programs for new students in order to familiarize them with the faculties, their departments and the services provided by the university and how to benefit from them, in order to provide a safe educational environment for students during their educational journey. Dr. Konsowa also directed the deans of faculties and institutes of Alexandria University to support financially struggling students according to the Social Solidarity Fund programs, and in accordance with the requirements, controls and rules approved by the Supreme Council of Governmental Universities.
The university president held an open dialogue with the students, where he congratulated them on the occasion of the start of the new academic year, wishing them success, excellence and creativity, urging them to benefit from the dual degrees signed by the university with major international universities to be competitive with international specifications.
Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa was also keen to inspect the annual bazaar of Alexandria University, which includes a group of clothes, leather products, school supplies and office tools to serve students and university staff. At the end of the tour, the university president praised the regularity of classes on its first days and the presence of university leaders and faculty members among their students to follow up on the progress of the educational process and organize the ideal atmosphere to receive fresh students with the participation of their old colleagues.
President of Alexandria University Attends Graduation Ceremony of Faculty of Engineering’s 78th Batch
Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, witnessed last evening the graduation ceremony of the 78th batch of students from the Faculty of Engineering, and the graduation of the first batch of students with a dual degree in cooperation with the University of Essex in Britain and the University of Louisville in the United States.
The event was attended by Dr. Saeed Allam, Vice President of the University for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs, Dr. Essam Wahba, Acting Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Dr. Wael El-Meghlani, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Engineering for Education and Students Affairs, Dr. Walid Abdelazim, Vice Dean of the Faculty for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs, Dr. Hesham Saoudi, Head of the Engineers Syndicate in Alexandria, Major General Hazem Badr El-Din, Assistant Commander of the Northern Military Region, Major General Khaled Konsowa, Deputy Commander of the Naval Forces, Engineer Amira Salah, Deputy Governor of Alexandria, deans and vice deans of faculties and institutes of Alexandria University, faculty members, a group of members of the House of Representatives and the Senate, heads companies and organizations, as well as students and their parents.
In his speech, Dr. Konsowa congratulated the graduates and their parents, stressing that this day is the day of crowning their efforts over many years to reach this happy moment that calls for pride and honour. He stressed that Alexandria University is continuing its efforts towards internationalizing education through cooperation with major international universities, explaining that Alexandria University is working according to a strategic vision that seeks development in all its forms, explaining that the university has 52 double degrees so far in cooperation with the best universities in the world and seeks to increase this number in the near future and provide double and joint degrees in all scientific disciplines that benefit students in all faculties of the university, with the aim of achieving competitiveness and internationalization of education, and graduating students capable of competing in the local, regional and international labour market.
The university president highlighted the renovation of faculty laboratories and equipping them with the latest devices within the development plan to emulate prestigious international universities, and to be consistent with the level of programs and scientific degrees signed by Alexandria University with international universities, in addition to providing a scientific environment and encouraging capabilities for researchers and innovators within these laboratories.
In his speech, Dr. Essam Wahba praised the level of graduates of the Faculty of Engineering who have proven their competence through their work as academics in major universities round the world, or as officials in international companies in various engineering specializations, which reflects the efforts of the faculty professors since its establishment until now. Dr. Wahba added that the faculty is currently witnessing comprehensive development in all sectors, as it is witnessing the largest restoration process to restore the faculty buildings to their former glory, and is witnessing an integration project to modernize all the faculty laboratories that serve the undergraduate stage through the unique initiative launched by Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University. It is also witnessing a comprehensive development of the undergraduate stage regulations through four main axes which are:
- The establishment of three new academic programs, which are the Mechanical Engineering, Aerospace and Space Program, the Electronics Engineering and Nanotechnology Program, and the Smart and Flexible Architecture Engineering Program.
- The second axis includes the introduction of 8 new sub-programs for the first time in the faculty.
- The third axis is concerned with developing the engineering training system in the faculty by introducing the collaborative education system with major industrial companies,
- The fourth axis works to expand international relations by establishing double degrees with major international universities.
Dr. Wael El-Meghlani addressed his message to the students, urging them to be proud of their achievement and excellence, pointing out that the Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria University, is always a place for academic excellence and innovation. He added that graduation is not the end of the journey, but rather the beginning of a new chapter to apply the skills they acquired in the faculty through the ability to think, work as a team, and be determined to achieve goals to face the challenges of the future. Dr. El-Meghlani advised the graduates not to stop learning and to be part of the innovative solutions that society needs.
The new engineers took the legal oath before Dr. Hesham Saoudi, the head of the Engineers Syndicate, who in turn congratulated the students and their parents because they are the true creditors. He also congratulated the heads of Alexandria University for their contribution to preparing new educational programs that keep pace with the rapid change in engineering sciences in particular and all sciences in general. He stressed that the graduates are the ones who will make Egypt's bright future, especially since all economic studies indicate that Egypt will be among the ten strongest economies in the world because of its possession of distinguished natural human cadres.
Alexandria University Council Announces Preparations for New Academic Year, Exempts Top 5 High School Students in Alexandria from Tuition Fees
Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, congratulated, at the beginning of the University Council meeting held on Tuesday, September 24, 2024, the deans of faculties and institutes on the occasion of the start of the academic year next Saturday, and reviewed the preparations of the faculties in this regard.
The University President directed the need to continue working to ensure the provision of an integrated educational and service environment for students that meets their various academic and service needs, through lecture halls, laboratories, libraries, medical clinics, and periodic cleaning follow-up inside the university campus, in addition to the need to adhere to safety and security measures of the university campus and all university premises and facilities, and encouraging students to participate in student events and activities that would provide a study climate that contributes to achieving excellence and success and building an integrated personality for students, in addition to encouraging them to participate in university initiatives that will be launched within the framework of the “Beginning Initiative for Building the Human Being”, which will last for 100 days, which would contribute to developing their personal and professional skills, and enhancing their capabilities to be an active part of society.
The Council approved the establishment of 4 companies in the name of Alexandria University, namely Alexandria University Company for Energy, Water and Entrepreneurship Services, Alexandria University Company for Financial and Administrative Studies and Consultations, Alexandria University Company for Research Outputs, Studies and Engineering Consultations, and Alexandria University Company for Health Services, and taking the necessary measures to complete the implementation procedures.
The Council approved the terms of the annex to the cooperation agreement between the Faculty of Dentistry and the Royal college of Surgeons of Edinburgh for the purpose of training doctors and accrediting the specialized degrees of the Faculty of Dentistry as requirements of various specialized fellowships, approving the faculty clinics as a clinical training centre, and conducting the electronic fellowship exam.
The Council approved the exemption from tuition fees in the general programs at Alexandria University for the top five students of each division of the general secondary (high school) certificate (Science - Mathematics - Literature) at the level of Alexandria Governorate, while continuing to enjoy this advantage if they obtain an excellent grade at the end of each academic year during their undergraduate stage.
The Council approved granting 50 scholarships with a 50% reduction in the credit hour fees for new graduate students registered in the academic year 2024/2025 at the Faculty of Agriculture with a professional master's degree and a professional diploma in plant clinic and plant health techniques.
In implementation of the health awareness plan of the presidential initiative "Bidaya" (Beginning), which is concerned with human development in a number of fields, including the health field, and the university's keenness on the health of its members, the Council approved the formation of a medical team by Alexandria University - Faculty of Medicine to work on early detection of chronic non-communicable diseases and conduct a survey of high blood pressure and diabetes among university employees, and set a timetable for the various departments, faculties and institutes, appoint a coordinator from each party and provide a place within each of them for the medical team to attend and conduct the necessary examination of the employees, and direct what is necessary to treat and prevent complications.
The Council approved the cooperation protocol between the Faculty of Medicine, Alexandria University and the East City Hospital affiliated to the Ministry of Health, due to its request to use faculty members to provide medical services at the hospital, and the cooperation protocol between Alexandria University - Faculty of Business and both the Egyptian Customs Authority and the Egyptian Tax Authority, and the joint cooperation agreement between Alexandria University - Faculty of Engineering and Penn State Harrisburg University in the United States of America.

The Council approved the inclusion of internal and external members of faculty councils for two academic years.
• The Council approved the acceptance of donations from Pharos University in the form of medical devices and supplies worth 1.67 million pounds for the Department of Clinical Pathology at the Faculty of Medicine.
The Council approved the promotion of 18 faculty members, 11 to the position of professor, 7 to the position of associate professor, the appointment of 11 lecturers, and the granting of 103 doctoral degrees and 165 master's degrees in various scientific disciplines.
Alexandria University Completes Preparations for New Academic Year 2024/2025, Intensifies Efforts to Support Presidential Initiative "Beginning"
Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, announced the completion of all preparations of the university's faculties and institutes to start the new academic year, and to provide an appropriate educational environment for all Alexandria University affiliates, as the academic year will start on Saturday, September 28, 2024, noting the readiness of all faculties to regulate the educational process from the first day of study, announce timetables, and prepare lecture halls,, laboratories, libraries and medical clinics in the faculties. The university president stressed to the deans of the faculties that each faculty should develop a plan to receive new and old students and introduce them to the various student activities within the university campus, and place signboards, in addition to providing various means of safety and security in all facilities, and the availability of medical staff in clinics within the university faculties. He also directed the need to ensure the good reception of students, and hold student meetings to introduce them to the nature of university life and integrate them in student activities.
Dr. Konsowa announced that the activities and events that will be organized by Alexandria University at the beginning of the academic year and throughout the year come within the framework of the presidential initiative "Bidaya" ("Beginning") launched by His Excellency President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi to build the Egyptian person. Dr. Konsowa stressed that the university directed all its efforts to support the initiative to enhance students' capabilities, hone their skills, develop their talents and adopt them, raise students' awareness of the culture of volunteer and community work, deepen the values of belonging, loyalty and acceptance of others, and train students in various life skills. He explained that the university will launch a variety of activities and events at the beginning of the academic year that include achieving the goals of the initiative through seminars, workshops, launching comprehensive convoys to the most needy villages, opening literacy classes, and holding various sports activities through a work program aimed at developing Alexandria University students in order to advance both the society and the nation.
For his part, Dr. Ali Abdelmohsen, Acting Vice President for Education and Student Affairs, indicated that the university dorms for male and female students have prepared to receive students, and the accommodation procedures will begin before the start of the new academic year at their different locations in Smouha, Saba Pasha and Shatby areas. He added that the university dorms have started paper applications for fresh students, and applications will continue until the end of this month at the university city headquarters in Ezbet Saad. He added that Alexandria University is keen to support students in the field of student activities, noting that the university has prepared integrated programs to provide a package of student activities that are compatible with the talents and needs of various students in the sports, artistic, social and scouts fields, in addition to research and scientific activities, especially since Alexandria University students have achieved first place in many activities over several years, explaining that the university does not hesitate to provide support to its outstanding and talented students. Dr. Abdelmohsen announced that the university has also prepared a package of procedures to provide all means of support and availability for students with disabilities, and to provide all aspects of care and facilities for them at the beginning of the academic year, and to involve them in all various student events and activities that allow them Integration into the university community.