important news


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Alexandria University’s Council of Graduate Studies and Research, headed by Dr. Hisham Saeed, Vice President of the University for Graduate Studies and Research, in its meeting held this morning, Thursday, 15th of August 2024, discussed the difficulties facing international students in the graduate studies and research sector, stressing the need to encourage them to study at Alexandria University and overcome all the difficulties they face, and facilitate all procedures of the application process at both the undergraduate and graduate levels, considering them a source of support for the state's economy, and support for Egypt's pioneering role in the field of higher education.
 Dr. Hisham Saeed indicated that the Council of Graduate Studies and Research followed up on the work of the committee entrusted with unifying the format of graduate studies and research certificates at the level of faculties and institutes of Alexandria University, and indicated that the council reviewed a group of different designs for the format of certificates to reach the best design so that their design is unified in a manner befitting Alexandria University and its graduates, stressing that their translation into English will also be unified to be identical to the Arabic language in the certificate.
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The Council approved the cooperation agreement between Alexandria University and Southampton University in Britain, and the cooperation agreement between the Faculty of Science, Alexandria University and Vita Biotics Pharmaceutical Industries.
 The Council also discussed the topics of the Committee of Teaching Assistants and Assistant Lecturers, scientific missions, and study leaves to obtain Master's and Doctorate degrees.

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Under the auspices of Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, the Alexandria University Choir, under the Cultural and Artistic Activity Department and sponsored by the University Youth, participated in the ceremony honouring high school toppers at the "Alamein World 2024" Festival, where the choir, led by Dr. Sherihan El-Heddini, presented a selection of the most beautiful artistic and musical performances, which were well received by the audience.
It is worth mentioning that the entire ceremony will be broadcast today at nine o'clock in the evening on DMC satellite channel.


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Under the auspices of Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, and the supervision of Dr. Essam Wahba, Executive Director of the Center of Excellence for Water and Acting Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, and Dr. Dina El-Gayar, Deputy Executive Director of the Center of Excellence for Water, the Center of Excellence for Water at Alexandria University, in cooperation with the Arab Water Council, organized a workshop entitled “Water-Energy-Food Nexus”.
The event took place in the presence of Dr. Mahmoud Abu Zeid, former Minister of Irrigation and Water Resources and President of the Arab Water Council, Dr. Hussein El-Atef, former Minister of Irrigation and Water Resources and Secretary-General of the Arab Water Council, Engineer Sherif Haddara, former Minister of Petroleum and Mineral Resources, Engineer Abed Ezz El-Regal, Chairman and Managing Director of Abu Qir Fertilizers and Chemical Industries Company, Dr. Walid Abdelazim, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Engineering for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs, Ms. Jenan Omar, Project Management Specialist at the United States Agency for International Development, Dr. Essam Shaaban, Project Manager at the American University in Cairo, and representatives of partner Egyptian universities.
The workshop aimed to deepen the comprehensive understanding of the interrelationship between these three resources (water, energy and food), highlight the challenges they face, and propose sustainable solutions, and the latest developments in this field, exchanging creative ideas, and enhancing cooperation between industry and academic institutions.
The workshop was attended by a group of elite experts and academics, who presented various lectures that shed light on enhancing the integration of water, energy and food, and the existence of sustainable solutions to current challenges, in the presence of representatives from the industrial sector and research institutions.

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Today, Wednesday, 8/14/2024, Dr. Abdelaziz Konswa, President of Alexandria University, received the delegation of the Supreme Council of Universities Committee for the Best Environmentally Friendly University Competition, in the presence of Dr. Saeed Allam, Vice President of the University for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs, and Dr. Ali Abdel Mohsen. Acting Vice President of the University for Education and Student Affairs, representatives of the file preparation team at Alexandria University, and representatives of various departments.
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In his speech, Dr. Abdelaziz Konswa welcomed the members of the committee to Alexandria University, explaining the university’s role in serving and developing society, and the vision of Alexandria University towards raising the awareness of university students to pay attention to environmental issues, contribute to building a better and more sustainable future for future generations, and reach a green university through... Commitment to a number of standards, the most important of which are education and scientific research, the university’s infrastructure, energy and climate change standards, waste management, and water management. He pointed out that the committee inspected a number of sites in the faculties of engineering, medicine, pharmacy, and science in Muharram Bey, the humanities complex, the university museum and library, the university city, and the university center. Developing the capabilities of faculty members, wishing the committee success in performing its work.
Representatives of the team preparing the visit file at Alexandria University gave a presentation about Alexandria University, which included an explanation of the vision and mission of Alexandria University, the strategic goals of the university, the international agreements signed by Alexandria University with major international universities, and the measures taken by Alexandria University to rationalize energy consumption, convert some buildings to green buildings, and mechanisms. Rationalizing water consumption on campus, and other measures related to preserving the environment.

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Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, congratulated the medical team at the Department of Neurosurgery at the Faculty of Medicine, headed by Dr. Alaa El-Naggar, on the success of the operation to separate the first case of conjoined twins at the head and brain.
The surgical medical team was headed by Dr. Wael Khedr, Head of the Paediatric Neurosurgery Unit, and the operation took 10 full hours.
Dr. Alaa El-Naggar, Head of the Neurosurgery Department, pointed out that this operation is considered one of the rare cases, as the success of these operations depends on good preparation before the operation. He explained that the twins were admitted to the paediatric intensive care unit to be followed up under the supervision of consultants in neurology, neonatal medicine, and anaesthesia. He also pointed out that although many cases of conjoined twins do not survive at birth, or die shortly after birth, the development and medical techniques carefully implemented by the Department of Paediatric Neurosurgery at Alexandria University have contributed to improving the twins’ survival rates and preparing them optimally for surgery. The medical team was able to separate the conjoined twins after a long and complex operation that took about 10 hours, in capsule operating rooms, which are the most modern in the world, as they maintain a germ-free environment and are equipped with an advanced surgical microscope.