important news
Alexandria University Education and Student Affairs Council Directs to Facilitate Medical Examination Procedures for New Students
The Alexandria University Education and Student Affairs Council, during its meeting headed by Dr. Ali Abdelmohsen, Acting Vice President for Education and Student Affairs, congratulated all university members on the occasion of the Prophet's birthday, asking God that it may return with goodness, blessings and prosperity.

The Council agreed to exempt the top five students in Alexandria Governorate at each General Secondary Certificate division (Science - Mathematics - Literature) from first year’s tuition fees in general programs at the university's faculties, while continuing to enjoy this advantage in the event that they obtain an excellent grade at the end of each academic year, and the matter was referred to the University Council within the framework of the speech of Professor Dr. Secretary of the Supreme Council of Universities.
Dr. Ali Abdelmohsen directed faculty deans to facilitate procedures and provide comfort for new students during the medical examination, provide all possible facilities and overcome the obstacles they face, provide several clinics, and allocate covered places to receive students to prevent overcrowding, while emphasizing adherence to all security and safety procedures and guidelines and preventive standards.
Dr. Abdelmohsen congratulated the Alexandria University team that won first place in the field of manufacturing and design, in the Student Activities Leaders Competition organized by the Youth Leaders Foundation (YLF) under the slogan "Building the Egyptian Student", with the participation of 48 Egyptian universities, stressing the importance of student activities for young people to build and support their innovative capabilities, and exploit their energies and promising ambitions, and their constructive ideas to be leaders of the future, in light of the "New Republic".
Dr. Ali Abdelmohsen praised the university's participation in launching the 100 Million Healthy Lives presidential initiative during the month of August under the auspices of Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, and in cooperation with the University Workers Syndicate and the Central Medical District - Preventive Department of the Ministry of Health, during which 1959 university employees were medically examined in the specialties of early detection of tumours, women's health, chronic diseases and kidney disease. He stressed the university's keenness to support the presidential initiative that aims to raise health awareness among citizens about the importance of following healthy lifestyles, avoiding risk factors that cause diseases and the importance of early detection, as well as follow-up in the event of discovering infection with a disease to avoid complications and reducing the causes of the spread of infectious diseases.
The Council approved the renewal of online cooperation agreement between the Applied Languages Program - English Language Sector at the Faculty of Arts and Manchester Metropolitan University in the United Kingdom, which aims to motivate students to practice language and improve their English language skills. It also seeks to build cultural competence and enrich intercultural communication skills among students from both sides.
Dr. Ali Abdelmohsen thanked the General Administration of Youth Care for the efforts made during the El Alamein Festival, praising the distinguished outcomes of the university’s male and female students in the festival’s various activities and events
Alexandria University’s Graduate Studies and Research Council Discusses Enhancing Academic Integrity Values, Reviews Industry Localization Committee Recommendations
Alexandria University’s Council of Graduate Studies and Research, which met this morning, Tuesday, September 17, 2024, headed by Dr. Hisham Saeed, Vice President of the University for Graduate Studies and Research, discussed the procedures for enhancing the values of academic integrity at Alexandria University, based on the directives of the President of the Republic.

A set of solutions and procedures were proposed at different levels, including enhancing academic integrity and setting clear and strict policies around it, as well as awareness and education through organizing workshops and lectures that focus on enhancing the values of academic integrity, and obligating students and faculty members to sign pledges related to academic integrity as well as enhancing academic supervision by professors and supervisors, in addition to applying deterrent penalties on any member proven to be involved in negative actions and practices.
The Council reviewed the recommendations of the Industry Localization Committee, which covered three main axes
The first axis includes communicating with medical and scientific sector faculties to present their innovations or research outputs in various fields, to meet the missing needs in the local market and study the possibility of manufacturing them locally.
The second axis deals with communicating with Egyptian companies to determine the extent of their need and to maximize the benefit from the outputs of applied research.
The third axis deals with coordination with the Egyptian Authority for Unified Procurement, Supply and Medical Financing and the Medical Technology Department to reach scientific solutions to overcome any problems or challenges related to providing medicine and supplies to the Egyptian citizens.
The Council reviewed the mechanisms for updating the university’s postgraduate studies guide, the faculty affairs guide, and the General Administration of Cultural Relations guide.
The Council also reviewed the Memorandum of Understanding proposed by the Cultural Relations Committee of the Supreme Council of Universities to be a guiding framework for Egyptian universities with the possibility of adding any other items. The Memorandum of Understanding between Alexandria University and the French University of Jean Moulin 3 was also presented. In addition, the Council approved the Memorandum of Cooperation between Alexandria University (Faculty of Engineering) and Penn State Harrisburg University in the United States of America, and the agreement between the Faculty of Dentistry, Alexandria University, and the Royal Society of Surgeons of Edinburgh, U.K, for the purpose of training doctors.
The Council approved the establishment of the regulatory guidelines for the Professional Diploma in Sports Injuries, and the Professional Diploma in Electrophysiological Evaluation of Neuromuscular Diseases.
Within Presidential Initiative "Bidaya": Alexandria University Organizes Integrated Community Service Medical Convoy to Abis 7 Village
Within the framework of the Presidential Initiative for Human Development "Bidaya" (Beginning), and under the auspices of Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, the Community Service and Environmental Development Sector, headed by Dr. Saeed Allam, Vice President of the University for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs, organized an integrated community medical convoy to the village of Abis 7 to serve the villagers and provide medical care services, with the participation of Harbour and West Rotary Clubs.
Dr. Tamer Abdallah, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Medicine for Community Service and Environmental Development, indicated that the convoy witnessed the participation of the Faculties of Medicine, Dentistry, Nursing, the Institute of Medical Research, Faculties of Specific Education, Agriculture, Veterinary Medicine, and the Higher Institute of Public Health, explaining that the total number of cases examined amounted to 442 cases in various medical specialties (internal medicine - pediatrics - dermatology - obstetrics and gynecology - ophthalmology - orthopedics - dentistry), in addition to the convoy providing free medicines to patients, and transferring cases that need to complete the service to university hospitals. Dr. Abdallah said that educational sessions were provided for children, in-kind gifts and school supplies, in addition to workshops on veterinary and agricultural guidance, health education sessions, psychological guidance and workshops on micro-industries by faculty members from the relevant faculties and the Anti-Violence Against Women Unit.
For their part, a number of village residents expressed their thanks and appreciation for the presidential initiative that contributed to providing the care and services they need in all fields, and thanked Alexandria University and its professors for their active participation in serving the people of the area.
Alexandria Governor and President of Alexandria University Attend New Teachers' Reception Ceremony
Lieutenant General Ahmed Khaled, Alexandria Governor, and Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, witnessed the reception ceremony for the second batch of new teachers, numbering 772 male and female teachers, before commencing their work starting from the current academic year 2024/2025 in various Alexandria schools, as part of the initiative of President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, President of the Republic, to appoint 150,000 teachers.
The event took place at the headquarters of the Faculty of Engineering, in the presence of Dr. Essam Wahba, Acting Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Dr. Walid Abdelazim, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Engineering for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs, Dr. Wael El-Meghlani, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Engineering for Education and Student Affairs, and Dr. Arabi Abu Zaid, Director of the Education Department in Alexandria Governorate.

In his speech, Lieutenant General Ahmed Khaled expressed his pleasure for attending this gathering, noting his keenness to complete all administrative procedures related to appointing new teachers, and stressing the important value of the teacher in pumping new blood into the veins of the Egyptian state with qualified human cadres to carry out their important educational role. He also stressed the interest of the new republic in developing human elements by launching the presidential initiative Bidaya ("Beginning") to contribute to building the future of youth and paying attention to education, health, sports, culture, ethics and developing personal skills for employment.

Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa welcomed the attendees at Alexandria University, stressing his keenness to attend the reception ceremony for new teachers, as education and health are two essential elements for the renaissance of nations. He stressed that teachers are the focus of the educational process at all educational levels due to their great role in graduating a generation capable of serving their country and society in light of local, regional and international competition. He pointed to the quality of the Egyptian educational system, asking the new teachers to be serious, diligent, hardworking, and pursuing continuous education.

Dr. Arabi Abu Zeid stressed that the Education Department have taken all measures to complete all the necessary legal and administrative procedures to appoint new teachers, receive their work, and distribute them to schools in the various educational administrations in Alexandria starting from the current academic year, to be a fundamental pillar in the renaissance of education in accordance with Egypt's Vision 2030. He explained that the selection of new teachers came according to intensive standards and training, to reach a competent teacher capable of providing quality education and qualifying students to build a better future for Egypt and Egyptians.

The meeting witnessed an extensive discussion about the current conditions inside schools and the challenges on the ground, and all opinions and suggestions were listened to and questions from the new teachers were answered.
Cooperation Protocol with Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs' Institute of Diplomatic Studies
Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, and Ambassador Walid Haggag, Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs and Director of the Institute of Diplomatic Studies of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, signed a cooperation protocol between the two parties in a number of joint training, scientific and research fields.

This came in the presence of Dr. Ahmed Wahban, Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Political Science, Dr. Osama El-Adly, Vice Dean of the Faculty for Education and Student Affairs, and Dr. Sherine Nasr, Vice Dean of the Faculty for Graduate Studies and Research.

In his speech, Dr. Konsowa indicated that this protocol comes within the framework of Alexandria University's keenness to maximize the capabilities of its students, and qualify them at the highest level in a way that serves national interests to prepare a new generation of leaders capable of dealing with current challenges, and providing students with specialized studies on the nature of political, economic, and social relations, and developing their professional capabilities with the requirements of foreign diplomatic representation and other specialized studies. The University President also praised the national role played by the Institute of Diplomatic Studies of the Egyptian state in preparing, qualifying and training future diplomatic cadres capable of serving national interests.

For his part, Ambassador Walid Haggag stressed that the Institute of Diplomatic Studies at the Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs is keen to cooperate with Alexandria University, especially since Alexandria University is an educational institution with an international reputation that has distinguished expertise in everything related to diplomatic paths, in addition to its uniqueness in many dual degrees with major international universities, which enhances the capabilities of diplomats, qualifies them for diplomatic work and increases the competitiveness of trainees within the framework of the protocol.

Dr. Ahmed Wahban stressed the importance of the protocol in consolidating cooperation relations between Alexandria University and the Institute of Diplomatic Studies, noting that the protocol aims to enhance means of cooperation and strengthen academic ties between the two sides through the exchange of professors and experts in all fields of common interest, in addition to cooperation in the field of training and research, holding conferences, scientific seminars and joint discussion groups, in addition to exchanging publications, bulletins and periodicals issued by each party.