important news

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As part of Alexandria University's continued active participation in the presidential initiative for human development (Bedaya) "A New Beginning for Building the Human Being", and under the auspices of Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, the Community Service and Environmental Development Sector, headed by Dr. Saeed Allam, Vice President of the University for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs, launched yesterday, Friday the 11th of October 2024, a combined convoy to the village of Abis 8, with the participation of a large number of university faculties in all medical, community, educational and service disciplines, with the aim of providing services, awareness programs and various activities to serve the people of the village.
Dr. Tamer Abdallah, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Medicine for Community Service and Environmental Development, and Rapporteur of the University's Convoys Committee, pointed out that the total number of cases that were examined amounted to 619 cases from various medical specialties, by specialist doctors from the Faculty of Medicine, the mobile dental clinic, and the contribution of the Medical Research Institute. The convoy, through the Faculty of Pharmacy, provided free medicines to patients. He explained that critical cases are transferred to university hospitals to complete the treatment plan if necessary. He added that all faculties have contributed to providing several activities through their professors and students, as follows:
 The Faculty of Nursing team conducted blood sugar and blood pressure measurements, early screening for breast cancer, and provided advice to families about proper nutrition for children, with a total of 85 cases.
 The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine delegation went to the village of Abis 4 - Al Rawda, for medical examination of animals, livestock and birds, where the total number of animals examined was 246 and the total number of birds was 642, in addition to providing awareness to the villagers about the dangers of small ruminant plague and the importance of vaccination programs against infectious diseases, warning them about diseases common to humans and animals and ways to avoid them.
 The delegation of the Higher Institute of Public Health participated in a group of educational health awareness activities that targeted women and children from the residents of the region, where lectures were given on ways to deal psychologically with children during the school entry period, the importance of healthy balanced food and family planning methods, ways to maintain the ideal weight, and the importance of exercising.
 A group of Faculty of Agriculture’s professors participated in providing agricultural consultations to the villagers.
 The delegation of the Faculty of Education also participated in holding immediate literacy exams at Abdelaziz Haroun School in Abis 8 village for 104 illiterate individuals, in coordination with the Directorate of Education in Alexandria Governorate. A writing assignment was made after holding the exams, in coordination with the General Authority for Adult Education, with the participation of members of the Literacy and Adult Education Authority.
 The faculty members and students of the Faculty of Specific Education participated in implementing various artistic workshops concerned with human development and how to benefit from the aesthetics of handicrafts such as macramé, embroidery and crochet art, employing leftover jeans fabrics in wonderful artistic works and crafts, how to form ceramics with ropes, how to recycle household waste to produce aesthetic supplements, and how to produce handicrafts as a nucleus for carrying out small projects.
The Faculty of Early Childhood Education also participated in presenting various activities for children, with the participation of a group of faculty members and students from different departments, where a theatrical performance was presented, artistic and sports activities were presented with children, as well as activities to recycle some environmental materials, and gifts were presented to children. The total number of participating children was 75 boys and girls.
 The Anti-Violence Against Women Unit at the university presented comprehensive awareness workshops for women and children through a group of entertaining awareness performances, which included awareness to differentiate between harmful and beneficial insects and how to deal with each of them, awareness about the most important beneficial and harmful eating habits for women's and children's health to prevent chronic diseases such as diabetes, and providing community awareness of the problems they may face with their families. The coordinators presented this awareness within the framework of the interactive puppet theatre presented by the unit's volunteers, and sweets and school supplies were presented and distributed to the children.
 Civil society also participated in supporting children with a distinguished group of umbrellas for winter, in addition to providing some in-kind gifts to bring them joy and happiness.

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Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, congratulated Dr. Khaled Matrawy on the occasion of the issuance of the presidential decree appointing him as Dean of Medical Research Institute, wishing her success and continuous efforts to raise the level of the institute, stressing that all support will be provided to he for her success in performing her mission.

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Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, congratulated El-Sayed Ali Attia, first-year student at the Faculty of Physical Education for Boys in Abu Qir, and the champion of the Egyptian weightlifting team, for winning third place and the bronze medal in the 2024 World Junior Championship which was hosted by the Spanish city of Leon, for 61 kg category, with a total weight of 271 kg, , wishing him continued success on both the academic and sports levels.
Dr. Asaad El-Kiki, Dean of the Faculty of Physical Education for Boys, expressed his happiness at one of the faculty’s students achieving this accomplishment, explaining that the student Elsayed Attia has a record full of achievements in the tournaments in which he participated, as he won first place in Ghana in the 2024 All-African Games, first place in the African Junior Championship Egypt 2024, second place in the World Junior Championship Mexico 2023, and first place in the African Clubs Championship Egypt 2023, and also received in 2024 the Medal of Excellence from President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, President of the Republic.


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Under the auspices of Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of the University, the Faculty of Computers and Data Science celebrated the graduation of the first and second batches of its students for the academic years 2022/2023 and 2023/2024, in the presence of Dr. Magda Madbouly, Acting Dean of the Faculty, Dr. Adel El-Zoghbi, Professor of Computer Science and former Dean of the Faculty, Dr. Wael El-Meghlani, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Engineering for Education and Student Affairs, Dr. Walid Abdelazim, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Engineering for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs, Dr. Reem Essam, Lecturer of Information Technology at the Faculty, Dr. Christine Raouf, Lecturer of Information Technology at the Faculty, and a group of faculty members and assistants, faculty students and their parents.
In her speech, Dr. Magda Madbouly congratulated the graduates and their parents, explaining that the faculty, through its unique specializations, has contributed to providing the local and international community with qualified graduates in the fields of data science, artificial intelligence, smart systems, and media systems in all their forms and uses. She added that the faculty graduates now have a role to play in contributing to building the country, achieving sustainable development goals, and meeting the needs of industry and the labor market related to the communications and information systems sector. She thanked all those who contributed to organizing the graduation ceremony from the Student Union and the Youth Care Department at the faculty.
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Within the framework of the agreement signed between Alexandria University and the University of Essex in the UK, students from the Faculty of Engineering enrolled in the Computer and Communications Engineering, Mechatronics Engineering and Robotics programs arrived at the University of Essex, where they will begin their studies to obtain a master's degree from the University of Essex in addition to a bachelor's degree from the Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria University.

This agreement, with the dual degree system (4+1) with the University of Essex, allows students from the Faculty of Engineering in the fields of Computer and Communications Engineering, Mechatronics Engineering and Electromechanical Engineering to obtain a bachelor's degree in engineering from Alexandria University in addition to obtaining a master's degree from the University of Essex, where students will study for 4 years (8 semesters) at Alexandria University, followed by one year at the University of Essex.

It is worth noting that this year witnesses the graduation of the first group (5 students) who joined the University of Essex through this partnership in the field of computer and communications engineering, this year also, other specializations in engineering, computers and business will begin at Alexandria University and Alexandria National University.