important news

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Alexandria University's Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs Council, which met on Wednesday, the 23rd of October 2024, headed by Dr. Saeed Allam, Vice President of the University for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs, discussed the occupational safety and health file at Alexandria University. In this context, Dr. Saeed Allam stressed to all the vice deans of the faculties for community service and environmental development affairs the necessity of continuous evaluation of the occupational safety and health plan in all faculties and institutes of Alexandria University, and continuous and daily supervision of the procedures of the occupational safety and health management system in each faculty and institute, with the aim of securing the work environment, preserving the safety of individuals and facilities, and implementing the procedures and requirements of civil protection, occupational health and safety for university members, including following up on the efficiency of the infrastructure of buildings and facilities, and evaluating the fire extinguishing system, electrical works, lighting, and elevators. He pointed out the necessity of considering occupational safety and health as a way of daily life at the university and being fully prepared for crises and emergencies, and dealing with them quickly in a way that ensures prevention of risks. He also announced the university's workshops, training courses, and awareness courses, being held in order to raise individuals' awareness of safety procedures, occupational health, and the evacuation plan in the event of any disasters.
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*The Council was also informed of the reports submitted by the Faculties of Medicine, Veterinary Medicine, and Nursing on their participation in the medical and community convoy within the presidential initiative "Bedaya: A New Beginning for Human Development", which was launched by the sector on October 11 to the Abis 8 area.
*The Council was informed of the report submitted by the Faculty of Science on the activities of the Egyptian chapter of the American Chemical Society (ACS Chapter Egypt), and the report on the activities of the Educational Exploration Centre in Alexandria.
*The Council was informed of the report submitted by the Faculty of Agriculture on the Summer Science Club for students, the summer courses held by the faculty to raise the efficiency of its students in various departments, and the training course entitled "Making Bakery and Sweets".
*The Council was informed of the report submitted by the Faculty of Physical Education for Boys on holding a dialogue session to discuss contemporary issues in the sports field.
*The Council was informed of the report submitted by the Faculty of Early Childhood Education regarding the training held within the framework of cooperation between Alexandria University and the National Council for People with Disabilities for faculty members and the supporting staff.
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Dr. Ali Abdelmohsen, Acting Vice President of Alexandria University for Education and Student Affairs, witnessed Wednesday evening the inauguration ceremony of the Third International Conference on Pharmaceutical Sciences and Health Care 2024 - PHS, which is organized by the Faculty of Pharmacy, Alexandria University, over the course of two days, October 23 and 24.
The opening ceremony was attended by Dr. Hisham Saeed, Vice President of the University for Postgraduate Studies and Research, Dr. Hanan Geweli, Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy, Dr. Yasser Refaat, former Deputy Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Dr. Wael Aql, President of Nile University, Dr. Mahmoud Mohieldin, President of Pharos University, Dr. Yasser El-Sonbaty, Vice President of the Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport, as well as a number of vice presidents of universities and faculty members of faculties of pharmacy in Egyptian and Arab universities.
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During his speech, Dr. Ali Abdelmohsen stressed that Alexandria University pays great attention to scientific conferences that would improve the outputs of scientific research at Alexandria University, noting that the conference is one of the largest international conferences for pharmaceutical and health sciences held in Egypt, and is attended by major pharmaceutical and health sector companies, as it includes an elite group of researchers from Egypt and several Arab and foreign countries. He added that Alexandria University seeks to link the outputs of scientific research to industry through its interest in all related parties, supporting ideas and innovations and employing them to serve and develop the industrial sector within society. Dr. Abdelmohsen stressed that he hopes that the conference will come out with recommendations that contribute to supporting the sector and developing pharmaceutical education and pharmaceutical services, developing pharmaceutical industries and drug discovery research.
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While Dr. Hanan Geweli, Dean of the Faculty, confirmed that this conference is one of the largest international conferences held in Egypt and the Middle East and aims to exchange ideas, share innovations, and present the latest scientific research in the field of pharmacy. It also aims to identify the most important growing health care needs in society, calling for coming out with distinguished recommendations and results to serve the pharmacy sector in Egypt and the Middle East.
Dr. Sherif Rostom, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs, pointed out that the conference will be attended by a group of prominent speakers, scientists, industry leaders, researchers, businessmen and students. The conference program will witness 13 sessions including 35 scientific lectures and 3 workshops presented by 23 Egyptian scientists in addition to 15 international speakers from Algeria, Canada, China, the United States of America, France, the Netherlands, England, Malaysia, Saudi Arabia, Oman, and Qatar. It is worth noting that the conference witnessed the establishment of a distinguished exhibition that includes 20 of the largest pharmaceutical companies, healthcare providers, medical institutions and community partners.


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The Alexandria University Graduate Studies and Research Council, which met yesterday, Tuesday, 22nd of October 2024, discussed with Dr. Hisham Saeed, Vice President of the University for Graduate Studies and Research Affairs, the final procedures regulating the comprehensive qualifying exam to obtain a doctorate degree, as Dr. Saeed confirmed that the comprehensive qualifying exam aims to prepare and qualify students to write their theses in a scientifically correct manner in line with the needs of society and improve the research performance of graduate students at Alexandria University by improving their skills in all research aspects.
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Dr. Hisham Saeed stressed to Vice Deans of Faculties for Graduate Studies and Research Affairs the need to develop and activate all activities in all libraries of the university's faculties with the aim of providing the best library services to all students who visit these university libraries, noting that university libraries play a prominent role in serving scientific research and are a basic supporter of scientific research activities by providing many cognitive services to all students, and contribute to providing a large number of research activities and information It develops reading, knowledge, skills and abilities that help in accelerating education and expanding research skills among all students.
* The Council also discussed the topics of the Committee of Teaching Assistants and Assistant Lecturers, scientific missions, scholarships and study leaves to obtain master's and doctorate degrees, topics of scientific journals, and the agenda of the University Libraries Committee.
* The Council approved the Memorandum of Understanding between Alexandria University and Al-Balqa Applied University in Jordan, the Memorandum of Understanding between the Faculty of Pharmacy, Alexandria University and El-Borg Pharmaceutical Industries Company, and the cooperation protocol between the Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria University, and the National Water Research Centre and its affiliated institutes.

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The Alexandria University Education and Student Affairs Council, during its meeting headed by Dr. Ali Abdelmohsen, Acting Vice President for Education and Student Affairs, mourned with great sadness and sorrow the students of Galala University, the victims of the painful traffic accident, offering sincere condolences to the families of the victims and the Galala University family, praying to God Almighty to have mercy on them, admit them into His spacious heavens, inspire their families and relatives with patience and solace, and grant the injured a speedy recovery.
 The Council also mourned with great sadness and sorrow Dr. Fathi Abu Ayanah, former Vice President of Alexandria University for Education and Student Affairs, former President of Beirut University, and member of the Supreme Council of Culture, praying to God Almighty to have mercy on him.

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 Dr. Ali Abdelmohsen stressed to the faculty vice deans the importance of taking all security and safety measures and direct supervision from the faculties’ administration regarding recreational trips and cultural activities, and continuous coordination with university security to preserve the lives of university students through adhering to the highest levels of security and safety while organising activities and events.
 Within the framework of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research's strategy to support students with disabilities in Egyptian universities and institutes, Dr. Ali Abdelmohsen pointed out that this file is at the top of Alexandria University's priorities, noting that the university is organising several events next month to support students with disabilities, including educational seminars, training courses, workshops and lectures, recreational excursions, organising art and music exhibitions and sports competitions in coordination with the universities of the northern region and the participation of Taha Hussein Centre for Services for People with Disabilities and the General Administration for Youth Care.
 Dr. Ali Abdelmohsen stressed to the faculty vice deans the necessity of encouraging final year students to participate in the Egyptian Survey of Student Engagement, which will be launched by the Supreme Council of Universities with the aim of measuring the degree of students’ satisfaction with their experience in university life during their study period and contributing to the development of the educational process

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Within the framework of Alexandria University's keenness to support relations with international universities, and on behalf of Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, Dr. Hisham Saeed, Vice President for Graduate Studies and Research, and Dr. Ali Abdelmohsen, Acting Vice President for Education and Students Affairs, received a delegation from Kyushu University, headed by Professor Akashi Koichi, Professor of Internal Medicine and Dean of the Faculty of Medicine at Kyushu University, to discuss ways of cooperation between the two universities in scientific fields of common interest.
The meeting was attended by Dr. Sameh Shehata, Supervisor of the International Relations Office at Alexandria University, Dr. Boshra Salem, Assistant President of the University for International Classifications, Dr. Mohamed Rizk, Director of the Smart Infrastructure Research Center, Dr. Ahmed Hassanein, Professor of Polymer and Fiber Engineering, Dr. Nadia Badr, Professor at the Faculty of Science, and Dr. Alia Ramadan, Professor at the Faculty of Pharmacy.
In his speech, Dr. Hisham Saeed welcomed the Japanese delegation to Alexandria University, and gave a presentation on the history of the establishment of Alexandria University, its various faculties, and its strategic goals.
He also reviewed some of the funded projects within the university, as well as the various funding bodies supporting it, in addition to the extent of Alexandria University's contribution to supporting the projects of its young researchers.
Dr. Ali Abdel Mohsen stressed that Alexandria University has strong relations with Japanese universities in many different scientific and research fields, explaining that Alexandria University is keen to expand the scope of cooperation in modern and advanced scientific fields, pointing to the double degree between Alexandria University and the University of Manchester in Britain in the fields of medicine and dentistry, which is the first of its kind in the Middle East. He pointed out that the meeting touched on the importance of exchanging faculty members and students in areas of common interest between the two sides.
Dr. Sameh Shehata also reviewed the international relations between Alexandria University and many international universities, especially Japanese universities, and the double and joint degrees between Alexandria University and foreign universities and the memoranda of understanding signed between Alexandria University and Japanese universities.
Dr. Boshra Salem gave a presentation on scientific publishing at Alexandria University, the global and local ranking of Alexandria University, and ways to improve this ranking in the future, in addition to cooperation between Alexandria University and many international universities and institutions.
The Japanese delegation gave a presentation on Kyushu University, its faculties, departments, and academic programs it offers in various academic degrees. The Japanese delegation also praised Alexandria University's experience in attracting international universities, which gives distinction to the education system at Alexandria University.
The meeting also discussed ways of future cooperation between Alexandria University and Kyushu University in Japan in the fields of medicine, engineering, computer science, data, pharmacy, and some other fields of common interest.

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