important news

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Under the auspices of Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, Dr. Ali Abdelmohsen, Acting Vice President for Education and Student Affairs, received today a delegation from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) with the aim of reviewing the Egyptian efforts in supporting innovation activities.
The meeting comes within the framework of joint work with the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development and the National Innovation Policy Review Project, in supporting national entities, to stimulate innovation as a driver for achieving growth and sustainable development, enhancing the role of innovation in achieving national goals, and enhancing governance mechanisms for innovation fields in a way that reflects national efforts in this field, and ways to support entrepreneurship to increase Egypt's economic competitiveness.
The meeting was attended by Dr. Reem Hafez, Head of the Applied Linguistics Program at the Faculty of Arts, Dr. Sarah Osama Maklad, Communications Officer at the PILOT Incubator, and Dr. Mohamed Sultan, Financial Affairs Officer at the PILOT Incubator.
In his speech, Dr. Ali Abdelmohsen referred to the vision of Alexandria University in supporting innovation and applicable scientific research, cooperation between academia and industry, and ways to benefit from research outputs and projects, and develop the concept of knowledge-based industry, by employing scientific research to solve industry problems, which comes within the framework of the strategy of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research and Egypt's Vision 2030. He pointed out that Alexandria University is leading the Northern Alliance, which includes several partners from higher education institutions, scientific research and industry, with the aim of enhancing scientific and research cooperation between universities and the industrial and business community in its comprehensive concept, stimulating the knowledge economy in cooperation with industry, expanding the establishment of business incubators within the university, and continuously developing academic programs and curricula in cooperation with industry partners.
During the meeting, a presentation was given about the Centre for Educational Innovations and Distance Learning at Alexandria University and the services provided by this centre to help present innovative ideas in the field of educational technology and how to serve the education sector to develop these ideas through obtaining free training courses, using the prototype implementation lab, and providing funding of up to 200,000 Egyptian pounds to establish companies through the "INTILAC Program" funded by the Academy of Scientific Research and Technology and managed by the Educational Innovations Business Incubator at Alexandria University. The training includes ways to generate and develop innovative ideas, market study and economic feasibility study, technical study and financial study of the project, sources of funding, foundations of marketing and sales, basics of managing emerging projects, legal foundations for establishing companies and protecting intellectual property, in addition to the centre’s role in providing technical support to faculty members, producing electronic and digital courses, organizing workshops on digital education, international conferences periodically and seasonal training programs for faculty members, as well as many activities and initiatives.

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Under the auspices of Dr. Abdelaziz Konswa, President of Alexandria University, the Military Education Department and the General Administration of Youth Care at the university, in cooperation with the leadership of the Popular and Military Defense Forces, organized several field visits for university students during the past month of August. During these visits, students visited the El Alamein Museum, where they learned about the details of the historic battle that marked a turning point in World War II. The students also visited the Thunderbolt Forces Command, where they learned about the training of the Special Forces and their modern equipment, which enhanced their pride in the Egyptian army. The students visited the media center of the Morale Affairs Department, where they listened to a comprehensive explanation of the role of the media in building national awareness and enhancing the fighting spirit. At the end of the visit, the students expressed their happiness with this experience, which affected them and added to their knowledge of their country's history and their appreciation for the role of the armed forces in protecting it.
Colonel Mohamed Maher, Director of the Military Education Department at Alexandria University, stated that these field visits represent an essential part of the department’s training program, explaining that it is not limited to the theoretical aspect, but extends to the practical and applied aspect, which provides a unique opportunity for students to learn about the latest developments in the military field. It also contributes to instilling a sense of belonging and loyalty to the homeland in their souls, and emphasizes the importance of the role of the armed forces in protecting the security and stability of the homeland.

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Under the auspices of Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, Dr. Ali Abdelmohsen, Acting Vice President for Education and Student Affairs, received a delegation from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), as part of the delegation's visit to the university to conduct a mid-term evaluation of the University Centres for Career Development project with various partners concerned with implementing the project and beneficiaries of the services of this project, and to measure the level of performance of the centres and their progress towards achieving their main goals and discussing the most important steps being taken to support the sustainability of these centres and ensure the continuity of services provided to students, in the presence of Dr. Dina Saadallah, Executive Director of Career Development Centres at the university.
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In his speech, Dr. Abdelmohsen welcomed the guests and appreciated the role of the university centres for professional development in contributing to developing the skills of a large number of students and alumni, organizing employment forums in various faculties, and qualifying them for the labour market through advanced training courses that keep pace with the requirements of labour markets inside and outside Egypt, within the framework of Alexandria University's strategy aimed at improving the level of educational services and raising the readiness of students and graduates to compete in local, regional and international labour markets. The Vice President of Alexandria University pointed out that the university has three centres for professional development that were established in cooperation with the United States Agency for International Development in the Faculties of Business, Engineering, and Arts, stressing the university's endeavour to establish a fourth centre in the medical complex.
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The members of the USAID delegation also stressed the agency's keenness to cooperate with Alexandria University and communicate with students at the university centres for professional development, with the aim of listening to their proposals to develop the courses and activities provided by the centre to them, evaluating the performance of the centres and ensuring the importance of the sustainability of professional centres to help in planning future projects.
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Within the framework of the interest of the Egyptian state and the Innovators Support Fund (ISF) in supporting innovators and entrepreneurs, and under the auspices of Dr. Mohamed Ayman Ashour, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, and Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, Dr. Ali Abdelmohsen, Acting Vice President of Alexandria University for Education and Student Affairs, witnessed on Sunday 1 September 2024 the final qualifiers for the Startup Olympics 2024 program, which was implemented for the first year with the participation of 65 universities across the Arab Republic of Egypt. These regional qualifiers for the Gen-Z 2024 program at the Alexandria region level were also attended by Dr. Hani Ayad, Executive Director of the Innovators Support Fund (ISF), Dr. Mohamed El Gohary, President of Borg El Arab University of Technology, Dr. Ayman El Shetewi, Acting Dean of the Faculty of Business, Alexandria University, and Dr. Ghada El Khayat, Executive Director of the Centre for Educational Innovations and Distance Learning and Director of PILOT Incubator at Alexandria University.
In his speech, Dr. Ali Abdelmohsen stressed that Alexandria University is proud to host this major event, especially since sponsoring innovators and geniuses from students and researchers is one of the most important strategies adopted by Alexandria University by linking the outputs of scientific research to industry. He added that the large attendance of innovative students reflects that the large base of Egyptian university students is Egypt's bright future, noting that Alexandria University encourages its brilliant and innovative students to work on their projects and apply them on the ground, to solve the problems and challenges facing the Alexandrian community. He stressed the importance of these Olympiads as a means of supporting and embracing young innovators, researchers, and students who have innovative ideas and want to develop them and transform them into a real business model and establish start-up companies for them.
Dr. Hani Ayad confirmed that 65 Egyptian universities and research centres participated in the competition, and pointed out that the competition comes in fulfilment of the political leadership's desire to sponsor innovators and start-ups and to achieve the axes of the National Strategy for Higher Education and Scientific Research, adding that full support will be provided to the participating teams with financial funding of up to 2 million Egyptian pounds to support their ideas and projects.
Dr. Ayman El-Shetewi pointed out that today is the culmination of a long journey that began on January 1, 2024, when the Innovators Support Fund at the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research launched a group of competitions in universities, Startup Olympics 2024. El-Shetewi added that the Egyptian state supports with all its efforts the field of entrepreneurship and small projects for their role in advancing the Egyptian economy, as is the case in the economies of emerging countries, and noted that the Faculty of Business at Alexandria University is proud to host this momentum of pioneering and creative ideas presented by researchers and students.
Dr. Mohamed El Gohary thanked the administration of Alexandria University, headed by Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, for hosting these qualifiers, noting that this stresses the pioneering role of Alexandria University in providing full support for students and researchers, and giving them the appropriate environment to develop their projects and work to direct their energy towards projects that benefit them and society alike.
Dr. Ghada El-Khayat pointed out that the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research launched a group of competitions through the Innovators Support Fund (ISF) under the name of the Startup Olympics since the beginning of 2024 in more than 65 Egyptian universities, noting that student teams and research teams have submitted their pioneering projects and creative ideas, stressing that Alexandria University has submitted 107 projects in a precedent that is the first of its kind. El-Khayat confirmed that the group of applicants were trained in several training camps to qualify them to present their ideas to the arbitration committees, adding that the arbitration committees included representatives from the university, the business community, industrialists, and representatives from the Ministry of Higher Education. El-Khayat added that the winners of this stage were qualified in the TV program Gen-z, and the winners of the final competition will receive prizes and distinguished incubation opportunities.

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Alexandria University Council agreed in its session chaired by Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of the University, that the first semester in all university faculties will start on Saturday, September 28, with the first semester exams starting on January 4, 2025 according to the nature of study and exams in each faculty, while the mid-year vacation begins on January 25, 2025 for two weeks, and the second semester begins on February 8, 2025 with the second semester exams starting during June 2025.
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 The University President stressed to the deans of the faculties the need to continue to adhere to the regulations for organizing graduation ceremonies in all faculties, so that they are within the university campus and in accordance with university values and customs, stressing the prohibition of using the name or logo of the university in any graduation celebrations held outside the university, and it is also prohibited for faculty members, assistants and administrators at the university to attend these external events.
 The University President thanked the laboratory and equipment development committee that was formed to improve the infrastructure of the research and educational process in all faculties of the university, for its efforts in listing all these devices. He stressed the importance of this initiative that comes within the framework of the university's vision to enhance its developmental role, improve the quality of the educational process, and keep pace with the national trends of Egypt's Vision 2030, which includes establishing branches of international universities in partnership with Alexandria University, supporting scientific research based on knowledge, and establishing dual programs with international universities, so that Alexandria University remains in its rightful position at the local, Arab, African and international levels.
 Within the framework of Alexandria University's keenness to care for its students, the council approved raising the value of comprehensive insurance for students against accidents, disability and death to ensure the provision of the best means of care and the greatest number of social benefits. The council decided to form a three-member committee of experts for this purpose.
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 The council honoured Dr. Mohamed Anwar, Dean of the Faculty of Education, and Dr. Hani Khamis, Dean of the Faculty of Arts, on the end of their deanship tenure, thanking them for their tangible efforts during their work period to advance the two faculties.
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 The Council also honoured Mr. Mohamed Fathy Abul-Nasr, Secretary-General of the University, on the end of his term at the University, praising his efforts during his years of service, and wishing him success and prosperity.
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 The Council approved the allocation of one thousand scholarships for students and researchers to apply for postgraduate diplomas at the Faculty of Education for the Fall 2024 semester for the academic year 2025/2024, with a 50% reduction in the cost of the credit hour.
The Council approved the establishment of a joint professional master's degree in Nuclear Law between the Faculty of Engineering and the Faculty of Law, Alexandria University.


 The Council approved the academic agreement between Alexandria University (Faculty of Business) and the University of Southampton in the United Kingdom.
 The Council approved the cooperation agreement between Alexandria University (Faculty of Tourism and Hotels) and San Stefano Tourism Investment Company, the cooperation agreement between Alexandria University (Faculty of Science) and Vita Biotics Company, the memorandum of understanding between Alexandria University and King Faisal University in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the cooperation protocol between Alexandria University (Faculty of Business) and each of the Trade Union Committee of the Egyptian Customs Authority in Alexandria, the Trade Union Committee of the Real Estate Tax Authority in Alexandria, and the Trade Union Committee of the Egyptian Tax Authority in Alexandria (Education and Training Committee of the Syndicate), the memorandum of understanding between Alexandria University (Faculty of Medicine) and West China Hospital - Sichuan University, and the cooperation agreement between Alexandria University (Faculty of Science) and the Francophone University Agency of Montreal Quebec in Canada.
 The Council approved the inclusion and renewal of memberships of internal and external faculty councils from for two academic years in the various faculties and institutes of the university.
 The Council approved the donation presented by the faculty members of the Department of Geography and Geographic Information Systems at the Faculty of Arts, which is a set of surveying devices worth 1.1 million pounds, the donation presented by Dr. Ahmed Serag El-Din, Professor at the Faculty of Dentistry, to the Department of Rheumatology, Rehabilitation and Physiotherapy at El-Hadra University Hospital, which is an electromagnetic wave therapy device, worth 1.29 million pounds, and the donation presented by El-Gharabli Engineering Works Company to the new university hospital, which is a 300-liter steam sterilization device worth two million pounds.
 The Council approved the promotion of 27 faculty members, 7 to the position of professor, 20 to the position of associate professor, the appointment of 23 lecturers, and the granting of 75 doctoral degrees and 110 master's degrees in various scientific specializations.

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