important news
Appointment of Dr. Al-Siefy as Dean of the Faculty of Commerce
Alexandria University President Dr. Essam El-Kurdi congratulated Dr. El Sayed Abdellatif Al-Siefy on the occasion of the Republican decree to be appointed as Dean of Faculty of Commerce for three years.
Medical examination for the new students will be on 10 September
Alexandria University Council of Education and Students Affairs during its last session on 21/8/2017 headed by Dr. Hisham Gaber reviewed the preparation of university faculties for the new academic year 2017/2018 that will begin on 16/9/2017. The Council discussed the procedures of the medical examination for new students will be on 10 September and will include complete examination for Virus-C and treatment program for any patient in order to achieve the target of "Alexandria University free of virus-C".
Alexandria University grants 33 PhD and 112 master degrees during August
Alexandria University Council in a meeting on Thursday August 22, 2017, headed by the President of the university Dr. Essam El-Kurdi approved the promotion and appointment of 18 of faculty members and appointment of 21 Lecturers. The council also adopted 33 PhD and 112 master degrees in various disciplines.
"Veterinary Medicine" launches two convoys to Bagosh and Brrany during August
Within the role of Alexandria University branch in Matroh in community service, the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine organized two veterinary convoys to Bagosh and Sidi Brrany on 21/8 and 27/8, and another medical convoy during the first week of next November to serve the people in Matroh and Siwa. The convoys are supported by the university, Siwa businessmen and Raml Rotary Club.
AU President: establishment of the Faculty of Medical and Technological Sciences in Borg Al Arab
Alexandria University President Dr. Essam El-Kurdi declared that there is 350 feddan allocated for the establishment of the Faculty
of Medical and Technological Sciences in Borg Al Arab. The new faculty will produce technical alumni in all medical disciplines.
This came during the participation in the meeting of the Faculty Council of Medicine headed by the Dean Dr. Ahmed Othman.
Dr. Kurdi added that the coming period will see advances in the administrative work using automation and restructuring of some faculties using credit hours system.