important news



Alexandria University President Prof. Essam El-Kurdi visited the University of Alabama in USA to reactivate the memorandum of understanding signed

between the two sides since 2009. Dr. Kurdi also visited the sustainable cities center in the Faculty of Engineering, the Research Center of Preventive Medicine in the Faculty of Medicine and the Innovation Center to learn about the new disciplines that would develop a specific movement for AU graduates, especially in the field of Biomedical Engineering and Informatics.

AU President declared that this visit included an agreement to establish joint degrees between the two universities in fields of biomedical engineering and smart and sustainable cities. The two sides also agreed to develop international alliance to exchange experiences between scientific institutions in the field of smart and sustainable cities where Alexandria University will be the regional center in the Middle East and to apply the results in the city of Alexandria in collaboration with the government.

They also discussed the possibility for undergraduate students to obtain two degrees from the two universities under the condition of that the student should study for two semesters in the University of Alabama (1+3) with an opportunity to study one additional year to get the Master's degree in biomedical engineering (2+3). They also highlighted joint research conducted by the professors from the universities and funded by the National Scientific Fund NSF from USA and the Egyptian Science and Technology Fund. The two sides agreed to allow the opportunity for students of the faculty of Medicine and Nursing to spend a period of training in the University of Alabama.


The Minister of Electricity and Renewable Energy, Dr. Mohamed Shaker stressed that the plan of his ministry is to provide 20% of energy demands by 2022 and 37% from it by 2035 to be from renewable sources. The Minister added that the variety in renewable energy is one of the important strategies of the ministry. Dr. Shaker pointed that using solar energy will reduce energy costs. He added that implementing the solar atlas which was presented by Dr. Hisham Al-Askary will improve the quality of solar energy.

This came during the celebration prepared by Alexandria University on Thursday (17/7/2017). The celebration was headed by AU President Dr. Essam El-Kurdy to honor Dr. Magdy Yaakoub the world heart surgeon and Dr. Hisham El-Askary the Alexandria University son and Professor of Geo-

science and remote sensing systems. The event was organized within the university's celebrations of its Diamond Jubilee.

Dr. Mohamed Khayat, the President of the Authority of New and Renewable Energy spoke about the future of renewable energy through some axes including new strategies and technologies. He indicated that the future vision depends on maximizing electricity production from renewable energy in Egypt like hydro-energy, solar energy and wind energy.

The event was attended by Prof. Essam Khamis, vice-minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Eng. Soaad Al Kholi, deputy governor of Alexandria and heads and deputies of the Egyptian universities, public and executive leaders and businessmen in addition to a lot of faculty members and students.


General Dr. Mohamed Said El Assar; the State Minister of Military Production declared that the ministry plans to establish a factory to produce solar cells from silicon sands with a capacity of 1 Giga/year. The new factory will promote the policy the Ministry of Electricity in providing renewable energy sources. He added the a committee was formed from the Ministries of Electricity, Investment and Military Production to follow up and review the feasibility studies of this project.

Dr. Assar stated the ministry has one factory for solar energy production with a capacity of 50 Giga/year and future plan to add new line with the capacity to be in service soon.

This came during the celebration prepared by Alexandria University on Thursday (17/7/2017). The celebration was headed by AU President Dr. Essam El-Kurdy to honor Dr. Magdy Yaakoub the world heart surgeon and

Dr. Hisham El-Askary the Alexandria University son and Professor of Geo-science and remote sensing systems. The event was organized within the university's celebrations of its Diamond Jubilee.

Dr. Mohamed Khayat, the President of the Authority of New and Renewable Energy spoke about the future of renewable energy through some axes including new strategies and technologies. He indicated that the future vision depends on maximizing electricity production from renewable energy in Egypt like hydro-energy, solar energy and wind energy.

The event was attended by Prof. Essam Khamis, vice-minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Eng. Soaad Al Kholi, deputy governor of Alexandria and heads and deputies of the Egyptian universities, public and executive leaders and businessmen in addition to a lot of faculty members and students.



Dr. Magdy Yaakoub, the global cardiac surgeon emphasized the importance of science in the progress of nations reveling that Egypt has professional competences so that it can be a pioneer in scientific research, in addition to achieving the highest level of diseases curing. This came during the ceremony organized by Alexandria University and headed by university President Dr. Essam El- Kurdy to honor Dr. Yaakoub and Dr. Hisham El-Askary the Professor of Geo-science and remote sensing systems.

Dr. Yaakoub pointed out the importance of providing distinguished scientific centers and giving youth the chance to conduct scientific researches that can be internationally recognized. Dr. yaakoub presented the future vision of the new medical center in Aswan that will depend on solar energy and it will be expanded to be full scientific city on the Nile. The new center will contain hospital research institute to provide good service to all people and patients care.

Dr. Hisham El-Askary spoke about the solar atlas project in details, development prospects in Egypt and how this atlas will be used in the expansion of Dr. Yakoub Hospital in Aswan.



Ambassador Nabila Makram the Minister of State for Immigration and Egyptian Expatriate Affairs stated that Egypt needs to the minds of expatriates to benefit from their experiences. She commended the success achieved by the alumni of Alexandria University abroad in various scientific fields. She also emphasized that Egypt can lead the world by its sons at home and abroad, scientists, experts and professors.

This came during the celebration prepared by Alexandria University on Thursday (17/7/2017). The celebration was headed by AU President Dr. Essam El-Kurdy to honor Dr. Magdy Yaakoub the world heart surgeon and Dr. Hisham El-Askary the Alexandria University son and Professor of Geoscience and remote sensing systems. The event was organized within the university's celebrations of its Diamond Jubilee.

The event was attended by Prof. Essam Khamis, vice-minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Eng. Soaad Al Kholi, deputy governor of Alexandria and heads and deputies of the Egyptian universities, public and executive leaders and businessmen in addition to a lot of faculty members and students.