
important news

Alexandria University family congratulates all the winners of State Awards for 2015. The winning names were announced by Prof. Dr. Mahmoud Sakr; President of the Academy of Scientific Researchwhere seven names came from Alexandria University as following:

Prof. Dr. Mamdoh Saad Masaud; the Professor Emeritus at Faculty of Science who won State Appreciation Award in Basic Sciences

Prof. Dr. Ahmed Mohamed El sayed; the Professor Emeritus at Faculty of Science who won State Appreciation Award in Basic Sciences

Also five professors won the State Encouraging Awards in sciences and Technology namely:

Prof. Dr. Ahmed Mohamed Mahdy; the Professor at Faculty of Agriculture (in Agricultural Science field)

Dr. Mohamed Zidan Salem; the Lecturer at Faculty of Agriculture (in Agricultural Science field)

Dr. Nagy Nagib Naaim; the Lecturer at Faculty of Medicine (in Medical Science field)

Dr. Zyad Ahmed Rashad; the Lecturerat Faculty of Engineering (in Engineering Science field)

Dr. Amr Ahmed Hasan; the Assistant Professor at Faculty of Engineering (in Engineering Science field)

Dr. Rushdi Zahran, president of Alexandria University receives Mr. Ambassador / Mohamed Haji Hamzah, Tanzania's ambassador in Cairo, Where they discussed ways of boosting relations and the establishment of joint relations and cooperation in academic fields and scientific research and exchange of experience, especially in the agricultural and medical fields, and ways to increase the number of foreign students (undergraduate and graduate) to study from Tanzania.


Prof. Dr. Rushdi Zahran said that Alexandria University is keen to open up areas of cooperation with the Tanzanian universities, similar to relations with the countries of Chad and South Sudan, Kenya, Ethiopia, Guinea, and meet the needs of Tanzania in the areas in which they need for teaching and research and the preparation of programs and common degrees (undergraduate and graduate) and participate in projects research or other academic activities to be agreed upon through scientific visits, as well as exchange students for study or training


For his part, Tanzanian Ambassador stressed that African country rich in human and natural potentials can be exploited and converted into a promising and economic power to the peoples of these countries to work towards change for the better


Prof. Dr. Rushdi Zahran, president of Alexandria Universityreceived Anthony Kon, South Sudan's ambassador in Cairo and Ashraf Okasha, Consul of South Sudan to discuss executive steps for the opening of the university branch in southern Sudan in Tong state, and the start of the study in October in three faculties:Faculty of Agriculture, Veterinary Medicine and Education. Starting from 90 student and could double in the following years and the agreement to sign a joint memorandum of understanding for this purpose.


Prof. Dr. Zahran emphasized during the meeting, the university's keenness on supporting scientific cooperation relations with the State of South Sudan and activating the scientific cooperation agreements concluded between the two sides and for the branch of the university in southern Sudan, the university president pointed out that it has been completed to create the custom of the three faculties as well as the teacher's housing association and administrative staff members and were equipped with all necessary equipment for the start of the study, as well as students studying phases of undergraduate - Alexandria university president promised to overcome the difficulties they face during the study period, which relate to training in university cities and participate in student activities.


Also Mr. Ambassador thanked the Egyptian government for its support of the State of South Sudan through the establishment of development projects in the fields of agriculture, electricity and water, health and other resources, and stressed his country's keenness to push and encourage bilateral cooperation with Egypt in the coming period, and pointed out that the University of Alexandria branch in southern Sudan would further strengthen relations between the two countries and achieve the common interests of both sides


Alexandria University Council during its session on 26 April 2016 headed by Dr. Roshdi Zahran decided to celebrate Science Day on 19 May 2016. Within the celebration the university will honor the scientists who obtained the Order of the Republic, Nile Awards, State Awards, and University Awards for scientific excellence in addition to faculty members who obtained national, regional or international prizes through the period from 2010 till 2015.

Alexandria University Council during its session on 26 April 2016 headed by Dr. Roshdi Zahran decided to hold an induction seminar on 15 May 2016 with participation of students and African ambassadors in order to illustrate the available programs in Alexandria University provided by various faculties and institutes to meet requirements of this countries in all disciplines.