
important news

Prof. Dr. Essam ElKurdi, Vice-President of Alexandria University for Community Service and Environment Development traveled to the United Arab Emirates to participate on behalf of Prof. Dr. Rushdy Zahran, the Rector of the university on the activities of the 49th General Conference of the Association of Arab Universities in 2016, held in the United Arab Emirates University campus in Al Ain - Abu Dhabi.

Prof. Dr. Essam ElKurdi participated in the of cultural and scientific committee of the conference, which was attended by a large number of Arab Ministers of Education and Rectors of 250 Arab University as well as representatives from Arab, regional and international organizations. 



The University of Pécs in Hungary honored Prof. Dr. Sameh Shehata, Professor of Pediatric Surgery in Alexandria University and Vice President of the International Union for pediatric surgery. The Hungarian university invited Dr. Shehata to deliver a lecture honorary and to be honored as one of the figures of Pediatric surgery in the world and the first Egyptian and Arab scientist to get this honor among a list of the best Pediatric surgeons in the world.

 Dr. Sameh Shehata declared that during the ceremony he performed an operation that have been developed at Alexandria University universally known as "Sameh Shehata Operation" for 6 Hungarian children. This surgery is also performed in several global centers under the name of the Egyptian surgeon.

 The live broadcast of these operations was attended by many Hungarian surgeons who came for this purpose particularly from different centers of pediatric surgery in Hungary. 

Dr. Sameh Shehata delivered a lecture during the ceremony entitled "Medicine in Pharaonic Egypt"


As part of relations development and enhancement between Egypt and Greece, Prof. Dr. Rushdy Zahran, the President of Alexandria University received Mr. Emmanuel Kakavelakis Consul General of Greece in Alexandria and Dr. Demetris Iakovidis; Head of the Technological Educational Institute of Athens – Greece. The meeting was held on 6 April 2016 where they signed a memorandum of understanding between Alexandria University represented by Prof. Dr. Hanan Katara; Dean of the Faculty of Tourism and Hotels and Dr. Demetris Iakovidis representing the Technological Educational Institute of Athens to establish joint relations and cooperation in cultural, academic and scientific research areas and exchanging experiences in addition to preparation of joint training programs. 

Prof. Dr. Roshdy Zahran declared that the memorandum of understanding covers the cooperation in teaching and research programs and joint scientific degrees for undergraduate and graduate studies level in areas of common interest and exchanging faculty members and researchers as visiting professors to deliver lectures or participate in research projects or any other academic activities to be agreed through scientific visits. 

The signing ceremony was attended by Prof. Dr. Seddik Abdul Salam; University Deputy for Graduate Studies and Research, Prof. Dr. Mohamed Abaza, University Deputy for Matrouh Branch Affairs, Prof. Dr. Essam Kurdi; University Deputy for Community Service and Environment Development, Prof. Dr. Hisham Gaber, University Deputy for Education and Students Affairs and Prof. Dr. Heba Saad; Deputy of the Faculty of Tourism and Hotels for Graduate Studies and Research.

Dr. Seddik Abdel Salam; Deputy of Alexandria University for Graduate Studies and Research received a delegation of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) on Thursday 14 April 2016. The delegation included Dr. Roman Luckscheiter; DAAD Cairo Director and Irene El-Khorazaty; Coordinator of German Scientists and Students programs. The meeting discussed cooperation between the two sides and increasing the activities of German language education in Alexandria University faculties and institutes. It was greed to organize induction day for faculty members and assisting staff to know about DAAD activities of grants and joint research projects and degrees with German universities.

It was also agreed to hold workshop in May to be attended by deans and deputies of all Alexandria University faculties to discuss how to find partners from German universities for cooperation in joint scientific researches and degrees. The meeting also included the adoption of the contract of Mrs. Maria Rauscher; the Lecturer for the DAAD in Alexandria University.

Dr. Abdel Salam Seddik presented the memorial Medal of the university to Dr. Roman Luckscheiter as appreciation for his efforts through the support of the DAAD to Alexandria University.

Alexandria University Community Service and Environmental Development Council resolved, during its meeting held recently, headed by Dr. Essam Al Kurdy, Vice President for Community Service and Environmental Development, to link the simplified Internet World Website www.eznetworld.net , to the faculties websites interested in adult education. That is based on the Council's discussions about the speech provided by the Faculty of Arts on doctoral thesis of Dr. Ghadir Magdy Abdel Wahab, which won the prize of the best thesis in the Arab world in the field of libraries and information technology, under the supervision of Dr. Ghada Abdel Moneim Mosa, the Faculty Vice Dean, where the subject of the thesis was about digital illiteracy emancipation for the elderly.