important news

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Dr. Mohamed Ayman Ashour, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, witnessed the signing of the cooperation protocol between Alexandria and Damanhour Universities, where Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, and Dr. Elhamy Tarabis, President of Damanhour University, signed the joint cooperation protocol between the two universities in the fields of higher education, scientific research, community service, environmental development, as well as health services, training and quality. This comes within the framework of Alexandria University's keenness to contribute to achieving comprehensive cooperation with the universities of the Northern Alliance region, and to work with Damanhour University to establish the Faculty of Medicine, the University Hospital and the Faculty of Dentistry to serve Beheira Governorate, a turning point in providing medical services in the governorate.
This came in the presence of Dr. Mustafa Refaat, Secretary of the Supreme Council of Universities, Dr. Sami Hashem, Chairman of the Education and Scientific Research Committee in the House of Representatives, and members of the Supreme Council of Universities.
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Dr. Konsowa pointed out after signing the protocol that this cooperation comes within the framework of Alexandria University’s work with the universities of the northern region in accordance with the national strategy of the Ministry of Higher Education and Egypt’s Vision 2030, within the framework of regional alliances between public, private, civil and technological universities, civil society, local development agencies and the industrial community, to contribute to achieving comprehensive development in all geographical regions across the country, and to enhance scientific and research cooperation between universities and the industrial and business community in its comprehensive concept. He explained that the protocol between the two sides will include the exchange of experiences and cooperation to develop and set regulations, curricula and study plans for the Faculty of Medicine and the Faculty of Dentistry at Damanhour University, and to evaluate the quality of medical study programs and develop them. It will also include joint cooperation to develop the capabilities of faculty members, the exchange of faculty members between the two universities to provide consultations, teaching and scientific research, and to prepare a distinguished training matrix to raise the efficiency of the administrative apparatus at the Faculty of Medicine, the University Hospital and the Faculty of Dentistry at Damanhour University, and also to exchange study materials, published research and other scientific and technological information, and to implement joint research projects within the framework of achieving the mission of both universities.
Dr. Konsowa added that this will also include cooperation in the field of projects related to community service and environmental development of the Alexandria and Beheira region, organizing and sponsoring scientific conferences, seminars and workshops, holding seminars and workshops to discuss societal problems in both governorates, exchanging medical, academic and clinical expertise and consultations regarding the establishment, equipping, furnishing and accreditation of university hospitals, exchanging administrative expertise regarding the administrative and service apparatus of university hospitals, organizing mutual visits to increase awareness and participation in the university hospital management system, developing a joint training matrix to qualify university students for the labour market, and exchanging expertise between the two universities in the field of quality and accreditation of medical and educational institutions.
Dr. Tarabis stressed that the establishment of the Faculty of Medicine, the University Hospital and the Faculty of Dentistry at Damanhour University is one of the important national projects in the region, stressing his endeavour, in cooperation with Alexandria University, to qualify future cadres scientifically, practically and training-wise to compete in the local, regional and international labour market to achieve the goals of the national strategy for higher education and scientific research in university hospitals to improve the quality of health services provided to citizens.


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The results of the final stage of the student union elections at Alexandria University for the academic year 2024/2025 were announced this evening, Thursday, according to the timetable approved by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, which resulted in the victory of student Hazem Badr El-Din Gomaa, sixth year, Faculty of Pharmacy, for the position of President of the Alexandria University Student Union, and student Gaber El-Sayed Gaber, fourth year, Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, for the position of Vice President of the Union.
The election process for the position of President of the University Student Union and his deputy took place by secret ballot in the presence of Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of the University, Dr. Ali Abdelmohsen, Acting Vice President of the University for Education and Student Affairs, and a number of deans of faculties, with the participation of the heads and vice presidents of student unions in the faculties of Alexandria University.
In his speech after announcing the election results, Dr. Konsowa congratulated the winning students and thanked the previous Student Union for their efforts during the past year, stressing the university's support for the new Student Union. He stressed that the university witnessed a free democratic experience in electoral practice, pointing out the importance of student activities and events in shaping the integrated personality of students, refining their skills, highlighting their talents, and preparing leadership cadres for the future. The university president called on the new Student Union to assume responsibility for serving the entire student community and forming working groups to develop the university campus and raise the number and level of student and service activities in the various faculties of the university.
Dr. Konsowa pointed out that the university is making every effort to achieve distinguished educational quality through the programs it offers and the dual and joint degrees with major international universities, and applying the outcomes of scientific research to build a knowledge economy through the Alexandria University Technology Park incubator, establishing branches of international universities in cooperation with Alexandria University, and developing the first-stage university laboratories to comply with the latest international standards.
Dr. Ali Abdelmohsen pointed out that the elections were held calmly, noting the great student turnout witnessed in the elections. He stressed the university's support for student activities, which are considered one of the most important foundations of the educational system, which aims to strengthen and support team spirit, consolidate human ties, and document them among students, adding that it is one of the most important ways to develop loyalty and belonging to the homeland. He expressed his thanks for the efforts made by the deans and vice deans of the faculties and the General Administration of Youth Care for the successful outcome of the electoral process.
The total number of applicants for the student elections was 1304 male and female students, and the number of accepted papers was 1146 male and female students. The student Aisel Mahmoud from the Faculty of Computers and Data Sciences won as the Secretary of the Student Fraternities Committee, the student Hania Abdelkhaleq from the Faculty of Agriculture as the Secretary of the Technical Committee, the student Mayar Sameh from the Faculty of Science as the Secretary of the Sports Committee, the student Mohaimen Ahmed from the Faculty of Arts as the Secretary of the Cultural Committee, the student Mahmoud Khamis from the Faculty of Science as the Secretary of the Rovers Committee, the student Mohamed Khaled from the Faculty of Education as the Secretary of the Social Committee, and the student Saif Ahmed from the Faculty of Medicine as the Secretary of the Scientific Committee.
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Dr. Saeed Allam, Vice President of Alexandria University for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs, stressed during his participation with the Board of Trustees of the Faculties and Institutes of Alexandria University, the necessity for the trustees to complete maintenance work for all faculties' facilities and review the roofs, ceilings, rainwater drains, and electrical panels to ensure the safety of individuals and facilities in all faculties and institutes of the university.
Dr. Allam discussed with the Board of Trustees of the faculties the vision prepared by the Community Service and Environmental Development Sector to provide waste and waste sorting boxes within the faculties and institutes of the university to maintain the aesthetic appearance befitting Alexandria University.
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Dr. Allam also discussed with the Board the mechanism for organizing a package of training courses for university employees, especially departments that deal directly with students, with the aim of providing a good educational service to students and overcoming all obstacles facing them.
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Within the framework of the presidential initiative "Bidaya", Dr. Allam followed up with the council the implementation of the timetable for the initiative organized by the Community Service and Environment Development Sector in coordination with the Faculty of Medicine to conduct a survey of high blood pressure and diabetes among university employees for early detection of this type of chronic non-communicable diseases and to provide the necessary guidance, in order to ensure the health of university employees.
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Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, and Counselor Abdelrazzak Mahmoud Shoaib, Head of the State Lawsuits Authority, signed a cooperation protocol with the aim of developing aspects of cooperation in areas of common interest and related academic, research and training activities.

The signing of the protocol was witnessed by Dr. Saeed Allam, Vice President of Alexandria University for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs, Dr. Ali Abdelmohsen, Acting Vice President of the University for Education and Students Affairs, Dr. Hisham Saeed, Vice President of the University for Graduate Studies and Research, Dr. Mohamed El-Feki, Dean of the Faculty of Law, Alexandria University, and Dr. Mayada Abdelkader, Acting Vice Dean of the Faculty of Law for Graduate Studies and Research.
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Dr. Konsowa stressed that the protocol aims to consolidate cooperation between the two sides in all fields, especially legal fields, and to assist researchers and students from the State Lawsuits Authority in the field of legal, administrative and economic studies by providing academic references and indexes, and benefiting from human and specialized capabilities in scientific, training and research fields by organizing conferences, seminars, workshops and training courses. He added that there will be an exchange of scientific production (periodicals - studies - reports - research - magazines - scientific bulletins) between the two parties, and providing all means of assistance to the State Lawsuits Authority members to register in specialized educational and research programs in the master's and doctorate degrees. Dr. Konsowa explained that under this protocol, a joint committee will be formed from Alexandria University (Faculty of Law) and the State Lawsuits Authority (Center for Judicial Studies) to coordinate between them regarding the implementation of the provisions of this protocol and to develop an executive plan for joint activities and propose programs, activities and various other events.
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Counselor Abdelrazzak Mahmoud stressed that through this protocol, the legal library of both parties will be provided with the most important books, encyclopedias, scientific and research papers, and legal references, in addition to providing each party with the opportunity to access their respective electronic platforms, in addition to cooperation in conducting research and studies, and preparing working papers in order to contribute to developing the legal culture of both parties, and exchanging academic and judicial cadres, experts, and specialists according to the scientific, training, and student research programs.

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In its session held today, Tuesday, November 26, 2024, Alexandria University Council, headed by Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of the University, approved in principle the establishment of a branch of Alexandria University in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi in the United Arab Emirates, and studies will begin there starting from the next academic year in 10 programs in the fields of humanities, business and computer science, in addition to a group of professional programs and dual and joint programs in cooperation with several international universities. The matter was referred to the Ministry of Higher Education and the Prime Minister's Office to obtain the required approvals.
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 Dr. Konsowa congratulated the Education and Student Sector at the University on the occasion of Alexandria University obtaining first place in the field of student activities with 10,480 student activities at the level of Egyptian universities for the academic year 2023/2024, expressing his appreciation for the efforts made by all workers in this important field that aims to hone students' skills, develop their talents, and raise the level of awareness and values of loyalty and belonging.
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 The Council honored Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of the University, on the occasion of the end of his tenure as president of the university, thanking him for his distinguished and well-felt efforts during this period, reaching achievements to improve the performance of the university and advance its role in serving education and scientific research.
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 The Council honored Dr. Mohamed El-Feki, Dean of the Faculty of Law, on the occasion of the end of his deanship tenure, thanking him for his tangible to advance the faculty.
 The Council approved the procedures for establishing the Alexandria University Company for Development, Consulting, Services and Agricultural Manufacturing.
 The Council approved the Memorandum of Understanding between Alexandria University and YouScribe platform, to enhance the university's capabilities in providing integrated digital resources and supporting the academic experience of faculty members and students.
 The Council approved naming the exhibition hall in the main building of the Faculty of Fine Arts in Mazloum after Dr. Ahmed Osman, founder of the Faculty of Fine Arts, Alexandria University and the late plastic artist, in appreciation of this great scholar and one of the pillars of modern Egyptian art.
 The Council approved the establishment of a professional master's program of applied physics physics in renewable energy for the postgraduate stage according to the credit hours system.
 The Council approved the establishment of a professional diploma in cosmetology and laser at the Faculty of Medicine.
 The University Council approved the Memorandum of Understanding between Alexandria University and Jean Moulin University Lyon in France, the Memorandum of Understanding between Alexandria University (Faculty of Pharmacy) and both El Borg Pharmaceutical Industries and the Department of Molecular Medicine and Chinese Medicine Preparations at the Hangzhou Institute of Medicine at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the Joint Cooperation Agreement between Alexandria University (Faculty of Tourism and Hotels) and the French Scientific Institute of Oriental Archaeology in Cairo (IFAO), the Scientific Cooperation Agreement between Alexandria University (Institute of Linguistic Studies and Translation - Faculty of Arts) and the Faculty of Language and Media at the Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport, the Partnership Agreement between Alexandria University and the International Alliance of French-Speaking Mediterranean Universities (AIME), the Bilateral Partnership Agreement between Alexandria University and Jean Moulin University - Lyon 3 in France, the Memorandum of Understanding between Alexandria University (Faculty of Agriculture) and Inner Mongolia Agricultural University for two years, the Cooperation Agreement between Alexandria University (Faculty of Science) and the University of Littoral Cote d'Opal - France, and the Annex to the Cooperation Protocol concluded between Alexandria University (Faculty of Agriculture, Saba Pasha) and the General Syndicate of Agricultural Professions.
 The Council approved the promotion of 36 faculty members, 16 to the position of professor, 20 to the position of associate professor, the appointment of 17 lecturers, the granting of 83 doctoral degrees, and 196 master's degrees in various scientific disciplines.