important news


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Alexandria University Education and Student Affairs Council confirmed during its meeting today, headed by Dr. Ali Abdelmohsen, Acting Vice President of the University for Education and Student Affairs, the completion of all preparations and logistical arrangements in all faculties of the university in preparation for the first semester final exams. Dr. Abdelmohsen confirmed taking all necessary measures and preparing examination committees and halls, announcing examination schedules, forming control rooms, and providing an appropriate examination environment for students, while taking into account health safety instructions and precautionary measures, and announced the formation of a higher committee to follow up on the progress of exams, receive any complaints or problems and work to solve them immediately to ensure that the exams proceed smoothly and effectively.
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Dr. Ali Abdelmohsen also directed the faculty vice deans to consider students with disabilities and integration students and provide them with all facilitations. He also stressed the importance of the presence of subject professors and their inspection of the exam halls while students are taking the exams so that students can express their remarks and respond to them, noting the importance of tightening the process of monitoring exams to prevent cheating and achieve justice among students.
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Dr. Ali Abdelmohsen pointed out that Alexandria University is heading to support cooperation between academia and industry in accordance with the strategy of the Ministry of Higher Education, which pays great attention to qualifying students and graduates and providing them with the necessary skills for the requirements of the labour market, and supporting the career path for employment in line with the efforts of the Egyptian state to achieve sustainable development, directing the faculty vice deans to enhance ways of cooperation with industrial partners to train students and qualify them to compete in local, regional and international labour markets.
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The Council congratulated Dr. Hassan Abdeen, Dr. Nevin Gharib and Dr. Doaa El-Dardiry on the occasion of the issuance of the presidential decree appointing them as deans of the Faculties of Education, Fine Arts, and Physical Education for Girls respectively, wishing them continued success and prosperity.

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The Community Service and Environmental Development Council, chaired by Dr. Saeed Allam, Vice President of the University for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs, directed the activation of the role of the committee formed to implement the university's plan to confront the rainy season and the storms, and to review the roofs well before the coming storms to prevent rainwater from leaking and causing damage to buildings, and to ensure the safety of draining rainwater from the roofs in a proper and safe manner through the drains and the roofs of the buildings, as well as following up on the drainage methods in the streets of the colleges and branches and ensuring their suitability to absorb rainwater, and taking all preventive measures and removing any belongings from the tops of the roofs to prevent damage to the facilities, and inspecting all sources of electricity in various places and isolating them completely, and Dr. Saeed Allam confirmed that the university is working according to a well-studied plan to review all systems related to water drainage and roof insulation and review university facilities, whether in university cities or university buildings, and providing urgent intervention teams to monitor any accumulations inside the university and deal with them urgently.
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• The Council approved the cooperation agreement between the Faculty of Agriculture, Alexandria University, and Al-Fath Dairy Products Factory.
• The Council was also informed of the report submitted by the Faculties of Medicine, Pharmacy, Science, Nursing, and Early Childhood Education regarding the College's participation in the medical and community convoy within the presidential initiative (A New Beginning for Building the Human Being) in the Al-Seyouf and King Mariout areas.
• The Council was informed of the report submitted by the Faculty of Early Childhood Education regarding a workshop entitled "Exchange of Experiences on the Most Important Lessons Learned and Results Achieved", the awareness seminar entitled "Rationalizing Water Consumption and Preserving the Sewage Network in Cooperation with the General Administration of Environmental Awareness at the Alexandria Sewage Company, the "Positive Parenting" seminar, the "First Aid" seminar, and the Children's Day celebration.

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In continuation of Alexandria University's active participation in the presidential initiative for human development "Bedaya: A New Beginning for Building the Human Being", and under the auspices of Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, the Community Service and Environmental Development Sector, headed by Dr. Saeed Allam, Vice President of the University for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs, organized a community service medical convoy, on Friday, December 13, 2024, to the King Mariout area in western Alexandria.
This came with the participation of a number of university faculties, namely (Medicine - Dentistry - Pharmacy - Science - Nursing - Higher Institute of Public Health - Medical Research Institute).
Dr. Tamer Abdallah, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Medicine for Community Service and Environmental Development and Rapporteur of the University’s Convoys Committee, pointed out that the convoy was organized in cooperation with the “Volunteering is Life” Foundation, stressing the importance of these convoys in providing medical services to citizens in the most needy areas in the villages of Kahla, Abul-Reesh, Ard El-Qerd, Ard El-Sa’aida, El-Wadi, Masna'a El Toob, and Bashary in the King Mariout area.
Dr. Tamer Abdallah announced that during the day, 79 dermatology cases, 40 pediatrics cases, 34 nose and ear cases, 92 orthopedic cases, 102 internal medicine cases, 35 ophthalmology cases, and 95 dental cases were examined, totaling 477 cases, in addition to providing free medicines and transferring some cases to university hospitals, as well as providing free consultations in various medical specialties.
The Faculty of Nursing participated in the activities of the convoy by giving a health education seminar for the people of the region about mental health and wellness, types of psychological stress, its warning symptoms and how to deal with it, in addition to performing chronic diseases tests such as blood pressure and diabetes, where 70 cases of blood pressure and blood sugar were measured.
The Faculty of Science participated through a team from the Department of Botany and Microbiology, where they provided an explanation to the people of the region on how to grow mushrooms at home, how to make natural organic fertilizer, and awareness of plant diseases and the environmental damage of cutting trees.
Awareness and educational services were also provided to citizens of different ages and children through the Department of Community Medicine at the Faculty of Medicine.
At the end of the day, the people of the area thanked Alexandria University for this humanitarian initiative on behalf of the people of the village, especially the most needy, and for providing them with distinguished medical care.

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Under the auspices of Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, and Major General Head of the Administrative Control Office in Alexandria, Alexandria University organized today, Wednesday, December 11, 2024, a seminar entitled "United Against Corruption" in conjunction with the International Anti-Corruption Day, in the Grand Hall of the Faculty of Nursing, Alexandria University, in the presence of Dr. Saeed Allam, Vice President of the University for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs, Dr. Hisham Saeed, Vice President of the University for Graduate Studies and Research, members of the Administrative Control Authority in Alexandria, deans, vice deans, and secretaries of faculties and institutes of Alexandria University, university administrators, and students.
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In his speech, Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, welcomed the members of the Administrative Control Authority to Alexandria University, praising the effective role played by the Administrative Control Authority in preventing and combating corruption and reducing its risks. He stressed that what the Egyptian state has achieved in the field of combating corruption is a qualitative leap that would not have been possible without the existence of this climate created by the wise political leadership led by President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi.
Dr. Konsowa added that Alexandria University;s vision goes in tandem with that of the Egyptian state and the problems of Egyptian society, the most important of which is combating corruption in all its forms and types, stressing that the university is committed to taking all preventive measures and procedures to spread the values of integrity and transparency to achieve effective and transparent management, which contributes to strengthening the role of the university in higher education, scientific research and community service. He also referred to the projects and activities adopted by the university within its strategic plan to internationalize higher education and improve the quality of education at Alexandria University, and the university's plan for digital transformation and mechanization of all departments and the use of modern tools and technologies to improve efficiency and eliminate corruption from its sources. He pointed out that the university is keen to involve its cadres in training courses and activities organized by the National Academy for Combating Corruption to raise the efficiency of its administrators, indicating that the coming period will also witness the participation of faculty members in these courses.
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The head of the Administrative Control Office in Alexandria thanked the administration of Alexandria University for hosting this seminar at Alexandria University, which is one of the most important sanctuaries of science in Egypt, as the seminar coincides with the International Anti-Corruption Day on December 9 of each year. During the seminar, he reviewed the basic concepts of corruption, the definition of the powers of the member of the Administrative Control Authority, the national strategy for combating corruption, the definition of the most prominent oversight bodies in the Egyptian state, contemporary national issues, the emergence of Administrative Control Authority, its role in combating corruption, and its impact on comprehensive development and human rights, as well as the role of governance and combating corruption and their effects in supporting comprehensive development efforts in the Egyptian state. He also explained the role of the Administrative Control Authority in combating and preventing corruption, and the most prominent successful practices it has achieved, in addition to the international and regional agreements concluded by the Authority in the field of combating corruption with similar bodies from various countries of the world.
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Under the auspices of Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, and within the framework of the 16-day campaign against violence, the Anti-Violence Against Women Unit at Alexandria University held its first educational forum in cooperation with the Alexandria University Cultural Salon at the Conference Centre of the Faculty of Nursing.
The forum was held under the supervision of Dr. Manal Fouda, Executive Director of the Unit, and the opening was attended by Dr. Sahar Sherif, Rapporteur of the Alexandria University Cultural Salon, Dr. Magda El Shazly, Rapporteur of the National Council for Women in Alexandria, Counselor Mohamed Samir, Vice President of the Administrative Prosecution Authority in Cairo, Sheikh Dr. Ibrahim El Gamal, Director General of Fatwa and Secretary of the Egyptian Family House at Al-Azhar, Father Dr. Ibrahim Zakaria, President of the Supreme Council of the Nile Synod (Evangelical Church), and a large number of deans and vice deans of faculties, faculty members and students.
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The first session was moderated by Prof. Dr. Sahar Sherif, a member of the Board of Directors of the Unit and Rapporteur of the Alexandria University Cultural Salon. The session was entitled “Legislative Frameworks for Combating Violence” and was presented by Prof. Dr. Magda El Shazly, Rapporteur of the National Council for Women in Alexandria, and Counselor Dr. Mohamed Samir, Vice President of the Administrative Prosecution Authority in Cairo. The second session was about “Combating Violence and Human Nature” and was moderated by Prof. Dr. Hesham Metwally, Professor of Forensic Medicine and a member of the Board of Directors of the Unit, and was presented by His Eminence Sheikh Dr. Ibrahim El Gamal, Director General of Fatwa and Secretary of the Egyptian Family House at Al-Azhar, and Father Dr. Ibrahim Zakaria, President of the Supreme Council of the Synod of the Nile (Evangelical Church). The third session was about “Psychology of Violence” and was moderated by Prof. Dr. Sahar Issa, Professor of Forensic Medicine and a member of the Board of Directors of the Unit, and was presented by Prof. Dr. Rahab Siddiq, Dean of the Faculty of Early Childhood Education, and Asst. Prof. Dr. Reem Menisi, Acting Head of the Department of Mental Health at the Faculty of Nursing.
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The forum included the screening of several short films entitled "Taa Marbuta" in addition to an interactive theatrical performance entitled "Trauma" to clarify the psychological effects of violence against women.
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