important news


798a61da 71e3 4661 8faa c0d61fb14d7a


Alexandria University’s Education and Student Affairs Council discussed, in its session held today, Thursday, January 16, 2025, headed by Dr. Ali Abdelmohsen, Acting Vice President of the University for Education and Student Affairs, the progress of the first semester final exams, where Dr. Abdelmohsen thanked the faculty vice deans, faculty members and employees for the efforts made during the exam period, stressing the need to complete the control, correction, review and monitoring work periodically to quickly announce the results to students.
During the meeting, Dr. Sameh Nakhla, Director of the University's Measurement and Evaluation Centre, reviewed the timetable for the centre’s visits to all university faculties, as the centre carried out approximately 35 visits during the first semester, which included various faculties, with the aim of closely following up on the progress of practical, oral and written exams, and ensuring the application of the highest quality standards in measurement and evaluation processes, within the framework of the university's keenness to provide a distinguished educational environment for all students.
The Council also tasked the Measurement and Evaluation Centre with providing full support to the Taha Hussein Centre for Students with Disabilities, in order to ensure that all students have equal opportunities in education, meet their special needs in measurement and evaluation processes, and activate the electronic examination system on the computer at the centre.
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303d5efd 08d3 4b5e 87bb 259a253933cd

f528f8fb 8a66 4332 b128 6ca154f38296


The Community Service and Environmental Development Council, headed by Dr. Saeed Allam, Vice President of the University for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs, discussed the formation of a committee to rationalize energy consumption at the level of Alexandria University's faculties and institutes, where Dr. Saeed Allam confirmed that within the framework of Alexandria University's strategy that seeks to rationalize electricity consumption to preserve resources, a committee will be formed to rationalize electricity consumption in the university's facilities and units in line with the Egyptian state's efforts to rationalize electricity, and in line with the sustainable development strategy and Egypt's Vision 2030.
2e47c73d 4670 4ce7 9af8 2d04aba3f080
*The Council also approved the memorandum of understanding between the Faculty of Early Childhood Education, Alexandria University, and the Alexandria Health Affairs Directorate, as the memorandum of understanding includes the exchange of academic visits for faculty members and researchers to exchange views, give lectures, teach, and conduct joint research, participate in scientific seminars and conferences, hold training courses, workshops, and seminars at the Early Intervention Center affiliated with the Faculty, and provide the opportunity for a number of students to spend a training period in the field of early detection of disabilities, and participate in medical and therapeutic convoys For the Health Directorate, referring special cases of children with disabilities from the directorate's hospitals to conduct tests and evaluations within the Early Intervention Center at the faculty.
*The Council was informed of the report submitted by the Faculty of Business on the activities of the Community Service and Environmental Development Sector at the Faculty during the first semester of the academic year 2024/2025.
*The Council was informed of the report submitted by the Faculty of Medicine on the medical survey conducted by the Faculty of Science for patients with high blood pressure and diabetes for university employees, and the celebration of the Alumni Association Office.
*The Council was informed of the report submitted by the Faculty of Economics and Political Science on the activities and events that took place at the Faculty during the period from October 2024 to December 30, 2024.
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52060648 1ccd 4de7 b02b 546a116969e7


Under the auspices of Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, Acting President of Alexandria University, and the supervision of Dr. Ali Abdelmohsen, Acting Vice President for Education and Student Affairs and Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, the Faculty of Medicine, Alexandria University, organized a graduation ceremony for the 83rd batch of international students in the general program for the academic year 2023/2024.
The event took place in the presence of Dr. Iman Youssef, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Medicine for Education and Student Affairs, Dr. Tamer Abdallah, Vice Dean of the Faculty for Environmental Affairs and Community Service, Dr. Hala Maklad, Executive Director of the University's International Students Department, Dr. Abdelmoneim Fawzy, Head of the Doctors Syndicate in Alexandria, in addition to several deans and vice deans of faculties, heads of departments, faculty members, a number of consuls, ambassadors, diplomatic missions, and parents.
In her speech, Dr. Iman Youssef congratulated the international students on their graduation, stressing that the Faculty of Medicine, Alexandria University, is a large institution with a good international reputation on the “Study in Egypt” platform, which students from all over the world seek to belong to and graduate from. She also thanked the students for their efforts and hard work throughout their years of study, pointing out the challenges and difficulties they faced, the most important of which is their distance from their families and homeland. She said that Egypt was their second homeland, and that today is the day of the oath, after which they will be doctors of the future and ambassadors of Egypt in their countries. She stressed that the faculty administration will support them in their future practical and professional career and will open its doors to learning, whether in the mandatory training year as interns or postgraduate students. She also thanked the parents, stressing that today is the day of harvest for their children, as they reap the fruits of their struggle and efforts throughout the years of study to become doctors whose parents are proud of, and who will contribute to building their countries.
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Alexandria University Council reviewed in its session held yesterday, Tuesday, headed by Dr. Saeed Allam, Vice President of the University for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs, on behalf of Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa , President of the University, the preparations for the first semester final exams 2024-2025, which are taken by about 190,000 male and female students in the various academic stages in all the university's faculties and institutes, explaining that practical and oral exams for the different years have begun in some faculties. He directed the need to adhere to the application of the technical specifications of the exam paper according to the standards of the University's Measurement and Evaluation Center and to tighten control over exam work to prevent cheating, ensure the readiness of the controls, the regularity of faculty members and workers, the readiness of the comprehensive clinic, and taking the necessary precautionary measures.
Dr. Allam directed the necessity of reviewing and following up on all preparations for faculty facilities to limit any damage that may occur as a result of fluctuations related to weather conditions during the winter season by following up on all maintenance work and the water drainage system, and reviewing the roofs of all university buildings to prevent rain accumulation, ensuring the safety of all Alexandria University members and preventing buildings from being affected by any water accumulation.
The Council approved the nomination of the following gentlemen for the State Awards from the Academy of Scientific Research and Technology for the year 2024: Dr. Saeed Al-Sayed Ismail Al-Khami - Full-time Professor at the Faculty of Engineering for the Nile Award in Science (Engineering Sciences Branch), Dr. Sherif Hussein Abdel Razek Qandil, Full-time Professor at the Institute of Graduate Studies and Research for the Nile Award (in Advanced Technological Sciences), Dr. Abdel Fattah Muhammad Al-Sayed Youssef, Full-time Professor at the Faculty of Science for the State Appreciation Award (in Agricultural Sciences), and Dr. Muhammad Ismail Abdo Ibrahim for the Pioneers Award in Basic Sciences.
The Council also approved the nomination of the following gentlemen for the State Awards from the Ministry of Culture for the year 2025, as follows: Dr. Tarek Ragab Youssef Ziad, full-time professor at the Faculty of Fine Arts, for the Nile Award for Egyptian Creators in the Arts; Dr. Fawzy Saad Muhammad Issa, full-time professor at the Faculty of Arts, for the State Appreciation Award in Arts; Dr. Mona Abdel-Ghani Ali Hajjaj, full-time professor at the Faculty of Arts, for the State Appreciation Award in Social Sciences; and Dr. Mona Muhammad Muhammad Gharib, full-time professor at the Faculty of Fine Arts, for the State Award for Excellence in the Arts.
The Council approved the cooperation agreement between Alexandria University and Petra University - Amman in the Kingdom of Jordan, the cooperation agreement between Alexandria University and Jiangsu University in China, the memorandum of understanding between Alexandria University (Faculty of Arts) and the Chinese Language Education and Cooperation Center, the letter of intent for the student exchange program between Alexandria University (Faculty of Business) and its counterpart at Bournemouth University in the United Kingdom, the agreement of understanding between Alexandria University (Higher Institute of Public Health) and both the Islamic Organization for Medical Sciences in Kuwait and the International Academy for Community Health (IAPH) in Jordan, and the cooperation agreement between Alexandria University (Faculty of Agriculture) and Al-Fatth Dairy Products Factory.
The Council also approved the promotion of 21 faculty members, 6 to the position of professor, 15 to the position of associate professor, the appointment of 25 lecturers, and the granting of 81 doctoral degrees and 160 master’s degrees in various scientific disciplines.
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95e4aa7a 8ca0 4900 be5b 4f1f109f4c3b


Alexandria University’s Graduate Studies and Research Council, which met this morning, Monday, 23rd of December 2024, headed by Dr. Hisham Saeed, Vice President of the University for Graduate Studies and Research, reviewed a brief overview of improving the competitive research environment, factors for the success of scientific research, and the extent of its connection to society, industry, technological partners, and economic growth.
1f34f326 822a 4843 9337 31a5e0405f22
 The Council also reviewed a detailed presentation on the global Scopus database, its importance, and the databases it contains for international periodicals, which exceed 23,000 periodicals and various scientific conferences, as well as scientific books in various disciplines and patents from the five international patent offices.
ae1a7eab f454 4267 80b0 00454d629cac
• The Council also reviewed the main and important steps related to including Alexandria University’s periodicals, which number 42, in the Scopus database, which will in turn lead to increased global dissemination in the future, in addition to increasing international cooperation with researchers from different countries.
59ff70a3 eb7a 48df 9102 3561da946a98
 The topic of IELTS and TOEFL English language certificates was also discussed, and the various faculties and institutes at Alexandria University were notified to verify and continuously audit the validity of the certificates submitted by graduate students at the university. A special presentation was also made on the database of articles withdrawn from Alexandria University,, to alert the university’s faculties and institutes about the importance of this topic and its impact on the university. 47 cases related to the travel of the university’s assisting body and faculty members were also presented.
 The Council also approved the Memorandum of Understanding between the Higher Institute of Public Health and the International Academy for Community Health (IACH) in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, the Memorandum of Understanding with the Islamic Organization for Medical Sciences in Kuwait, and the Memorandum of Understanding with Al-Falah Academy for the Promotion of Public Health in Jeddah, KSA.
 The Council also approved the cooperation agreement between Alexandria University and Petra University in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, and the cooperation agreement between Alexandria University and Jiangsu University in China. The Letter of Intent with Bournemouth University in the United Kingdom was also approved.