important news


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Under the auspices of Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, the Anti-Violence Against Women Unit at the university organized, yesterday, Monday, November 25, 2024, the 16 Arts Competition Awards Ceremony in the conference hall of the Faculty of Nursing, as part of Alexandria University's participation in the global campaign to combat violence against women (16 Days of Activism Against Violence Campaign), which continues from November 25 to December 10, in the presence of Dr. Manal Fouda, Executive Director of the Anti-Violence Against Women Unit, Dr. Sahar Sharif, Member of the Board of Directors of the Unit and former Vice Dean of the Faculty of Arts for Community Service Affairs, Dr. Sahar Issa, Member of the Board of Directors of the Unit, Dr. Ibrahim Hajjaj, Professor of Criticism and Drama in the Department of Theater Studies at the Faculty of Arts, Alexandria University, Dr. Hadeer Mohamed, Coordinator of the Unit, Professor Medhat Makkawi, TV Director and Visual Artist, Professor Mohamed Moawad, Journalist, Professor Ashraf Fayek, Film Director, Poet Mohamed Mokheimer, and the heads of all Rotary Clubs of Alexandria and Damanhour and the Inner Wheel Club of Alexandria Capital, and a number of faculty members and students.
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Dr. Manal Fouda, Executive Director of the Unit, thanked Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, during her speech for providing full support to the Unit, and stated that this competition is being held for the third year in a row with the aim of raising awareness among university students to combat violence against women in all its forms. She explained that the competition was held in all faculties and institutes of Alexandria University from October 1 to November 15.
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Dr. Sahar Sherif, former Vice Dean of the Faculty of Arts for Community Service Affairs and member of the Unit's Board of Directors, pointed out that Alexandria University is a great enlightening scientific beacon, so the university, in cooperation with civil society organizations and all Rotary clubs, encourages students to combat violence against women and express this through their artistic works, to establish peace in society and combat societal violence.
At the end of the ceremony, 16 winners were announced at the university level, and a cash prize of 1000 pounds was presented to each student. All students participating in the competition were honored, and a certificate of appreciation and in-kind prizes were presented to them. Rotary Club presidents, members of the judging committee, and children volunteers of the Unit were also honored.
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Under the auspices of Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, the Higher Institute of Public Health organized its 11th international conference today, held under the title "Universal Health Coverage and its Relationship to Public Health: A Global and National Perspective". Its activities will last for two days with the participation of more than 15 Arab and foreign countries, with the aim of exchanging international and local experiences on universal health coverage and its relationship to public health and introducing participants to the variables, achievements and difficulties in implementing comprehensive health insurance, and other important health topics.
The opening ceremony was attended by Dr. Heba El-Qadi, Dean of the Higher Institute of Public Health and President of the Conference, Dr. Abla El-Alfy, Deputy Minister of Health and Population, Dr. Mohamed Al-Jarallah, former Minister of Health of the sisterly State of Kuwait, Dr. Nima Saeed Abid, Representative of the World Health Organization in the Arab Republic of Egypt, in addition to a number of deans and vice deans of faculties at Alexandria University, a group of experts and specialists from the Higher Institute of Public Health, UNICEF, the World Bank, the Imperial College of England, the Islamic Organization for Medical Sciences, the Middle East Network for Community Health, the Arab Society for Public Health, the Egyptian Ministry of Health and Population, the Ministry of Social Solidarity, as well as the faculties of medicine at Egyptian universities, the African Centre for Women’s Health, the Military Medical Academy, the Health Insurance Authority, the General Authority for Health Care, the General Authority for Accreditation and Health Control, the Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport, and other local and international organizations.
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In her speech, Dr. Heba El-Qadi stressed that the conference offers a rich program on comprehensive health coverage from all its medical, economic, developmental and social aspects through a group of specialists from the institute, in partnership with international expertise from international and local organizations. El-Qadi pointed out that the conference includes 14 sessions covering topics related to comprehensive health coverage, such as health insurance in Egypt, lessons learned, future prospects, health economics and financing comprehensive health coverage, digital transformation including artificial intelligence and telehealth care, electronic health records, indicators for measuring and applying comprehensive health coverage, modern laboratory technologies and comprehensive health coverage, comprehensive health coverage facilitators, challenges and possible interventions, and comprehensive health coverage for refugee, immigrant and displaced communities. At the end of her speech, she stressed that she hopes that the conference will come out with recommendations that push comprehensive health coverage towards better prospects for citizens' health.
Dr. Abla El-Alfy stressed the need to pay attention to the early upbringing in an individual's life, stressing that the "Golden Thousand Days in a Child's Life" initiative was launched, which provides important services to the mother and foetus so that the upbringing is healthy and sound. She pointed out that this initiative is a term that refers to the first thousand days in a child's life, stressing that attention must be paid to this initiative starting from the presence of the foetus in the mother's womb, natural birth, breastfeeding, and attention to healthy nutrition for the individual to be healthy citizens capable of giving to their country, their families, and society as a whole.
Dr. Nima Saeed Abid stressed that the conference topic is of utmost importance, especially since it discusses comprehensive health coverage, and reflects the shared visions between Egypt and the World Health Organization. He pointed out that he looks forward to the conference recommendations coming out in a way that serves the health service provided to citizens, especially with the Egyptian state launching the comprehensive health coverage system in 2018 to provide distinguished medical services to the Egyptian citizen, that are consistent with the global strategy and goals of sustainable development.
Dr. Ahmed Al-Jarallah stressed the need to pay attention to health economics and introduce this science into the field of health. Al-Jarallah praised the conference topics that cover all aspects of the health system, which are among the most important topics of the hour. He expressed his hope that the conference would come out with recommendations that are in line with the rapid health developments around the world.
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The Community Service and Environmental Development Council, headed by Dr. Saeed Allam, Vice President of the University for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs, discussed Alexandria University's plan to confront the rainy season and storms, based on the directives of Dr. Abdel Aziz Konsowa, President of the University, on the necessity of following up on all facilities and construction projects currently being implemented at Alexandria University to limit any damage that may occur in the future as a result of fluctuations related to emergency weather conditions, as Dr. Saeed directed all the deans of the faculties and institutes of Alexandria University for Community Service and Environmental Development to complete all preparations for the winter season and rainfall by following up on all maintenance work, the water drainage system, rain gutters, and reviewing the roofs of all university buildings to prevent rain accumulation, ensuring the safety of all Alexandria University members, the regularity of study at the university, and the buildings not being affected by any water accumulation in the future.
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 Dr. Saeed Allam also congratulated Alexandria University on the occasion of launching the WHO's preventive and diagnostic lines for rheumatic heart disease, which is a global scientific achievement added to the university, in which Dr. Fahmy Charles, a full-time professor at the Higher Institute of Public Health, participated, which was launched by the World Health Organization on October 29, 2024 in response to the decision of the World Health Assembly held in May 2018 towards implementing the sustainable development goals in the health axis and international support for it, which represents an important step towards highlighting the role of Alexandria University, which was the only representative of Egyptian universities that rises to the level of appreciation of the World Health Organization.
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 Within the framework of Alexandria University's keenness to continue participating in the national project for human development "A New Beginning for Building the Human Being", Dr. Saeed Allam directed that all faculties and institutes of Alexandria University continue to organize events and activities related to the initiative and develop a systematic plan in this regard.
 The Council was informed of the report submitted by the Faculty of Medicine regarding the medical and community convoy launched by the Faculty to the Khorshid area within the presidential initiative (A New Beginning for Human Development), and the report on the medical survey of hypertension and diabetes for the staff of Alexandria University, which was conducted at the Faculty of Dentistry.
 The Council was informed of the report submitted by the Faculty of Pharmacy on the Third International Conference on Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences and the accompanying exhibition PHS 2024 under the title “Academia and Industry: the power collaboration” which was held on Wednesday and Thursday 23-24/10/2024.
 The Council was also informed of the report submitted by the Faculty of Education regarding the achievements made by the Faculty in the literacy file in October 2024.


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Alexandria University's Council of Graduate Studies and Research, which met this morning, Tuesday, 19 November 2024, headed by Dr. Hisham Saeed, Vice President of the University for Graduate Studies and Research, reviewed the regulations for forming the Supreme Committees and Subcommittees for Scientific Research Ethics at Alexandria University. 37 cases of teaching assistants and associate professors at the university's faculties and institutes were also discussed, as well as some cases of faculty members at the university. The topic of the loan periods of faculty members at Egyptian universities and the mechanisms for obtaining them through the committee formed by the Supreme Council of Universities was also reviewed. A number of agreements with international universities were also discussed, including the agreement of the International Alliance of Francophone Mediterranean Universities, the proposed cooperation agreement between Alexandria University and the University of L'Etoile Cote d'Opal in France, and the memorandum of understanding between Alexandria University - Faculty of Engineering and Hamburg University of Technology in Germany to offer a joint dual degree in the fields of marine technology and energy in general, renewable energy and mechanics and automatic control in particular. The council also discussed the memorandum of understanding between the Faculty of Agriculture, Alexandria University and Inner Mongolia Agricultural University for two years, the bilateral partnership agreement between Jean Moulin Lyon 3 University in France and Alexandria University for the purpose of cooperation in the fields of research and innovation, and the memorandum of understanding between Alexandria University and "You Scribe" platform to enhance the university's capabilities in providing integrated digital resources and supporting the academic experience of faculty members and students.
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The Council also approved amending the name of the Master's and Doctorate degrees granted by the Faculty of Medicine, Alexandria University, from "Physical Medicine, Rheumatology and Rehabilitation" to "Rheumatology, Rehabilitation and Physical Medicine", as well as changing the name of the Master's and Doctorate degrees in Audiology to Master's and Doctorate in Audiology and Balance Medicine. It was also approved to establish a professional diploma in cosmetology and laser, and to establish a professional master's program in applied physics in renewable energy according to the credit hours system.
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 A presentation was also given on the status of Alexandria University's periodicals and magazines and the inclusion of many of them in DOAJ and the extent to which some of these periodicals will be included in the Scopus list in the future.


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Dr. Ali Abdelmohsen, Acting Vice President of Alexandria University for Education and Student Affairs, directed the college vice deans to follow up on the progress of student union elections for the academic year 2024/2025 in its various stages, to overcome all obstacles facing students, and encourage them to participate in student elections, whether by running or casting their votes in a democratic atmosphere in order to serve the student community at the university. He explained that 1304 male and female students have initially applied for candidacy at the level of all university faculties, and the final lists will be announced on November 20.
* Dr. Ali Abdelmohsen stressed the keenness of Alexandria University on the rights of students with disabilities and providing the capabilities to facilitate their lives within the university, praising the distinguished level of the "Tamkeen" initiative, which was launched under the directives of His Excellency President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, President of the Republic, in the state's belief in the importance of supporting students with disabilities at all levels, the necessity of raising awareness of their rights and duties and providing equal opportunities for them.
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It is worth mentioning that the initiative was launched to support and coordinate cooperation between the universities of the Northern Region Alliance, with the participation of representatives of these universities, and the attendance of Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of the University, Dr. Karim Hammam, Advisor to the Minister of Higher Education for Student Activities, and Dr. Sherine Yehia, Advisor to the Minister of Higher Education for Students with Special Needs. The university vice president thanked Dr. Alaa Gamea, Executive Director of Taha Hussein Center for Serving Students with Disabilities and the General Administration for Youth Care and Students with Disabilities for organizing this celebration and presenting wonderful performances that were admired by all attendees.
* Dr. Ali Abdelmohsen stressed to the faculty vice deans the need to follow up on the regularity of the first semester midterm exams at the university's faculties according to the time plan set by the Supreme Council of Universities, stressing the importance of the role of measurement and evaluation units at the faculties.
* Dr. Ali Abdelmohsen stressed the university's continued support for the (Mawadda Program) for those about to get married, within the framework of the state's interest in preserving the stability of the Egyptian family and raising the awareness of young people in light of the rapid changes.