important news

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Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, congratulated the University staff members who were elected as board members of the Faculty Members Club, during the elections that took place at the club on Friday. He wished them all success in fulfilling their important role in connecting university staff networks.
The supervising committee of the club elections announced the results Friday night, where the "Together for Development and Establishment" coalition were the winners.
Members of the winning coalition included Dr. Magda El Shazly, Emerita Professor at Faculty of Physical Education for Women, who received 212 votes, Dr. Mahmoud Moussa Abdelaal Metwally, Assistant Professor at Faculty of Business (267 votes), Dr. Ahmed Abdelfattah Mahmoud, Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture - Saba Pasha Campus (248 votes), Dr. Magda Mohamed Madbouly, Assistant Professor at the Higher Institute for Research (240 votes), and Dr. Aliaa Mostafa El-Sayeh, Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Physical Education for Women (240 votes). Other winners included Dr. Ahmed Suleiman El-Baqary, Emeritus Professor at the Faculty of Agriculture, Shatby Campus, as he received 237 votes, and Dr. Walid Abdelazim El-Barqy, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Engineering for Community Service and Environmental Development (232 votes).
In addition, each of Dr. Ahmed Abdallah El-Dagher, Lecturer at Faculty of Physical Education for Men, and Dr. Mahmoud Hassan El-Sehli, Lecturer at the Faculty of Law, won by acclamation
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Alexandria University Council for Community Service and Environmental Development, chaired by Dr. Ashraf El-Ghandour, Vice Presdient for Postgraduate Studies and Research, and Acting Vice President for Community Service and Environmental Development, reviewed in its meeting on the 21st of June, a number of reports and activities organised by the university's faculties and institutes.
 The council emphasised the importance of the role of the vice deans of the university's faculties and institutes for community affairs and environmental development, in opening and following up the areas of community service and voluntary work that university students join during their summer vacation. These include the fields of literacy, digital awareness, teaching some handicrafts, productive activities, first aid and cardiopulmonary resuscitation training, among other activities including the whole community.
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 The Council approved the research project submitted by Dr. Morsi El-Souda, Professor Emeritus at the Faculty of Agriculture, entitled “Production of starters for the manufacture of Ras, refrigerator, and Damietta cheese, and speeding up the settlement of Ras cheese.”
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Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, praised the efforts of Alexandria University students, who eradicated illiteracy of 1646 citizens in the April 2023 session in 9 governorates: Alexandria, Beheira, Kafr El Sheikh, Gharbia, Matrouh, Aswan, Sohagm Sharkia, and Menoufia. Dr. Konsowa stressed Alexandria University’s keenness to carry out its role in community service, within the framework of the university's social and national responsibility, and in implementation of the state's plan to achieve sustainable development goals until 2030, including addressing the dangers of illiteracy.
Dr. Mohamed Anwar, Dean of the Faculty of Education, indicated that 8,395 classes have been opened in 9 governorates to eradicate illiteracy of citizens, explaining that this achievement is the culmination of the efforts of all project participants from the university staff, and the efforts of its students participating in eradicating illiteracy. He thanked the students of the educational sector at the university, as the main partner of its success to reach this achievement.

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Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, witnessed the inauguration of the Civil Society Conference: Towards a Multidimensional Partnership in the New Republic, which is organized by the Bibliotheca Alexandrina in cooperation with the Ministry of Social Solidarity, on Tuesday and Wednesday. The opening ceremony was attended H.E. Dr. Nevine El-Kabbaj, Minister of Social Solidarity, Dr. Ahmed Zayed, Director of The Bibliotheca Alexandrina, and Major General Mohamed El-Sherif, Governor of Alexandria, and it included an exhibition of NGO products from various governorates of the Republic.
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In her speech, the Minister of Solidarity affirmed that His Excellency President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi is always keen to strengthen the capabilities of civil society, and has launched many initiatives that serve the Egyptian society. She added that the ministry is currently focusing on the issue of investing in the current and future generations during the era of globalisation, as well as investing in soft powers in Egypt and the contribution of civil society in promoting awareness.
She also indicated that civil society has always been effective in Egypt since ancient times, and is one of the most important elements of the state whether through presence, partnership, or integration between all parties. Dr. El-Kabbaj explained that the new law for civil society provided many advantages and rights. In addition, the partnership with civil society has become more mature and is based on independence, diversity, respect, and openness. She noted the importance of the conference, which represents a meeting of thought and awareness and stresses the importance of preserving the Egyptian heritage.
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Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa pointed out that civil society institutions are considered of the most important elements of the new republic, pointing out that most of the handicrafts in the exhibition are the nucleus of major projects and startups, using locally manufactured industries and raw materials, and are also indicators of sustainable development that the Egyptian state is currently witnessing. Dr. Konsowa asserted that Alexandria University spares no effort in supporting all innovative students with ideas to manufacture a local product. He thanked the Minister of Social Solidarity for her efforts in supporting the struggling students, indicating that the ministry has paid more than 6 million pounds to support these students. Dr. Konsowa pointed out that there is cooperation between Alexandria University and the Ministry of Social Solidarity to support innovative students who are financially unable, to benefit from the joint academic degrees in cooperation with international universities, stressing that the financial inability of the outstanding and creative students will not be an obstacle stopping them from gaining the opportunity to obtain these joint degrees.
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While Major General Mohamed Al-Sharif emphasized that civil society institutions are the link between the citizen and the executive officials of the state in communicating the problems of citizens. He indicated that there is an effective and successful partnership between civil society organisations and Alexandria Governorate, pointing out that civil society institutions are the backbone for any official and they are the link between the citizen and the official. He also stressed that all Alexandria Governorate agencies seek to activate the role of civil society organisations to participate in achieving Egypt’s Vision 2030, so we must all spread the culture of volunteering and work together to improve our society.
Dr. Ahmed Zayed stressed that the conference comes within the context of the “Egypt of Tomorrow” initiative, which he established after being appointed as director of the Alexandria Library, with the aim of shedding light on development efforts, the role of civil society in participation and development, and all efforts aimed at modernising Egyptian society in all aspects. He added that this conference comes as a continuation of a similar conference held in early November, in cooperation with the Ministry of Social Solidarity, and resulted in proposals and recommendations, including interest in partnership between the government and civil society on the one hand, and between civil society organizations themselves, and between them and international development agencies on the other hand.
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Dr. Ashraf El-Ghandour, Vice President of Alexandria University for Graduate Studies and Research Affairs, announced during the Postgraduate Studies and Research Council, that the application submissions for the second phase of the Alexandria University initiative to support researchers “Call 2” will start from the 15th of September until the 31st of October 2023.
Dr. El-Ghandour indicated that that this second phase was opened due to the unprecedented success achieved by the results of the first initiative, "Call 1", during which researchers presented a set of applied scientific research that supports the research community in Alexandria and is related to industry. He added that the grant budget has been increased from EGP 200,000 to EGP 300,000 per project, in order to highlight outstanding research results and support international scientific publishing, by rewarding researchers who publish in internationally classified global journals, as well as improving the research level and creating a spirit of scientific competition among all Alexandria University affiliates.
* The Council approved the cooperation agreement between Alexandria University and the Chinese Ministry of Education (Language Education Centre), the memorandum of understanding between Alexandria University and the Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences, the cooperation agreement between the Faculty of Physical Education for Girls (Alexandria University) and the Tree Fox College in Canada, and the cooperation protocol between the Faculty of Tourism and Hotels at Alexandria University, and each of the National Agency for Management and Investment, Regal Heights Hotel, and Crystal Inn El Alamein Hotel.
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