important news


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Within the framework of the project to support and create a safe work environment for women in the tourism sector in Egypt, and under the auspices of Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, students of the Faculty of Tourism and Hotels participated in the training camp organized by the National Council for Women, in cooperation with the Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities, the Spanish Cooperation Agency in Egypt, in collaboration with the Wellspring Foundation.
The conference targeted male and female students of the Faculty of Tourism and Hotels at the Universities of Alexandria and Matrouh, with the aim of training and educating them on how to support and promote a safe work environment for women working in the tourism sector, and it lasted for 3 days in Alexandria.
Dr. Abeer Attia, Dean of the Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, indicated that the camp included many activities and topics, the most important of which are how to manage time, planning, personal skills to get a job, work values and ethics, communication skills and teamwork, in addition to topics of social intelligence and the equation of change.
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Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, issued the following decrees:
• Appointment of Dr. Iman Youssef Morsi Ahmed - Professor and Head of the Department of Internal Medicine at the Faculty of Medicine as Vice Dean for Education and Student Affairs.
• Appointment of Dr. Wael Mohamed Mustafa El-Maghlani, Head of the Mechanical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, as Vice Dean for Education and Student Affairs for a period of three years.

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Under the auspices of Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, the activities of the student training project, "Steps into Field", began on Wednesday at the Faculty of Agriculture, in the presence of Dr. Mohamed Bahey El Din Mohamed, Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture, Dr. Sami Khalil, Dean of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Dr. Ahmed Abdelfattah, Dean the Faculty of Agriculture at Saba Pasha Campus, and Mr. Magdy Saad El-Gharib, representative of the State Information Service, in addition to vice deans of the faculties, and a group of faculty members.
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Dr. Mohamed Bahey El Din indicated that the "Steps into Field" project is being held this year in its fifth session for students of the faculties of Agriculture at Shatby, Veterinary Medicine and Faculty of Agriculture at Saba Pasha, and it will continue for two consecutive months, with the aim of refining students’ skills and qualifying them for the labour market through integration between sciences interested in the agricultural and veterinary field. This contributes to increasing employment opportunities, as well as creating small productive projects based on real feasibility studies. He added that the training project is attended by a group of professors at Alexandria University, in addition to some graduates of the project in its previous courses.

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Alexandria University Council, chaired by Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of the University, announced the winners of university awards for the year 2023, as follows:
• University Appreciation Award (in the medical field): to Dr. Hala Mustafa Hammouda, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy, Dr. Mohamed Moataz Khamis Abdelrazek, Head of the Department of Prosthodontics, Faculty of Dentistry, and Dr. Azza Mohamed Bilal Farghaly, Professor Emeritus at the Higher Institute of Public Health.
• University Appreciation Award (in the scientific field): to each of Dr. Ehab Issa Khedr, Professor at the Faculty of Agriculture, Dr. Sobhi Hassan Sallam, Professor at the Faculty of Agriculture, and Dr. Ahmed Khalifa El-Deek, Professor at the Faculty of Agriculture.
• University Appreciation Award (in the educational field): Dr. Tesbi Rashad Lotfy, former Dean of the Faculty of Specific Education.
• The University Award for Scientific Excellence (in the scientific field): for each of Dr. Ahmed Mohamed El-Khatib, Professor at the Faculty of Science, and Dr. Kawthar Saad El-Gendi, Professor at the Faculty of Agriculture.
• The University Award for Scientific Encouragement (in the medical field): to Dr. Reham Abdelhalim Abul-Wafa, Professor at the Faculty of Medicine, Dr. Omnia Magdy Abdo, Professor at the Faculty of Medicine, Dr. Amr Ahmed Badry, Lecturer at the Faculty of Medicine, and Dr. Iman Arafa Hassan Ali, Lecturer at the Faculty of Nursing.
• The University Award for Academic Encouragement (in the scientific field): to Dr. Alaa El-Din Mahmoud Abdelmeguid, Lecturer at the Faculty of Science, and Dr. Mohamed Salah Ayoub, Associate Professor at the Faculty of Science, and Dr. Samar Saad El-Belehi, Associate Professor at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, and Dr. Mohamed El-Shahat Attia, Lecturer at the Faculty of Science.
• The University Award for Scientific Encouragement (in the humanities and social sciences): Dr. Nermin Ibrahim El-Labban, Associate Professor at the Faculty of Arts.
** The council agreed to grant the university award to the top graduates of the university’s faculties for the academic year 2020/2021, and to award the university’s sports champions award to students who won the African and Arab championships, and the republic and university championships in various sports.
** A certificate of appreciation and the university's golden memorial medal were awarded to professors at the university's faculties and institutes who reached the retirement age in 2023.
** The council also agreed to grant a certificate of appreciation and the university shield for distinguished scientific publishing, along with granting the title of “Distinguished Researcher of Alexandria University” in their specialisation, as follows:
• In the field of medical sciences:
Dr. Eman El-Sayed Abdelfattah, Associate Professor at the Medical Research Institute.
• In the field of engineering:
Dr. Sadek Zakaria Abul-Naga, Professor at the Faculty of Engineering
• in the field of natural sciences:
Dr. Nabila El-Sayed Badawy, Professor at the Faculty of Science.
• In the field of education:
Dr. Heba Gamal Abdelhalim, Associate Professor, Faculty of Specific Education.
• The Council agreed to grant a certificate of appreciation and shield of Alexandria University for scientific authorship:
• In the field of medical sciences:
Dr. Lamia Ahmed Hassan Heikal, Lecturer at the Faculty of Pharmacy.
• In the field of natural sciences:
Dr. Ahmed Abdelrehim Abdelmoneim, Professor at the Institute of Graduate Studies and Research.

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Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, received at the University’s headquarters in Shatby, a Virginia Tech University delegation, headed by Dr. Thomas Archibald, Executive Director of the Center for Education, Development and International Research, to discuss ways of academic and research cooperation between the two sides in the scientific and research fields of common interest in general, and the engineering, technological and computer science fields in particular.
The meeting was attended Dr. Saeed Allam, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Dr. Yasser Fouad, Dean of the Faculty of Computers and Data Science, Dr. Jihan Gowifel, Assistant President of the University for International Universities Branches Affairs, Dr. Sameh Shehata and Dr. Boshra Salem, officials of the International Relations Office, and Dr. Ghada El-Khayyat, Head of the Center for Educational Innovations and Distance Learning.
In his speech Dr. Konsowa stressed the keenness of Alexandria University to continue cooperation with Virginia Tech in the fields of education and scientific research, pointing to the possibility of integration between the Water Excellence Center at Alexandria University and its counterpart at Virginia Tech in the field of membrane technology for water treatment, and cooperation in projects related to sustainability, green economy, green hydrogen, and reducing carbon emissions to meet the challenges of climate change, in addition to cooperation in linking knowledge-based technologies between the academic community and industry to support the knowledge-based economy He also referred to the direction of Alexandria International University to establish international branches in Burg El Arab in cooperation with prestigious international universities.
Dr. Archibald expressed his pleasure in cooperation with Alexandria University and his keenness to develop this cooperation and exchange expertise in scientific and research fields of common interest.
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