important news

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Within the continuing efforts of the Center of Excellence of Water at Alexandria University to further strengthen the expanding community of practice in the water field of Egypt, the "Innovative Teaching Strategies Workshop" was held at Alexandria University during the period from 24-26 July 3023. The workshop was supervised and delivered by Dr. Kurt Becker, Professor at the Department of Engineering Education, Utah State University
The workshop was attended by faculty members from Alexandria University faculty members.


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Under the auspices of Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, the activities of the second international conference of the Department of Educational Administration and Education Policies at the Faculty of Education were concluded. The conference took place two days ago at the faculty’s headquarters under the title: “Leadership of Educational Institutions: Contemporary Visions and Directions”, with the participation of faculty members in Egyptian universities, and several education leaders in Alexandria.
Dr. Mohamed Anwar Farrag, Dean of the Faculty of Education, indicated that the conference provided an opportunity for dialogue and the presentation of scientific papers and research that contributed to the addition of many ideas, and urged researchers to think and explore new topics in educational leadership. He explained that the recommendations of the conference included themes related to the development of scientific research in the field of educational leadership, and another related to the qualification of educational leaders in the light of some contemporary leadership trends.
Dr. Mohamed Khamis Harb, Head of the Department of Educational Administration and Education Policies at the Faculty and Chairman of the Conference, indicated that the concluding recommendations of the conference included the need to pay attention to inter-studies in the field of educational leadership and to focus on generating new fields of knowledge, such as leadership psychology, digital leadership, school curriculum leadership, leadership of learning communities, green leadership, and leadership education. This requires reshaping the research maps of the educational administration departments at the faculties of education in Egyptian and Arab universities to include those studies in them, directing postgraduate students to adhere to these maps and research them.
He added that the recommendations included directing researchers to work on the transfer of educational policies, focusing on the fact that the main goal of transfer is to reform educational institutions, setting a strategy for qualifying educational leaders before and during service in light of the quality standards of educational leadership, provided that this strategy is announced through the official media of the Ministry of Education, in which all concerned parties, stakeholders and leaders at all administrative levels participate. In addition, activating the advisory role of the faculties of education as houses of expertise for educational leaders, and for future managers to acquire new skills to develop themselves professionally, work with others, use effective dialogue, successful negotiation, and decision-making skills, and dealing with individuals and groups. Finally, the formation of a committee chaired by the Head of the Department of Educational Administration and Education Policies, which includes representatives of academic leaders in the faculties of education, as well as representatives of senior leaders in the Ministry of Education’s general office, middle leaders in educational departments and executive leaders in schools, to publish recommendations in all education institutions and departments and follow up on what has been achieved, to be presented at the third conference next year.
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Under the auspices of Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, the members of the pilot incubator team at Alexandria University participated in launching and inaugurating the RIPPLE program to support entrepreneurship centers in Egyptian and Arab universities, which includes 30 Egyptian universities, including Alexandria University.

The event took place at the headquarters of the League of Arab States in Cairo, in the presence of Ambassador Ahmed Aboul Gheit, Secretary General of the League of Arab States, Dr. Ashraf Sobhi, Minister of Youth and Sports, Dr. Ismail Abdelghaffar, President of the Arab Academy for Science and Technology, Dr. Mahmoud Saqr, President of the Academy of Scientific Research, in addition to representatives of the United States Agency for International Development, the American Embassy, and a group of presidents of Egyptian universities and institutes and the Council of deputies.

Dr. Ghada El-Khayyat, Director of the Educational Innovations and Distance Learning Unit at Alexandria University, indicated that the event was a good opportunity for networking with entrepreneurship centers and incubators from all over Egypt, and to talk about the activities of Alexandria University and the business incubator pilot. She pointed out that the second incubation cycle will be announced soon.


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Within the framework of implementing the principles and objectives of the national strategy for higher education and scientific research, and in support of international partnerships for Egyptian universities, His Excellency Dr. Ayman Ashour, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, witnessed the signing of an agreement on the terms of the executive plan to establish dual degrees between Alexandria University, Alexandria National University and the British University of East London, at Alexandria University’s headquarters, which started with the Training and Sports Performance program.
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The executive framework was signed by Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, and Dr. Hassan Abdullah, Academic President of the British University of East London.
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Dr. Ayman Ashour indicated that this cooperation comes in implementation of the directives of the political leadership on the need to expand partnerships with prestigious international universities, to improve the quality of the educational process in Egyptian universities, and to reach international levels, ensuring the provision of international quality education for students, and upgrading the level of national universities. He pointed out that cooperation with the University of East London will contribute to the development of study programs and upgrading the level of the educational system at the university through the exchange of experiences between the two sides. Dr. Ashour stressed the importance of partnerships between academic, industrial and production institutions to serve society and contribute to achieving development of the national economy, pointing out that this agreement is in line with achieving the principle of international reference, which is one of the most important principles and objectives of the national strategy for higher education and scientific research.
The Minister of Higher Education also indicated that this cooperation comes in implementation of the principles and objectives of the national strategy for higher education and scientific research, which Egyptian universities have begun to implement since its launch last March, praising the partnership that was signed between the representative of the sports community, which is the English West Ham United Foundation, that has an academic partnership with the University of East London, in cooperation with Alexandria University and Alexandria National University in the "Sports Training and Performance Program", which will mark the beginning of this cooperation, which aims to contribute to the preparation of qualified graduates in this program to meet the requirements of the local, regional and international labour markets.
Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa pointed out that this cooperation aims to establish a set of double degrees and joint degrees that support Egypt’s vision 2030, and are industry-related programs and innovative programs that would achieve the competitiveness of education, especially at Alexandria National University, and provide opportunities for students in the local, regional and international labour markets, in addition to cooperation through joint scientific supervision, and the exchange of professors between the two universities.
Dr. Hassan Abdullah expressed his pleasure for being at Alexandria University, pointing out that Alexandria University is going through a distinguished era through its cooperation with major international universities, establishing dual degrees and joint programs with those universities, stressing that he is looking forward to more cooperation with Alexandria University in several other academic fields, pointing out that the University of East London has the same strategic vision in the internationalization of education, and cooperation with other international universities, noting that the "Sports Training and Performance Program" was developed by the University of East London, in cooperation with the West Ham United Foundation, the community branch of the European Conference League champions, West Ham United Football Club.
The protocol signing event was attended by each of Dr. Ashraf El-Ghandour, Vice President for Postgraduate Studies and Research, Dr. Wael Nabil, Vice President for Education and Student Affairs, Dr. Mahmoud El-Kheshen, Academic Director of Alexandria National University, Dr. Rasha Kamal, Egyptian Cultural Attachée and Director of the Educational Mission in the United Kingdom, as well as a group of Alexandria University leaders. On the British side, the attendees included Dr. Paul Marshall, Vice-Chancellor for Professional Affairs and Entrepreneurship, Dr. David McCrory, Assistant Professor of Academic Partnerships and International Engagement, Professor Stewart Bruce-Low, Head of the Sports Department, and Mr. Jesse Foyle, Director of Programs at West Ham United Foundation.
It is worth noting that this signing comes within the framework of the visit of a high-ranking delegation from the University of East London, which is one of the highest-ranked British universities whether in the United Kingdom and internationally, to a number of Egyptian universities to sign agreements and memorandums of cooperation in areas of common interest, including the universities of Cairo, Ain Shams, New Mansoura, Alexandria, Alexandria National University, and the European Universities Foundation in the New Administrative Capital, in coordination with the Egyptian Cultural Office in London.
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Under the auspices of Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, the University's Taha Hussein Centre for students with disabilities, organised the first symposium of its kind for its students, in the presence of Dr. Maggie Nassif, President of the American Fulbright Commission, to introduce them to the scholarships offered by the Commission to study in the United States of America.
Dr. Mona Al-Moataz Billah, Executive Director of the Centre, indicated that the symposium included a review of the scholarships available for this year and the admission conditions. All students’ questions were answered and printed copies were distributed in Braille to explain the scholarships and conditions, pointing out that there are other copies inside the centre for those students who wish to read them.
Dr. Ibrahim Emara, a graduate of the Fulbright Commission, presented his personal experience of traveling and learning abroad, his ability to challenge his visual impairment, obtaining a scholarship and completing his post-doctoral studies in the United States of America, funded by the Commission.
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