
important news




The Community Service and Environmental Development Council at Alexandria University, headed by Dr. Ashraf El-Ghandour, Vice President of the University, approved today, the 23rd of January 2023, the cooperation protocol to be concluded between the Faculty of Physical Education for Girls and the General Syndicate for Sports Professions to raise the scientific and professional level of members of these professions and qualify cadres in the areas of management and training and specialized sports fields.
• The council agreed to organize a course on methods of cardiopulmonary resuscitation for all university employees, in cooperation with the faculties’ occupational safety and health committees, in early February, to train university employees on ways to deal with cases of fainting and medical resuscitation.
• The council reviewed the report submitted by the Faculty of Tourism and Hotels on its participation in the Future Leaders Challenge project in the United Arab Emirates, and the nomination of students from the faculty to participate in the project for the purpose of developing study programs, training and communication with the industry, and activating academic partnerships with major hotels and tourism institutions.
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• The council reviewed the report submitted by the Faculty of Science on its organization of the awareness seminar entitled “How to Deal with the Bubble Sheet”, as well as the report submitted on the awareness seminar entitled Electronic Correction of Multiple Test Examinations in the same faculty.
• The council reviewed the report submitted by the Faculty of Medicine on the organization of the comprehensive medical and community convoy to Bashayer El-Kheir 3 and 5 housing projects last November in cooperation with the Northern Military Zone, the Ministry of Health and various civil society groups. It included several medical specialties and transferred a number of cases that needed special care to university hospitals. During the convoy, 27,846 cases were examined in various specialties.
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• The council reviewed the report submitted by the Faculty of Commerce on its charity bazaar last November and the most important services provided during the bazaar.
• The council also reviewed the report submitted by the Faculty of Agriculture on a number of activities organized by the faculty within the framework of the cultural season for the academic year 2022/2023, such as a symposium entitled “What You would like to Know About Ornamental Plants”, as well as an awareness program for the faculty staff in cooperation with the Addiction and Drug Abuse Control Fund of the Ministry of Social Solidarity.
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• The Council also reviewed the report submitted by the Higher Institute of Public Health on some activities such as the effectiveness of basic life support (cardiopulmonary resuscitation), the International Day for the Elderly, maternal and child health, and patient safety. In addition, the council reviewed the special report on the tenth international scientific conference of the Higher Institute of Public Health “Alexhealth 2022”, and the report submitted on the graduation ceremony of the Higher Institute of Public Health for the years 2017 to 2022.
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• The Council reviewed the report submitted by the Faculty of Nursing on the first scientific meeting of the Department of Elderly Nursing and the effectiveness of people with disability, as well as the report submitted by the Faculty of Early Childhood on the “You are Stronger Than Drugs” initiative, and the activities of the Faculty of Economic Studies and Political Science during the month of December such as a number of workshops, seminars, training courses, charitable bazaars, scout exhibitions, and more.

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Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, and Dr. Amr El-Hagg, President of the Egyptian Atomic Energy Authority (EAEA), signed a cooperation protocol, with the aim of cooperating in all scientific and applied fields of common interest. The ceremony was attended by Dr. Hedaya Ahmed Kamel, Vice President of the EAEA for Training and International Cooperation, Dr. Sahar Ahmed Ismail, Head of the National Center for Radiation Research and Technology, Dr. Hassan Saleh, Professor of Radiation Engineering and Head of the Industrial Irradiation Division, and Dr. Sherif El Gohary, Professor of Radiation Engineering and Media Spokesman for EAEA, in addition to deans of the Faculties of Medicine, Engineering and Science and the Institute of Graduate Studies and Research, and the Measurement and Evaluation Center.
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In his speech, Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa stressed that the signing of the cooperation protocol comes within the framework of the Egyptian state's directions to build a scientific and technological base and implement Egypt's 2030 sustainable development plan, as well as supporting the Egyptian economy and increasing investment opportunities, through relying on on the outputs of scientific research produced by Alexandria University. He noted that a general framework for scientific and research cooperation and the exchange of experiences between the two parties has been developed to achieve the benefit of our beloved Egypt. Konsowa pointed out that the protocol aspires to create mutual benefit from the expertise, capabilities and research centers that both parties possess, and to provide technical and professional support in the various fields of work of the two sides through the exchange of experiences, applied centers, scientific publications and periodicals, in addition to cooperation in research projects of common interest funded by local and international bodies, with the possibility of making a joint specialized diploma in the peaceful applications of nuclear and radiological technology.
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While Dr. Amr El-Hagg emphasized that the Atomic Energy Authority is one of the largest Egyptian institutions in the field of nuclear science and technology to develop and use peaceful applications of atomic energy for the sake of peace and prosperity. He explained that the signing of a protocol comes in line with the tasks and objectives of the Atomic Energy Authority, which focus on providing advanced research and service capabilities and facilities necessary to support and expand the area of peaceful uses of atomic energy, technology transfer, development and preparation of qualified and trained cadres who are able to keep abreast of developments in the fields of peaceful use of atomic energy and research and development, in order to apply nuclear and radiological technology in various fields of development in accordance with Egypt’s Vision 2030 and the goals of sustainable development. The protocol includes participation in awareness campaigns on the peaceful applications of atomic energy, and participation in organizing scientific events, including training courses, seminars, scientific conferences, and workshops.
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Dr. Wael Nabil, Vice President of Alexandria University for Education and Student Affairs, confirmed during the meeting of the Council for Education and Student Affairs held today, Monday, the 16th of January, the well organization of the first semester final exams, which are scheduled to end on the 26th of January. He directed the faculty vice-deans to quickly grade exam papers in parallel with the examinations being held on time, and to follow-up the paper grading on a daily basis within the exam controls, in order to quickly announce the results to students no later than 15 days from the end date of the examinations. He also indicated that the examinations continue daily according to the timetable set by the Supreme Council of Universities. Dr. Nabil stressed the need to deal decisively with cases of cheating during the exams, to take all deterrent measures to prevent such cases, and adhere to the rules of the examination process, thus providing the maximum degree of discipline within the committees.
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Colonel Mohamed Abdallah, Director of the Military Education Department at Alexandria University, reviewed the plan to develop the work system of the department during the coming period, through organizing external visits to units and facilities of the Armed Forces, to develop general awareness among university students, and through automating registration in military education courses, with the aim of facilitating paperwork for students and advancing the work system of the Military Education Department.
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Under the auspices of Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, the University Centers for Professional Development at Alexandria University are organizing the first employment forum for graduates and senior students in all faculties of Alexandria University, on Sunday the 26th of February, at the Humanities Complex, Faculty of Commerce.
Many Egyptian and international companies, banks, and insurance companies are taking part in the forum, with the aim of providing the largest number of job opportunities and training within these institutions, and having the chance to communicate with the University graduates and students. The forum also helps to create an interactive environment between business owners, students and graduates in line with Egypt's Vision 2030.
• Students and graduates wishing to participate in the forum must register on the following link no later than January 20, 2023:
• Business owners and companies wishing to participate should email the following:
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The Egyptian Naval Academy signed a cooperation protocol in the academic and scientific fields with the Faculty of Education at Alexandria University, in the presence of Lieutenant General Ashraf Atwa, Commander of the Naval Forces, and Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University.
Whereas, Staff Rear Admiral Ashraf Mohamed El-Musharrafi, Director of the Naval Academy, and Professor Dr. Mohamed Anwar Farrag, Dean of the Faculty of Education at Alexandria University, signed the protocol, which aims to achieve cooperation in the field of developing capacities, educational skills and modern teaching methods through the implementation of a number of training programs between the two sides, to provide courses and scientific content in a digital form, and in accordance with the digital education system at the Naval Academy.
    Lieutenant General Ashraf Atwa, Commander of the Naval Forces, delivered a speech in which he expressed the Navy's pride in cooperating with Alexandria University in various scientific and research fields, in an effort to raise the level of qualification of officers and students of the Naval Academy, and to enhance their abilities to innovate, develop knowledge and employ it in solving problems.
    The Commander of the Navy, accompanied by the President of Alexandria University, made a tour that included the library of the Naval Academy, and a number of educational and sports facilities. They also took some memorial photos in the Planetarium of the Naval Academy.
       The signing ceremony of the protocol was attended by Dr. Ashraf El-Ghandour, Vice President of Alexandria University for Graduate Studies and Research, in addition to a number of leaders of the armed forces, as well as Alexandria University officials.