
important news

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In light of the recommendations of the COP 27 Climate Conference, which Egypt hosted last November in Sharm El-Sheikh, Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, and Mr. Ahmed El-Wakil, President of the Alexandria Chamber of Commerce and President of the Federation of Mediterranean Chambers, inaugurated today, Wednesday the 11th of January, the first activity of the Greener Blue Economy Center at Alexandria University, a workshop held under the title "Sustainable Blue Economy Issues in the Mediterranean Basin Countries", in the Conference Hall at the Faculty of Commerce.
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The workshop discussed several issues on the concept of the "blue economy" and how to benefit from it in generating electricity from water energy, mining activities in the seas and oceans, marine tourism, fishing activities, extracting raw materials from the sea, and other forms of economic activity mainly related water resources.
The workshop was attended by Dr. El-Sayed El-Seifi, Dean of the Faculty of Commerce, Dr. Hassan Nadir Khairallah, former President of Alexandria University, Dr. Saeed Abdelaziz, former Dean of the Faculty of Commerce and former Governor of Sharkia, Dr. Hisham Arafat, former Minister of Transport, Dr. Sherif Hadara, former Minister of Petroleum, Major General Reda Ismail, Head of the Maritime Transport Sector, Dr. Alaa Ezz, Secretary of the Federation of Chambers of Commerce, Eng. Seif El-Din Abu El-Naga, Treasurer of the International Federation of Architects, and Mr. Islam Salem, from the Chamber of Commerce who specializes in maritime transport and logistics, as well as several deans of faculties and a group of economics professors at the Faculty of Commerce.
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Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, confirmed in his speech that the idea of Alexandria University Center for the Greener Blue Economy came through the preparatory sessions for the COP27 Climate Conference hosted by Egypt in Sharm El-Sheikh, during which many discussions took place with Egyptian, Arab and foreign officials to present policies that support development and optimum utilization of available resources while reducing negative impacts on the environment. He added that Alexandria University, in cooperation with many academic bodies, experts and industrialists, has provided many integrated research projects that are applicable, to reduce pollution and greenhouse emissions, and support the conversion of projects into green industries, while emphasizing the need for financing from banks and investors, especially from countries that contributed more to pollution and thermal emissions. Dr. Konsowa pointed to cooperation between Alexandria University, Mediterranean universities, the General Federation of Egyptian Chambers of Commerce and the Association of the Mediterranean Chambers of Commerce and Industry (ASCAME) to carry out many initiatives and projects that achieve mutual benefit through the Greener Blue Economy Center at Alexandria University.
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In his speech, Mr. Ahmed El-Wakil stressed that the blue economy is represented in the good management and optimal utilization of water resources and dependence on water to improve livelihoods through several activities, such as fishing and extracting raw materials from the seas while ensuring respect for the marine environment and biodiversity, noting that 480 million people live in 22 Mediterranean countries can be provided through the blue economy with diverse job opportunities that help to improve their standard of living. He added that the Federation of Chambers of Commerce is counting on the center established by Alexandria University as a safe haven for the blue economy, and he also explained that this workshop is the nucleus of several workshops during which economic and marine experts will be hosted for the benefit of members of the Chamber of Commerce and Commercial Chambers of the Mediterranean.
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Dr. Hassan Nadir stressed that Alexandria University can play a major role in the development of the blue economy, adding that the establishment of the center was an important step for the optimal use of resources in the Mediterranean, and that its launch from Alexandria stems from the regional and international role of Alexandria Governorate. He also pointed to the importance of preserving the Mediterranean Sea, as it brings together the countries of the Mediterranean basin. He also referred to the center's vision, through studying and researching water problems and integrating economists to form a powerful and effective force of scientists and researchers.
Dr. El-Sayed El-Seifi also welcomed the attendees, expressing his pleasure that the Faculty of Commerce hosted this event, considering it the starting signal for the launch of the blue economy in Egypt.
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Dr. Saeed Abdelaziz indicated that this workshop is the initial activity of the new "Blue Economy Center", established by Alexandria University in cooperation with the Alexandria Chamber of Commerce, which in turn works to "provide social and economic returns for current and future generations by contributing to achieving food security, eliminating poverty, improving the standard of living and income, providing job opportunities, safety, achieving sustainable health, security and political development, relying on renewable energy and recycling materials in order to ensure economic and social sustainability at all time." He indicated that controlling the blue economy is done through the use of management methods that are comprehensive and sustainable based on active participation in the community.
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Under the auspices of Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, and Dr. Wael Nabil, Vice President of Alexandria University for Education and Student Affairs, the Faculty of Medicine organized the graduation ceremony for class of 2022 (80th class) international students, who numbered 180 students from several countries: including Bahrain, Yemen, Syria, Sudan, South Sudan, Libya, Saudi Arabia, Palestine, Jordan, Iraq, Somalia, and Mauritania.
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The ceremony was attended by Dr. Ali Abdel Mohsen, Acting Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Dr. Hala Maklad, Director of International Students Department at Alexandria University, Dr. Abdullah Al-Harahsheh, Cultural Counselor of the Embassy of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, Dr. Thamer Al-Barakat, Deputy Consul of Iraq, Mr. Abdullah Al-Saadawi, Deputy Consul General of Palestine, Mr. Mohamed Hammad, Cultural Affairs Officer at the Consulate of Palestine, Mr. Ziyad Al-Masry, Deputy Cultural Attaché at the Embassy of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, in addition to the Vice Deans of the Faculty of Medicine, members of the faculty, and the Secretary General of the University.
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In his speech, Dr. Ali Abdelmohsen welcomed the representatives of the Arab embassies, parents, and graduates, stressing that today is the harvest day in which the students reap the fruits of their efforts that lasted for years, wishing them to be the best ambassadors of Egypt when they return to their countries, and that their efforts will be crowned with progress and success.
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While Dr. Hala Maklad congratulated the students on their graduation, being the conclusion of one stage and the beginning of another, through the practice of a great human profession, which is the profession of medicine, stressing that they should be proud of belonging to the University of Alexandria. She also congratulated the parents and representatives of the embassies on the graduation of their sons and daughters, and their return home as qualified doctors capable of serving their countries.
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The ceremony included a flag parade of the countries of all the graduates’ nationalities, in addition to honouring the graduates, a singing performance by the Faculty of Medicine choir, and the presentation of graduation certificates.
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Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, participated on Friday, the 6th of January, in congratulating Coptic Orthodox Egyptians on the occasion of Christmas, attending the celebration at Saint Mark's Coptic Orthodox Cathedral in Alexandria.
The Christmas celebrations were also attended His Excellency Major General Mohamed El-Sherif, Governor of Alexandria, Staff Major General Walid Hamouda, Commander of the Northern Military Region, in addition to a group of security, military and civil leaders in Alexandria, and members of the House of Representatives and Senate. On the occasion of Christmas, Dr. Konsowa wished his Christian brothers all happiness, wellness, and contentment, praying to God that he preserves our dear Egypt, may it be blessed with security, prosperity and stability.

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Dr. Ashraf El-Ghandour, Vice President for Postgraduate Studies and Research Affairs, held a meeting on Tuesday the 3rd of January, with assistants of vice-deans of faculties and institutes of Alexandria University, as per the decision of the Postgraduate Studies and Research Council in its last meeting, to choose assistants for vice-deans of faculties for postgraduate studies and research, to prepare and qualify them for leadership in the future.
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During the meeting, El-Ghandour stressed that Alexandria University headed by Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa is keen to select young leaders to achieve the university’s strategy to support youth cadres, and give them the opportunity to connect with the actual work environment to be able to make different decisions, through their presence next to the faculties’ vice-deans for postgraduate studies and research, and by informing them of the university regulations and laws, and the University Organization Law.
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He also stressed that the selection of these young leaders comes to achieve integration and synergy between the current leaders of Alexandria University and the youth cadres in its faculties and institutes, to have a well-prepared academic environment in the future, and to discover the potentials and creative capabilities of the youth cadres at the University. El-Ghandour pointed out that this Leadership Program aims to establish a strong base of youth competencies to be qualified for academic, administrative, and community service work, by training them at the highest level using the latest scientific and practical management and planning theories, and increasing their ability to apply modern methods to face all challenge.
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Alexandria University students succeeded in eradicating illiteracy for 2,851 male and female citizens in the October 2022 session, according to the records of the educational process database.
Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, Alexandria University President, praised this important achievement, stressing the university's keenness to play its role in community service within the framework of the university's social and national responsibility, in line with implementing the state's plan to achieve the goals of sustainable development until 2030, including addressing the dangers of illiteracy. He indicated that the university established Alexandria University Centre for the Eradication of Illiteracy to implement an integrated strategy to support this national project at the university level.
Dr. Mohamed Anwar, Dean of the Faculty of Education, indicated that this achievement is the culmination of the efforts of all the literacy eradication project participants from the university, especially its students. He extended his sincere thanks to the university students as the main partner in the university’s success in reaching this achievement.