important news
Education and Student Affairs Council Monitors Second Semester Exams Progress, Praises Faculty of Medicine Efforts to Improve Medical Services Quality
Dr. Wael Nabil, Vice President of Alexandria University for Education and Student Affairs, during the meeting of the Education and Student Affairs Council on the morning of Monday the 19th of June 2023, thanked the faculties’ vice-deans for the effort made to complete the second semester final exams process in an optimal manner, stressing that the university is working to provide all the appropriate conditions for students to perform their exams with ease. He also stressed the need to provide an appropriate atmosphere for students with disabilities during the examination period, to ensure equal opportunities and provide a fair environment for all students.
• Dr. Nabil stressed the importance of speedy completion of grading the exam papers and approving the final results before the end of July 2023.
• The Council praised the efforts of the Faculty of Medicine, the latest of which was the establishment of a bone marrow transplantation unit and its accessories, which was inaugurated by His Excellency President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi last week via video conference, at a cost of 65 million pounds.
• The Council discussed the rules governing student transfers for the new academic year 2023/2024.
• In accordance with the directives of H.E. the President of the Republic, Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, the Council affirmed the opportunity for Sinai youth to engage in Egyptian society through scholarships within public and national universities and affirmed the readiness of Alexandria University to receive them in its various faculties.
• Dr. Salah Suleiman, Professor of Chemistry and Toxicity of Pesticides, reviewed a summary of the activities of the Community Issues course (university requirement) and the activities that were achieved during the two semesters of the academic year 2022/2023 aimed at building the knowledge and leadership capacities of registered students and educating them on some important societal issues that surround their community on both the national and international levels, indicating some of the requirements that contribute to achieving the course's mission.
• Dr. Siddika Lashin, Professor of Theatre at the Faculty of Arts, and Professor Dr. Reem Hafez, Applied Linguistics Program Officer at the Faculty of Arts, reviewed a report on the representation of Alexandria University in the Federation of Arab Universities Forum, which was held in Morocco from the 1st until the 5th of May 2023. This presentation dealt with the most important student exchange opportunities between Alexandria University and the Arab universities participating in the forum. Alexandria University has reaped 22 training opportunities for university students in various scientific and literary fields.

Election of Dr. Emad Khalil as Chairman of the Scientific and Technical Advisory Committee of UNESCO for the 2001 Convention
Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University congratulated Dr. Emad Khalil, Professor of the UNESCO Chair for Underwater Cultural Heritage and Director of the Centre for Maritime Archeology and Underwater Cultural Heritage at Alexandria University, on his election as Chairman of the Scientific and Technical Advisory Committee of UNESCO for the 2001 Convention, during the fourteenth meeting of the Scientific Advisory Committee of UNESCO, and the ninth meeting of the Member States of the 2001 UNESCO Convention for the Protection of Underwater Cultural Heritage, which was held from 13-15 June 2023 at UNESCO headquarters in Paris. It was held in the presence of Mr. Ernesto Ottoni, Assistant Director-General of UNESCO, and Ms. Christa Picat, Secretary General of the UNESCO Charter Department for the year 2001, and delegations representing the 72 member countries of the Convention. This is the first time that Egypt chairs this committee, which consists of 14 international experts specializing in underwater cultural heritage, and considered the organization's scientific reference in that field.
It is worth noting that during the meeting of the member states, the role of Egypt and the University of Alexandria was commended, represented by the UNESCO Chair for Underwater Cultural Heritage, for the remarkable effort, effective and diverse regional and international activities aimed at building regional and Arab capacities in the fields of heritage. The administration of the 2001 Convention praised the various aspects of cooperation between the UNESCO Chair at Alexandria University, Bibliotheca Alexandrina, and the UNESCO Office in Cairo, in support of activities related to underwater cultural heritage in the Arab region.
Dr. Konsowa congratulates the faculty of Agriculture for winning 3 research projects in the initiative to link scientific research with industry
Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, congratulated the professors of the Faculty of Agriculture in El-Shatby, Dr. Marsa El-Souda, Dr. Ibrahim El-Sayed, and Dr. Sameh Awad, after receiving today the contracts for their winning projects within the initiative to link scientific research with industry, which is the appeal launched by the Academy of Scientific Research in July 2022, to find innovative applied scientific and technological solutions for the dairy sector.
Today, Dr. Mahmoud Saqr, President of the Academy of Scientific Research and Technology, and Ms. Doaa Salima, Executive Director of the Center for Industrial Modernization, handed over the contracts for the three winning projects to the professors of the Faculty of Agriculture.
Dr. Muhammad Bahey El-Din, Dean of the College of Agriculture, indicated that these projects come within the framework of the strategy launched by Dr. Abdel Aziz Konsowa, President of the University, with the need to benefit from the research outputs and projects of the university, develop the concept of knowledge-based industry and maximize the benefit of research to serve the community, explaining that cooperation With industry, support for innovation, innovators, and technological entrepreneurship comes at the top of the priorities of Alexandria University and Egypt's vision for development 2030, and he added that 3 research outputs submitted by the Faculty of Agriculture out of 8 at the level of the Republic were selected for those who have the ability to implement their projects with industrial partners according to specific criteria and a relevant time plan.
Main goals, in addition to creating permanent channels between the industry sector, universities and research centers to benefit from ideas and scientific research in solving the challenges facing various industrial sectors. And its products according to an innovative scientific methodology.
The internal excellence awards management team at Alexandria University participates in the activities of training work teams at the Institute of National Planning
Within the framework of Alexandria University’s keenness to develop and raise the efficiency of the performance of its employees, Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, directed the importance of motivating its employees to apply for the awards of the third session 2023 for government excellence, because of its important role in stimulating the spirit of positive competition and excellence and raising the level of performance in the university’s faculties In line with Egypt's Vision 2030.
In this context, Dr. Ali Musallam, a professor at the Faculty of Commerce, referred to his participation with the internal excellence awards management team at Alexandria University, who are Dr. Heba Saad - Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, Dr. Donia Adel - Faculty of Physical Education for Girls, Dr. Muhammad Hakam - Faculty of Engineering, and Dr. Muhammad Abdel Moneim The Faculty of Commerce, in the activities of training work teams with representatives of other universities, during the period from 4-6 June 2023 at the Institute of National Planning, in coordination with the Ministry of Higher Education and the Ministry of Planning and Economic Development, explaining that the administration of the Egypt Award for Government Excellence has organized an introductory training workshop on Over the course of the two days, the internal awards work teams, to manage the internal excellence system, with the aim of reviewing the internal awards management mechanisms and the tasks of the work team from the universities, which will serve as a direct link with the Egypt Award for Government Excellence management team in coordination with the Supreme Council of Universities to manage the internal awards operations, he added. The Egypt Award for Government Excellence team reviewed, during the workshop, the tasks and responsibilities of the internal awards management team, to include a technical structure specialized in managing evaluation, operations, logistics and operation, communication and public relations, and technical support, in addition to the general plan for internal awards management, starting from the announcement of the awards. , training ambassadors of excellence, and then opening the door for candidacy, which is followed by evaluation processes and field visits leading to arbitration, approval of the results and honoring the winners, in addition to disseminating best practices with the aim of developing development plans and initiatives as a tool for improvement in the upcoming sessions.

Dr. El-Ghandour Attends Meeting of Training & Testing Centres Directors on Basics of Digital Transformation Certificate at Egyptian Universities
Under the auspices of Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, and in coordination with the Central Unit for Information Technology Training at the Supreme Council of Universities, Dr. Ashraf El-Ghandour, Vice President for Postgraduate Studies and Research, witnessed the periodic meeting of the directors of training and testing centers and units on the Basics of Digital Transformation certificate in Egyptian universities and other institutions nationwide as members of the Executive Committee for Information Technology Training at the Center for Electronic and Knowledge Services of the Supreme Council of Universities.
This meeting comes with the aim of discussing issues that would ensure the implementation of training and exams on the Certificate of Fundamentals of Digital Transformation in a professional manner, especially since it has become a requirement for awarding scientific degrees for studies.
In his speech, Dr. El-Ghandour stressed the importance of this meeting in the constant pursuit of developing the Certificate of Fundamentals of Digital Transformation as it is a national certificate. He indicated that Alexandria University aspires to optimal investment in human resources as one of the strategic goals that the university seeks to achieve, by supporting and developing the capabilities of the Centre for Developing the Capacity of Faculty Members and Leaders, as the centre is entrusted with monitoring needs and developing human resources at Alexandria University, as well as training and exams for the Certificate of Fundamentals of Digital Transformation in cooperation with the Central Unit for Information Technology Training at the Supreme Council of Universities.
While Dr. Abdelaziz Emara, Executive Director of the Centre, gave a presentation on the capabilities of Alexandria University, the role and achievements of the Centre for Developing the Capacity of Faculty Members and Leaders at the University, and its role in the development of human resources.
The meeting was attended by Dr. John Fayez, Deputy Director of the Centre for Electronic and Knowledge Services, Dr. Mohamed Hassan Gadallah, Director of the Central Unit for Training in Information Technology at the Supreme Council of Universities, Dr. Saeed Abdelaziz, former Dean of the Faculty of Commerce and former Governor of Sharkia, Dr. Abdallah Mosaad Zein El-Din, Former Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture, Professor Mohamed Abul-Nasr, who is in charge of the work of the Secretary General of the University, and a group of trainers accredited by the Center and by the Supreme Council of Universities from Alexandria University affiliates.