
important news

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Under the auspices of Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, Dr. Wael Nabil, Vice President for Education and Student Affairs, and Dr. Ashraf El-Ghandour, Vice President for Postgraduate Studies and Research, and Acting Vice President for Community Service and Environmental Development, the Anti-Violence Against Women Unit organized a workshop entitled "Dealing with Violence" that included several activities.
Dr. Manal Fouda, Executive Director of the Unit, indicated that the workshop included theatrical performances at the opening and closing, screening short films on violence, and legal interventions for the penalties for these malpractices.
She indicated that the students were divided into groups for training in conducting media campaigns against violence and presenting the publications of the National Council for Women, to further spread awareness and culture among students.
The participating students praised the distinguished nature of the workshop and the diversity of its activities, calling for more of them in the future.
The workshop was attended by Dr. Wafaa El-Sahli, former Vice Dean of the Faculty of Medicine for Community Service and Environmental Development and member of the Board of Directors of the Unit for Combating Violence against Women, Ms. Fatma Rashwan, a member of the Complaints Office, and Ms. Rabab Abu El-Azm from the National Council for Women, in addition to the coordinators and volunteers of the unit.
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Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, received a delegation from the British University of Hull, which included Dr. Philip Gilmartin, Vice President for International Affairs, Mr. Robert Skelton, Head of the Global Strategy Office at the University of Hull, and representatives of the British Embassy and the British Council in Cairo, in the presence of the Vice-presidents of Alexandria University, deans of the faculties of Engineering, Medicine, Computers and Data Science, the Institute of Graduate Studies and Research, and representatives of the International Cooperation Office at Alexandria University.
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In his speech, Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa stressed that Alexandria University is keen to expand its base of global partnerships with major international universities, which reflects positively on the quality of the educational and research process at the university, and opens the doors of academic opportunity to study abroad and to benefit from various international experiences for its students, as well as students at Alexandria Public University, and Alexandria University International branches in Chad and South Sudan. He pointed out that Alexandria University has established many double and joint degrees with major international universities ranked globally, and seeks to complete its goal in this regard during the coming period, to achieve competitiveness in higher education at the regional and international levels. He added that the university is also keen to link scientific research with the industry, noting that the planned cooperation with the University of Hull will include conducting joint research, especially in areas related to clean energy, water, marine environment, climate issues, engineering fields, computer science, and green hydrogen production, as well as cooperation in the field of student and faculty exchange. Professor Konsowa drew attention to the distinguished participation of Alexandria University in the climate conference COP27 in Sharm El-Sheikh and presenting the project “Green Fertilizer Production” through the use of green hydrogen as an energy source. This project provided solutions through technologies that do not cause any environmental damage during the production and operation stages.
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While Dr. Philip Gilmartin welcomed the cooperation with Alexandria University in areas of common interest, and praised the human and material capabilities and degrees in the various academic and scientific fields at the University. He gave an overview of the British University of Hull, explaining that it is the fourteenth university among the oldest universities in England, as it was established in 1927. He Explained that the University of Hull is an ambitious institution that seeks to prepare and qualify cadres, and includes four faculties and two research institutes, namely the Colleges of Science, Arts and Social Sciences, the College of Health and Social Care, and the College of Education.
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Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, received a delegation from Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies in Uzbekistan, headed by Dr. Rikhsieva Gulchehra Shavkatovna, Rector of the University, in the presence of Dr. Ashraf El-Ghandour, Vice President for Postgraduate Studies and Research, Dr. Wael Nabil, Vice President for Education and Student Affairs, deans and vice-deans of the faculties of Law, Science, Arts, Fine Arts, Tourism and Hotels, Economic Studies and Political Science, and officials of the International Relations Office at Alexandria University.

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In his speech, Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa welcomed the delegation of Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies to the campus of Alexandria University, stressing the university's keenness on international cooperation with prestigious international universities, pointing out that Alexandria University has many double degrees with American, British, and European universities that allow students to obtain degrees from both sides. He added that this axis is a fundamental pillar of Alexandria University, as it has established many dual and joint degrees with major international universities ranked globally and seeks to complete its target in this regard during the coming period, in various scientific disciplines. Dr. Konsowa announced that the university is currently establishing a technology park inside three of its campuses, to benefit from the outputs and research projects of the university and to develop the concept of knowledge-based industry.
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While Dr. Rikhsieva Gulchehra Shavkatovna, Rector of the Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies, confirmed that she is keen to cooperate with the deep-rooted Alexandria University, especially in the fields of Orientalism, Arabic language, the study of manuscripts and cultural heritage, and to deepen international cooperation in academic fields of common interest. She pointed out that Tashkent University was founded a hundred years ago and is developing a strategic plan to qualify scientific cadres and aims to cooperate in scientific projects with major foreign universities, pointing out that graduates of Tashkent University hold positions in the Uzbek government, including 50 ambassadors in Europe, and the university owns 5 scientific journals. She added that her university seeks joint international publication with Alexandria University, and the implementation of scientific projects in the study of heritage manuscripts in the Bibliotheca Alexandrina and the Alexandria University Collections Museum.
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Dr. Ashraf El-Ghandour indicated that Alexandria University is ready to cooperate with Tashkent State University to study manuscripts, especially since the Alexandria University Collections Museum contains rare manuscripts and heritage books of the three monotheistic religions, stressing that this will give great importance to cooperation in the study of these manuscripts.
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Dr. Wael Nabil pointed out that Alexandria University has a special center for teaching Arabic to non-native speakers, TAFL Center, stressing that this center will give great importance to cooperation between the two universities in teaching Arabic in the State of Uzbekistan.
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Dr. Bushra Salem delivered a presentation on Alexandria University, its faculties and institutes, and the various international educational programs at the University, as well as the double scientific degrees offered by Alexandria University in cooperation with various international universities.


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Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, announced that the results of January 2023 edition of the universities world ranking Spanish website “Webometrics”, included the progress of Alexandria University by 153 international ranks compared to January last year, as it ranked 578 globally compared to 731 in January 2022, from among 30,000 universities worldwide. Alexandria University ranked second locally after Cairo University, ranked fifth at the Arab level, and sixth at the African level, which confirms the efforts of Alexandria University to be present on the global map, its quest for expansion in partnerships, and its contribution to achieving sustainable development goals.
The Webometrics ranking is an initiative of the Cybermetrics Lab Foundation, which is affiliated with the largest research body in Spain. This classification is based on several factors regarding the university's website position, namely its impact in terms of scientific production, transparency, and scientific and research excellence of the university. This classification is also the largest in terms of the number of higher education institutions that have been analyzed in preparation for participation. Every six months, an independent and objective scientific ranking is presented. The methodology in the Webometrics classification is based on 50% for presence in posts, the number of external networks linked to the organization’s website pages (calculated and then choosing the maximum value), 10% for the number of the highest cited papers in Google Scholar database, and 40% of the number of searches included in the top 10% cited in the Scimago database during the five years preceding the year of enumeration (i.e. 2021, for the calculation of 2022 data).





Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, congratulated Dr. Abeer Attia, on the occasion of the presidential decree to appoint her as Dean of the Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, Alexandria University, wishing her success in her new position, and continuous efforts to upgrade the faculty.