important news
Alexandria University Students Visit the Naval College to Enhance Their National Awareness
Under the auspices of Dr Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, a group of Alexandria University students visited the Naval College, as part of a series of visits organized by the university in cooperation with the Popular and Military Defense Administration.
During the visit, the students met with Major General Ayman El Daly, Director of the Naval College, who conveyed to them the greetings of Lieutenant General Ashraf Atwa, Commander of the Naval Forces, and stressed the importance of the visit in introducing students to military life and the role of the college in preparing young people to defend the homeland.
The students also learned about the tasks of the Naval Forces in securing borders and coasts, and the importance of comprehensive security for society, which is not limited to military security only, but also includes economic and social security.
Colonel Mohamed Maher, Director of the Military Education Department at Alexandria University, pointed out that this visit represents part of an integrated strategy adopted by the university to enhance national awareness among students and deepen understanding of the pivotal role played by the armed forces in preserving the homeland and protecting its territory. He explained that the aim of these visits is to provide students with the opportunity to learn about military life, the challenges facing the armed forces, being prepare to confront these challenges, and to consolidate the concept of comprehensive security, which goes beyond the military dimension to include all aspects of life, from economic and social security to intellectual and informational security. He stressed that these visits will undoubtedly contribute to building a young generation that is aware of the importance of national security, aware of the dimensions of the threats facing our homeland, and armed with a sense of responsibility and readiness to contribute to its construction and development.
President of Alexandria University Attends Introductory Meeting for Delegation of Louisville University in the United States on Scholarships at Faculty of Engineering
Professor Dr Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, witnessed today, Thursday, the 20th of February 2025, the introductory meeting organized by the Faculty of Engineering for the delegation of Louisville University in the United States to introduce the new partnership programs with the (3 + 1) system in all engineering disciplines, that allow the student to obtain a dual bachelor's degree from both Alexandria University and Louisville University, and also to introduce the summer training grants at Louisville University, practical training opportunities and postgraduate studies, and to answer students' inquiries. A meeting was also held with final-year students and new graduates to present opportunities for studying for a master's and doctorate at Louisville University.
The meeting was attended by Dr. Paul Hoffman, Associate Vice Provost for International Affairs at the University of Louisville, Dr. Ayman El-Baz, Head of the Department of Bioengineering at the University of Louisville, Dr. Roshdi Zahran, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of El Alamein International University, Dr. Essam El-Kurdi, President of El Alamein International University, Dr. Walid Abdelazim, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Dr. Mustafa El-Naanaei, Dean of the Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering at Alexandria University m, Dr. Wael El-Maghlani, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Engineering for Education and Student Affairs, Dr. Ahmed El-Tarras, Associate Professor at the Faculty of Engineering and Coordinator of the Agreement at the Faculty, and a group of faculty members and students of the Faculty.

In his speech, Dr. Konsowa said that this meeting comes against the backdrop of the agreement signed between Alexandria University and Louisville University under the umbrella of El Alamein International University in 2022, noting that the cooperation between the three universities is a pioneering model, especially after the successful graduation of 7 students from Alexandria University from the joint degree between Alexandria University and Louisville University, and the success of the summer training for a number of Alexandria University students in the United States of America over the past three years since the signing of the agreement. Konsowa indicated that this success will lead to an increase in joint degrees with Louisville University at the undergraduate level. He also pointed out that Alexandria University aspires to provide its students with the opportunity to open up to the world by signing dual degrees with major international universities in line with the Egyptian state’s vision to build a knowledge-based economy. In this context, Dr. Konsowa said that Alexandria University will launch a "call" to adopt and finance students' creative ideas and pioneering graduation projects through Alexandria University's Technology Park, adding that the Technology Park will also be linked to the University of Louisville in the United States to graduate advanced alumni who are compatible with the requirements of the technological labor market, in addition to raising the skills of students enrolled in the dual degree between the two universities.

Dr. Paul Hoffman also stressed his university's keenness to cooperate with Alexandria University, which occupies a leading position at all scientific and research levels in Egypt and the Middle East. Hoffman reviewed the summer practical training opportunities for students in the United States of America during the past period, and stressed that Louisville University is interested in supporting students in the practical aspect, providing them with the necessary skills for their success in the labor market. He expressed his pleasure to expand the horizons of cooperation between the two sides and increase the specializations offered.

Dr. Roshdi Zahran praised the great cooperation between Alexandria University, Louisville University and El Alamein International University, stressing that this partnership is very important for students to learn about modern and advanced educational systems, adding that when an Egyptian student is given a good educational opportunity, they achieve impressive success, and the evidence of this is the superiority of Egyptian students who joined the summer training compared to their peers from other countries. Zahran stressed that students enrolled in Louisville University are ambassadors for the Egyptian state, so they must be up to the responsibility.

For his part, Dr. Essam El-Kordy, President of El Alamein International University, praised the results of the agreement, especially since the students who graduated from the double degree, some of whom received a master's scholarship and some of whom joined the labor market in the United States of America, adding that the Louisville University delegation toured the six partner universities in the agreement to introduce what has been achieved in the agreement since it was signed in 2022, which encouraged these universities to expand cooperation in various scientific specializations because it allows students to exchange experiences with international universities and learn about new cultures.

Dr. Ayman El-Baz highlighted the conditions for joining the various programs and the tuition fees. He also discussed the advantages of studying in the program, which provides opportunities for students to obtain job opportunities in the United States of America after completing their studies.

Dr. Walid Abdeazim welcomed the delegation from Louisville University to the Faculty of Engineering, noting that the meeting is a good opportunity for students to learn about the new partnership programs for the undergraduate stage, summer training grants with Louisville University, and scholarships available through the joint cooperation agreement between the two universities.

Dr. Mustafa El-Naanaei praised the unprecedented boom witnessed by Alexandria University in developing its laboratories and establishing joint degrees with major international universities, which provides a good opportunity to expand the agreement degrees to include other scientific disciplines.

Alexandria University students visit Mohamed Naguib Military Base to enhance national awareness
Within the framework of the political leadership's directives to raise awareness and develop a spirit of loyalty and belonging among university students, and under the auspices of Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, the Popular Defense Forces Command, in cooperation with Alexandria University, organized a field visit to Mohamed Naguib Military Base yesterday, Wednesday, February 19, with the participation of 47 students from various faculties of the university.
Dr. Mohamed Anwar Farag, Professor at the Faculty of Education and Head of the University Delegation, stressed the importance of these visits to develop awareness and national belonging among university students and to familiarize them with the capabilities and potential of their armed forces, instilling national belonging in them at the current stage, and emphasizing standing by the Egyptian state in its wars and challenges.
During the visit, the students witnessed a full show in the hall of the Mohamed Naguib Military Base in the presence of a number of military base leaders, where the students had the opportunity to learn about the advanced technology used by the army, as well as to see a number of modern equipment and weapons that demonstrated the strength and discipline of the armed forces personnel. They also watched training on the use of the latest types of weapons and advanced technologies. The door was opened for questions with the leaders, which gave the students the opportunity to interact directly with members of the armed forces. At the end of the visit, the university students expressed their happiness with this visit, stressing their complete confidence in the Egyptian army and its ability to protect the homeland.
Community Service and Environmental Development Council Discusses Regulations for Organizing Exhibitions and Charity Bazaars at the University
Alexandria University's Community Service and Environmental Development Council, which met this morning, Wednesday, the 19th of February 2025, headed by Dr. Saeed Allam, Vice President of the University for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs, discussed the regulations for holding charity exhibitions and markets at the faculties and institutes of Alexandria University, stressing Alexandria University's keenness to promote and spread the culture of social solidarity among various groups of the university community by organizing charity bazaars that benefit students and provide them with high-quality products and services at the lowest prices.
The Council approved the cooperation protocol between Alexandria University and the General Authority for Health Care, and the cooperation agreement between the Faculty of Pharmacy - Alexandria University and "Manakh Ardena" (Our Land's imate) Foundation for Sustainable Development.
The Council honoured Dr. Mohab El-Dessouki, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Physical Education for Boys for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs, and Dr. Baheya El-Akhriti, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Specific Education for Community Service and Environmental Development, in appreciation of their efforts during their tenures and for their tangible efforts, distinguished contributions, and many outstanding achievements to improve the performance of their faculties.
The Council was informed of the report submitted by the Faculty of Arts regarding a workshop entitled "Skills for Creating Success and Excellence" and a workshop entitled "Designing Educational Videos Using Artificial Intelligence Tools" and a workshop entitled "Generating Electronic Tests and Assessments Using Artificial Intelligence".
The Council was informed of the proposal submitted by the Faculty of Law regarding the need to hold seminars and awareness activities in the field of combating corruption during the current schoolyear 2024-2025 within the framework of implementing the principles of the National Strategy for Combating Corruption.
The Council was informed of the report submitted by the Faculty of Education on the literacy classes that were registered during December 2024 and January 2025.
The Council was informed of the report submitted by the Faculty of Specific Education on the achievements of its Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs Sector during the period from January to December 2024.

Graduate Studies and Research Council Discusses Research Topics Related to Edducational Process
Alexandria University's Council of Graduate Studies and Research, in its session held this morning, Tuesday the 18th of February 2025, headed by Dr. Hisham Saeed, Vice President of the University for Graduate Studies and Research, reviewed a summary of some topics of the Supreme Council for Graduate Studies and Research in its 75th session on Wednesday 12th of February 2025.
Among these topics is the role of universities in implementing the strategy of innovation, artificial intelligence, and local research, similar to research centers. Examples were also presented, reviewing the global experiences of some universities as a driver of innovation and development, such as Stafford, Harvard, and Oxford universities.
- The Council reviewed the steps to launch the Alliance and Development initiative, as well as the role of artificial intelligence in advancing higher education and scientific research. Dr. Hisham Saeed stressed the importance of preparing a timetable and periodic program to communicate with industry and entrepreneurs.
- The Council reviewed the Egyptian Knowledge Bank initiative regarding the proposed program for training young researchers in Egyptian universities, which is a package of 7 training programs provided by the Knowledge Bank. After completing and passing these programs, the researcher receives a certificate accredited by Clarivate in a celebration organized by the Knowledge Bank.
- Dr. Hisham Saeed noted the provision of a complete electronic portal to upload scientific output on it as well as arbitration in order to reduce the use of paper transactions when applying to scientific committees, starting from the 15th session of the various scientific committees of the Supreme Council of Universities.
- The Council also reviewed Article No. (5-2-1) which clarifies the student’s ownership of the innovations they achieve during their studies in postgraduate programs at Egyptian universities. The Council also discussed Articles No. 98 and 99 of the Universities Organization Law and its executive regulations, which are related to who has the right to supervise scientific theses (master’s and doctorate) alone. The Council also discussed the issue of exempting professional degrees (professional doctorate) from taking the comprehensive exam, which is considered a requirement for academic degrees at the university. The Council also reviewed what was studied by the Committee of Teaching Assistants and Assistant Lecturers.
- The Council also approved the proposed cooperation project between Alexandria University and Debrecen University in Hungary for cooperation in the fields of higher education and scientific research, the renewal of the scientific cooperation agreement between Alexandria University (Faculty of Law) and the Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport (International Transport and Logistics Institute), the proposed cultural and scientific cooperation agreement between Alexandria University (Faculty of Pharmacy) and Sapienza University (Rome), and the approval of the establishment of a Master's program in Artificial Intelligence Applications in Dentistry, which is a dual Master's degree with the University of Essex in the United Kingdom, after making some amendments.

- Dr. Hisham Saeed congratulated the members of the esteemed council on the approaching holy month of Ramadan, calling for it to return to Egypt and the Islamic nation with goodness, blessings and prosperity. He also congratulated the Faculty of Fine Arts for obtaining the fourteenth place in the international competition INSPIRELI World Architecture for the year 2023-2024, and congratulated the Faculty of Pharmacy for the international accreditation of the Bachelor of Clinical Pharmacy degree Pharm - Clinical. Dr. Saeed also congratulated Professor Dr. Asaad El-Kiki, Dean of the Faculty of Physical Education for Boys, for assuming the position of Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Alexandria Basketball Region.