important news

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Dr. Ali Abdelmohsen, Acting Vice President of Alexandria University for Education and Student Affairs, announced during the Council of Education and Student Affairs meeting held today that the university will organize a package of educational events and seminars for students of various faculties during the second semester, with the aim of raising awareness and instilling a spirit of loyalty and belonging to the homeland among them, noting the presence of a number of cultural, academic and scientific figures to participate in these events and provide their expertise to the students.
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Dr. Ali Abdelmohsen thanked the faculty vice deans for their distinguished performance in managing the first semester exams, praising the efforts of the Measurement and Evaluation Unit headed by Dr. Sameh Nakhla in following up and evaluating the exams.
 Dr. Ali Abdelmohsen also stressed to the faculty vice deans the necessity of encouraging final year students to participate in the Egyptian questionnaire proposed by the Supreme Council of Universities regarding student participation, which aims to measure the quality of educational services and the degree of student satisfaction with their experience in university life during their study period.
 The Council was informed of Dr. Ali Abdelmohsen's visit, accompanied by Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of the University, to the Universities of Essex, Southampton and East London in the United Kingdom, and the signing of several joint academic degrees, stressing the importance of providing diverse educational programs that link artificial intelligence with various scientific disciplines such as medicine, dentistry, engineering and agriculture.
 Dr. Ali Abdelmohsen congratulated all university members on the occasion of the approaching holy month of Ramadan, asking God to return it to Egypt and the Islamic nation with goodness, blessings and prosperity.
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 The Council honored Dr. Gihan Mahmoud El-Sayed Ahmed, Professor in the Libraries Department and former Vice Dean of the Faculty of Arts for Education and Student Affairs, in appreciation of her efforts during her tenure as Vice Dean of the Faculty, wishing her continued success and prosperity.
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Within the framework of Alexandria University's active participation in the presidential initiative for human development (A New Beginning for Building the Human Being) and under the auspices of Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, the Alexandria University Cultural Salon organized an educational lecture entitled (The Role of the Objectives of Islamic Law in Preserving Society) delivered by His Eminence Dr. Nazir Ayyad, Grand Mufti of Egypt.
The event that took place in the Grand Conference Hall at the Faculty Development Centre in Smouha was attended by Dr. Saeed Allam, Vice President of the University for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs, Dr. Hani Khamis, Dean of the Faculty of Arts, Dr. Nefertiti Hassan, Dean of the Faculty of Nursing, Dr. Mohamed Abdelrazzaq and Dr. Sahar Sherif, professors at the Faculty of Arts, Dr. Ibrahim El Gamal, Secretary of the Egyptian Family House in Alexandria, and a large number of deans and vice deans of faculties, faculty members and students.
In his speech on behalf of Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of the University, Dr. Saeed Allam welcomed His Eminence Dr. Nazir Ayyad, Grand Mufti of the Republic, to Alexandria University, praising the role of the Egyptian Dar Al-Iftaa in consolidating the values of human citizenship, providing legal fatwas and advice to the public, introducing them to the principles of their religion, clarifying the features of Islam, and removing any confusion in the conditions of their religion and their world, revealing the rulings of Islam in all that is new in contemporary life.
Dr. Allam stressed the importance of continuous communication between official religious institutions and university students to introduce them to the principles of their religion, clarify the moderate teachings of Islam, confront extremist ideas, and enhance the ability of society to face intellectual and social challenges.
His Eminence Dr. Nazir Ayyad, the Grand Mufti of the Republic, expressed his pleasure to be at Alexandria University and communicate with the university students, praising the distinguished academic level of Alexandria University students. His Eminence the Mufti explained that the title of the lecture meets the community's need to understand the objectives of Islamic law and its importance in preserving societal peace, explaining that Islamic law has paid great attention to public affairs, as it is based on an integrated system of Islamic values, principles and legal objectives that aim to control this matter, as it is one of the most important factors for development in this world and salvation in the hereafter. He also stressed the importance of collective thinking and integration between scientific, research and religious institutions to confront extremism in all its forms and address societal crises. His Eminence also discussed the objectives and goals of Sharia that the wise Lawgiver seeks to achieve in this world and the hereafter.
Dr. Hani Khamis stressed the importance of the objectives of Islamic law, which represent the foundations of stability in human societies and building a balanced society that enjoys security, peace, freedom of belief and expression, preserving the freedom of individuals, ensuring their safety, and enhancing the spirit of creativity and critical thinking, pointing to the integration of the roles of Al-Azhar Al-Sharif, the Ministry of Endowments, Dar Al-Iftaa, and the Egyptian Church in preserving the Egyptian national identity throughout the ages.
Dr. Mohamed Abdelrazzaq El-Mekki praised the importance of open awareness meetings with university students to answer the questions that revolve in the minds of young people about Islamic law in an era in which attacks on religious sanctities are increasing, which requires listening to the foundations of our moderate, true religion from our venerable scholars at Dar Al-Iftaa and Al-Azhar Al-Sharif.
Dr. Sahar Sherif stressed the keenness of the Alexandria University Cultural Salon to host scientific and cultural figures and organize awareness meetings with university students to represent an enlightening cultural beacon for the Alexandrian community.
The lecture witnessed rich discussions and great interaction from the audience. His Eminence the Mufti responded to the university students’ inquiries about religious matters in light of the rapid societal changes, stressing the need to repeat such distinguished cultural lectures
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Within the framework of the Public Prosecution's keenness to keep pace with the steps of Egypt's Vision 2030, which was proposed by His Excellency President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, President of the Arab Republic of Egypt, and its title is "A New Beginning for Building the Egyptian Person", the Public Prosecutor, Counselor Mohamed Shawky, received yesterday, Saturday, February 15, Dr. Abdelaziz Konswa, President of Alexandria University, and Dr. Mohamed El-Feki, Acting Dean of the Faculty of Law, on the occasion of launching the first version of the Egyptian Public Prosecution Program to exchange legal expertise with Egyptian and international universities and institutions.
The launch ceremony of the Public Prosecution Program version was attended by the ambassadors of the United Kingdom and Austria, the Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs of Egypt, a group of Egyptian and foreign university leaders, and representatives of international agencies affiliated with the United Nations, along with students from Northumbria University in the United Kingdom and the University of Vienna in Austria.
Four cooperation protocols were signed, including the cooperation protocol between the Public Prosecution and Alexandria University, for the purpose of cultural and legal exchange between judicial, scientific and student cadres from all over the world as a basic pillar for qualifying young leaders of the future.
During his speech, the Attorney General stressed the importance of respecting international norms, charters and agreements, and the need for those concerned with justice and the law to unite against any violations of international humanitarian law, and to stand up to preserve the minimum basic human rights such as the right to life, food and shelter, as well as confronting crimes of ethnic cleansing and forced displacement, adding that this backlash against international legal rules will not only affect those who have fallen victim to it, but its repercussions will also affect those who have taken a vague position towards it. His Excellency concluded his speech by saying that the Egyptian Public Prosecution is playing its role to be part of the global human conscience, active in its regional and international environment, extending a helping hand to humanity with its infrastructure and practical and academic capabilities, so that future generations of legal cadres are aware of their humanitarian duty closely related to the rest of their legal duties.
For his part, Dr. Konsowa expressed his happiness at signing the cooperation protocol with the Public Prosecution in the prestigious judicial edifice that embodies one of the most important pillars of justice in our beloved country. His Excellency thanked His Excellency the Attorney General for this distinguished step towards cooperation between higher education institutions and the Public Prosecution.
Dr. Konsowa added that the Faculty of Law at Alexandria University has had and continues to have a constructive role in raising the level of its graduates, with whom the nation creates a just, organized and civilized society. The faculty has always been a pioneering scientific platform from which an elite of legal professionals graduated who had the honor of working in the judiciary and the Public Prosecution and rose through its ranks until they reached the highest positions. They played a prominent role in enriching the judicial system and in consolidating the rule of law in Egypt.
The university president concluded his speech by emphasizing that the university is committed to continuing its efforts and academic expertise to ensure that it provides the justice community in Egypt and the Arab world with the fruits of conscious legal youth who carry the banner of high knowledge coupled with advanced thought and keeping pace with the technology of legal knowledge.
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Within the framework of Alexandria National University's keenness to expand cooperation with international universities with a distinguished global ranking, and to raise the quality of the educational process at Alexandria National University and bring it to international levels, Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, and Dr. Maria Fasli, Vice-Chancellor of the University of Essex in the United Kingdom, signed a group of dual degrees in an accelerated masters model between Alexandria National University (ANU) and the University of Essex in the Computer and Communications Engineering program and the Computer Science program.
Dr. Konsowa explained that these degrees include obtaining a bachelor's degree from Alexandria National University and master's degrees from the University of Essex for the Computer and Data Science program in a 3+1 model, which are the Master's in Artificial Intelligence and Smart Programs, Robotics, and Cybersecurity, and for the Computer and Communication Engineering program, in a 4+1 model, which are Artificial Intelligence, Cybersecurity, Computer Engineering, Smart Programs, and Robotics.
Dr. Konsowa pointed out that this cooperation aims to provide world-class education for students, and in implementation of the axes of the National Strategy for Higher Education and Scientific Research, which focused on raising the competitiveness of education globally, and opening up prospects for cooperation between Egyptian universities and prestigious foreign institutions and universities. He explained that the agreement signed between the two parties stipulates the start of studies in the Computer Science program and Engineering at Alexandria National University starting next fall according to the credit hour system, under the full supervision of Alexandria University, and in accordance with the accreditation rules of the British University of Essex.
The signing of the agreement was attended from Alexandria University by Dr. Ali Abdelmohsen, Acting Vice President of Alexandria University for Education and Students, and Dr. Gihan Gewaifel, Assistant of Alexandria University President for International Cooperation and International Branch campuses, and they were received from Essex University by Dr. Maria Fasli, Vice-Chancellor of the University, the Deans of the Faculty of Engineering and the Faculty of Computer and Electronic Engineering, officials of the International Relations Office, and officials of Technology Park and Knowledge Gateway.


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Within the framework of Alexandria University's keenness to establish international partnerships with prestigious and top-ranked international universities, Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, and Dr. Mark Smith, president and Vice-Chancellor of the British University of Southampton, signed a set of dual degrees in the Faculty of Business in accelerated masters 3+1 model.
The University President explained that these degrees allow the student to obtain a Bachelor of Business from Alexandria University, as well as one of the Master's degrees, whether MSc in Digital Marketing, MSc in International Financial Market, or MSc in International Management, from the University of Southampton. Dr. Konsowa added that this agreement stipulates the start of studies in the joint degree at the Faculty of Business starting next fall with the credit hour system, under the full supervision of Alexandria University, and in accordance with the accreditation rules of the British University of Southampton.
During the meeting, the Vice-Chancellor of Southampton University expressed his pleasure to cooperate with Alexandria University in the field of establishing dual degrees and joint scientific research, especially in the fields of water, energy, artificial intelligence and archeology.
A joint meeting was also held between the delegation of Alexandria University and the deans of the Faculties of Engineering and Physics, Social Sciences and Arts, and Archaeology at the University of Southampton, to discuss potential endeavors of joint scientific research and collaborative degrees. The delegation toured the university to learn about the scientific and research capabilities within the university.
The signing of the agreement was attended from Alexandria University by Dr. Ali Abdelmohsen, Acting Vice President of Alexandria University for Education and Students, and Dr. Gihan Gewaifel, Assistant of Alexandria University President for International Cooperation and International Branch Campuses. They were received from the University of Southampton by Dr. Mark Smith, Vice-Chancellor of the University, and Dr. Bashir Al-Waleed, Strategic Officer for the MENA region, as well as the Deans of the Faculties of Business, Engineering, Archaeology, Humanities and Arts, and officials of the International Relations Office.
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