important news

438108133 836040851895978 9185251197293414469 n



Under the auspices of Dr. Abdelaziz Konswa, President of Alexandria University, Dr. Saeed Allam, Vice President of Alexandria University for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs, and Dr. Ahmed Wahban, Dean of the Faculty of Economic Studies and Political Science, opened yesterday, Wednesday, the seventh scientific conference of the faculty, in the presence of a number of faculty deans, Eminent Egyptian Navy men affiliated with the Naval faculty, members of parliamentary councils, faculty members, representatives of many civil society organizations, media figures, and hundreds of researchers and students.
 439857178 836040888562641 6323670242140498040 n
In his speech, Prof. Dr. Saeed Allam conveyed the greetings of Dr. Abdel Aziz Qanswa, President of Alexandria University, to the attendees and his wishes to everyone for a fruitful and successful conference. He praised the continued regularity of holding the college’s scientific conference every year. He also stressed the importance of studying the economic and political reality, which would provide a vision He pointed out the importance of the various recommendations that the conference could come out of research and studies related to the two axes of the economic and political conference, which in turn enhances the leading scientific and societal role of Alexandria University and confirms its position as a major house of expertise that contributes to enrichment. Knowledge of all institutions in society.
 438802514 836040971895966 7130474324625624172 n
In his speech, Dr. Ahmed Wahban, Dean of the faculty and President of the Conference, welcomed the attendees, and referred to the topic of the current (seventh) conference, which includes two inseparable axes, the first of which is the economic axis, which focuses on the problems of the twin deficits and the debt crisis in Arab economies, and the second is the political axis on the current global transformations and developments. Research in political science, and it was considered that the two axes are complementary, given that economic pressures represent one of the mechanisms of wars of the fourth and fifth generations, which include, in addition to economic mechanisms, military mechanisms, and mechanisms related to psychological warfare, black propaganda, information warfare, electronic waste, and other mechanisms of these two generations. One of the generations of wars that aim to achieve and perpetuate divisions in hostile societies. At the end of his speech, Dr. Wahban stressed to the conference researchers the necessity of presenting serious, effective, and applicable recommendations that can be effectively invested in serving the nation and its issues.
In the same context, came the words of Dr. Al-Sayed Al-Seriti, professor of economics at the college and rapporteur of the conference, who stressed that the college’s scientific conference is a forum for presenting research and exchanging ideas and visions aimed at contributing to the discussion and solution of contemporary economic and political problems. Thus, the conference represents an enhancement of the distinguished image of the college at the prestigious University of Alexandria in The academic environment, as well as ensuring greater care for the college’s academic projects and highlighting the university’s position locally and internationally by encouraging scientific research activities in the economic and political fields that occupy the contemporary arena for the benefit of this nation and its people.
Yesterday's activities ended with honoring the researchers participating in the conference on its first day, and handing over shields to the session chairs and commentators.
It is worth noting that the conference concludes its work today, Thursday, April 25, 2024, with two sessions that include new research and a discussion session on the problems of the twin deficits and the debt crisis in the Arab countries.
438746630 836040868562643 5810699455955797194 n
 437719765 836040555229341 4336317291523268179 n
 438059596 836041005229296 2781540800164620421 n

438079366 835924188574311 5436874108888751124 n




In its session headed by Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of the University, the Alexandria University Council discussed the preparations for holding the second semester final exams, which begin next May, for about 200,000 male and female students in the various academic levels in all university faculties and institutes. The exam timetables will be set according to the specifications of each faculty and institute.
 The University President congratulated the faculties whose sub-specializations occupied advanced positions globally in the QS World University Rankings for the year 2024. The Council honoured the deans of the faculties of Arts, Science, Medicine, Pharmacy, Engineering, Veterinary Medicine, and the Institute of Graduate Studies and Research, as their faculties occupied advanced positions in more than one sub-specialization.

438789781 835924225240974 4061694652999357295 n

 438702246 835924368574293 1672715865663404799 n

 438058721 835927701907293 1107701693956665196 n

 438058324 835927945240602 3175871933405716832 n

 438792889 835927921907271 4266670314940774090 n

 438841148 835927865240610 7742344662737436414 n

 438096970 835927685240628 3892329176604060087 n

 438766581 835927818573948 1224256375665957740 n
 The Council agreed to name the lecture halls and classes in several faculties and institutes after the names of the distinguished faculty members, who left a tangible impact or brought about development during their tenure with a clear and distinctive impact.
The Council agreed to allocate a headquarters for a school in Alexandria Governorate, which the Faculty of Education will operate from the kindergarten stage until the end of the secondary stage of general education.
 The Council approved the training of seven faculty members of the University of N'Djamena in the Republic of Chad at Alexandria University.
 The Council approved in principle the establishment of a professional master’s program in cosmetics chemistry in collaboration between the Faculty of Science and the Faculty of Pharmacy based on a credit-hours system.
 The Council approved the establishment of a professional master’s degree in food chemistry at the Faculty of Science based on a credit-hours system.
The Council agreed to include the Centre of Excellence for Regenerative Medicine Research among the centres through which the American Board of Regenerative Medicine exam is submitted.
 The Council approved the Memorandum of Understanding between Alexandria University and Lovely Professional University in India, and the Memorandum of Understanding between Alexandria University (Faculty of Specific Education) and the University of South Dakota in the United States of America.
 The Council approved the promotion of 10 faculty members, 7 to the position of professor, 3 to the position of associate professor, the appointment of 21lecturers, and the granting of 46 doctoral degrees and 44 master’s degrees in various scientific disciplines.*Alexandria University Council Discusses Preparations for Second Semester Final Exams, Congratulates Faculties with Advanced Positions at QS World Ranking*
In its session held today, Tuesday, April 23, 2024, headed by Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of the University, the Alexandria University Council discussed the preparations for holding the second semester final exams, which begin next May, for about 200,000 male and female students in the various academic levels in all university faculties and institutes. The exam timetables will be set according to the specifications of each faculty and institute.
The University President congratulated the faculties whose sub-specializations occupied advanced positions globally in the QS World University Rankings for the year 2024. The Council honoured the deans of the faculties of Arts, Science, Medicine, Pharmacy, Engineering, Veterinary Medicine, and the Institute of Graduate Studies and Research, as their faculties occupied advanced positions in more than one sub-specialization.
The Council agreed to name the lecture halls and classes in several faculties and institutes after the names of the distinguished faculty members, who left a tangible impact or brought about development during their tenure with a clear and distinctive impact.
The Council agreed to allocate a headquarters for a school in Alexandria Governorate, which the Faculty of Education will operate from the kindergarten stage until the end of the secondary stage of general education.
The Council approved the training of seven faculty members of the University of N'Djamena in the Republic of Chad at Alexandria University.
The Council approved in principle the establishment of a professional master’s program in cosmetics chemistry in collaboration between the Faculty of Science and the Faculty of Pharmacy based on a credit-hours system.
The Council approved the establishment of a professional master’s degree in food chemistry at the Faculty of Science based on a credit-hours system.
 The Council agreed to include the Centre of Excellence for Regenerative Medicine Research among the centres through which the American Board of Regenerative Medicine exam is submitted.
 The Council approved the Memorandum of Understanding between Alexandria University and Lovely Professional University in India, and the Memorandum of Understanding between Alexandria University (Faculty of Specific Education) and the University of South Dakota in the United States of America.
 The Council approved the promotion of 10 faculty members, 7 to the position of professor, 3 to the position of associate professor, the appointment of 21lecturers, and the granting of 46 doctoral degrees and 44 master’s degrees in various scientific disciplines.

438734138 835927658573964 1652993319373823537 n

 438725294 835927748573955 1449148035275001401 n

 438725262 835927808573949 1103708069250987202 n

 438077637 835927885240608 3409673041162544870 n

 438716719 835927718573958 705032866515313177 n

 438093393 835927851907278 492027959803410858 n



ff6246b9 43a7 486c 8803 045e227afeac


Within the framework of the Egyptian state’s orientation towards clean energy and the green economy in Egypt’s Vision 2030, Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, inaugurated today, Wednesday 24 April 2024, the activities of the international scientific conference organized by the Faculty of Tourism and Hotels under the title “Innovation in the Tourism Industry in Light of Contemporary Global Changes,” which is being held for two-day in the city of Ne Alamein.
The opening ceremony was attended by Dr. Ghada Shalabi, Deputy Minister of Tourism, Dr. Mostafa El-Naggar, President of Matrouh University, Dr. Essam El-Kurdi, President of El Alamein University, Dr. Hisham Saeed, Vice President of Alexandria University for Postgraduate Studies and Research, Dr. Hisham Gaber, Vice President of El Alamein University for Academic Affairs, Dr. Hazem Atiyat-Allah, former president of Helwan University and former governor of Fayoum, Dr. Maged Negm, former president of Helwan University, Dr. Hossam El-Rifai, vice president of Helwan University for education and student affairs, Engineer Ahmed Ibrahim, head of the El Alamein City Authority, Major General Hisham Lotfy, former assistant minister of the interior and head of the authority. Regional conference to revitalize tourism in Alexandria, Dr. Abeer Attia, Dean of the Faculty of Tourism and Hotels and Chairman of the Conference, Dr. Nashwa Fouad, Vice Dean of the Faculty for Graduate Studies and Research and Conference Rapporteur, in addition to a large number of faculty members, researchers and specialists in the field of tourism, both Egyptians and foreigners.
In his speech, Dr. Abdulaziz Konsowa welcomed the attendees at this conference, including experts and professors specialized in the tourism and hospitality sector. He offered his congratulations to the Faculty of Tourism and Hotels for coming out with the conference in a distinguished manner, expressing his aspiration for the conference to come out with effective and applicable recommendations capable of advancing this important sector. He praised the level of achievement that the city of El Alamein is witnessing as a model for the new cities being built by the Egyptian state. Dr. Konsowa added that the Egyptian state’s vision for development is based on four basic axes: industry, agriculture, and tourism, in addition to the services and logistics industry. Therefore, tourism is considered an important element for achieving Egypt’s vision and reaching the required development rates. He added that Egypt is making great efforts to restore its health and be at the forefront of countries working to achieve sustainable development that serves current and future generations in light of major internal and external challenges.
Dr. Essam El-Kurdi stressed the importance of the conference, which discusses the future of the tourism industry in Egypt in light of the modern economic, social and technological transformations. Therefore, innovation and creativity have become an indispensable necessity for developing both tourist attractions and the human element, as well as adopting technologies, as the role of universities appears in developing promotion and marketing mechanisms and spreading awareness of the importance of sustainable tourism in development, which reflects on society by achieving a better future, therefore, research and innovation must be encouraged, researchers supported, and cooperation between academia and industry must be strengthened to transform ideas into tangible results that serve society.
Dr. Mostafa El-Naggar praised the leading role of Alexandria University in organizing scientific conferences that adopt modern concepts, pointing to the importance of the conference topic, which deals with modern issues in the tourism industry, stressing that innovation is a large umbrella under which many topics fall that aim to develop green tourism, attract the largest number of tourists, and improve the level of tourism services provided, to present the bright side of Egypt and enhance the role of tourism in economic development.
Dr. Ghada Shalaby pointed out the excellent choice of the new city of El Alamein as a venue for the conference, as the state made great efforts to present the city as a model for sustainable tourist cities that provide their services throughout the year, where there is an advanced infrastructure of an airport, hotels, resorts, and accommodations, in addition to universities and schools. She praised the role of Alexandria University in nourishing the tourism sector with experts and human resources capable of competing in local, regional, and international labour markets, confirming the country’s success in developing the tourism industry and reaching 14.9 million tourists this year, aiming to reach 30 million tourists in 2030 despite contemporary regional and international challenges.
Dr. Abeer Attia confirmed that choosing the conference topic came out of the belief in the necessity of the tourism sector keeping pace with all the changes at the regional and international levels that would affect the sector, in addition to the important emergence of the technological element in changing the form of the travel experience, as well as climate change and its impact on the environment, and how to adapt to it, adding that choosing New Alamein as a location to organize the conference came as the city is a model for fourth generation cities and the capabilities it possesses that makes it one of the most important tourist destinations in Egypt.
Dr. Nashwa Fouad stated that the conference discusses several main topics, the most important of which is artificial intelligence in the tourism and hospitality sector, entrepreneurship and innovation in the tourism and hospitality industry, modern trends in tourism and hospitality resource management, modern issues in tourism and hotel marketing strategies, innovation in heritage studies and museums, the city of New Alamein as a promising cultural destination between the past and the present.

baa7c75f 1270 42f7 b3e2 94220769fcdd 8e1634f0 89dd 476e 8829 11ca61020c93

8970f71f 6286 4176 b691 7bfa8c19db2c

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 5dcd8a57 543c 4e5e 89e6 5594696603c6


18e97e0e 04c7 406a bf44 6cbb92441da0




Dr. Saeed Allam, Vice President of Alexandria University for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs stressed the interest of the University in its societal role towards the literacy file and providing all forms of support to this important issue. He called for full coordination between the faculties of the educational sector, and the necessity of coordination with the General Authority for Adult Education in accordance with the latest updates: This came during the Community Service and Environmental Development Council meeting yesterday, 22 April 2024, in the conference hall at the university headquarters.
 7e2e7a8a 71d5 44bb a274 82658478facf
 The Council also discussed the readiness of Alexandria University to visit the University File Evaluation Committee to participate in the Best Environmentally Friendly University competition. The Council decided to form a specialized team of faculty vice deans and their assistants to receive the committee and facilitate its work.
 The Vice President of the University pointed out the latest developments in the construction and renovation work being carried out at the Faculty Members Marine Club (Pharos) to receive and host its members, in a manner befitting the prestigious status of Alexandria University.
 The Council reviewed the report submitted by Dr. Fahmi Charles, Emeritus Professor at the Higher Institute of Public Health, on the importance of completing all updates related to the environmental file of the university’s faculties and institutes and uploading it electronically, with an emphasis on its readiness in all internal and external environmental aspects of the university, which supports the state’s strategies and achieves sustainable development goals, as well as codifying occupational safety and health conditions for various university facilities.
The Council reviewed several reports, activities, exhibitions, training courses, seminars, scientific meetings, field and community visits, and workshops in the university’s faculties and institutes during the months of March and April 2024.

d42d0b81 73fb 4dd1 a794 5d0a95c3a1a0

 07693c14 c534 4794 901a fa580eec8b76

 7555a16e aea7 420c a3c0 be3b50e62ae6



 4b8afe98 ca07 449e 8009 ce5e91c8d03a


Alexandria University’s Council of Graduate Studies and Research, headed by Dr. Hisham Saeed, Vice President of the University for Graduate Studies and Research, held its meeting this morning, Monday, April 22, 2024. During the meeting, the council discussed the proposal for mechanisms and procedures to implement the recommendations of the “Challenges Facing Scientific Research” report at Alexandria University.
Dr. Saeed confirmed that In light of the work of the seven regional alliances of Egyptian universities, a proposal to form committees for regional alliances with regard to scientific research will be presented, as the Supreme Committee for Scientific Research will be formed for the Egyptian university regions (which includes the representatives of graduate studies and research from the universities of each region and includes members representing industry, business owners and banks in each region). An executive committee for scientific research will also be formed (which includes the coordinators of the regional universities for scientific research).
. Dr. Saeed also announced the role of the Supreme Committee, which is to propose the seven regions’ work strategy, follow up on the executive framework of the strategy, present proposals for developing the executive plan, and propose executive plans for national projects within each region. It will also activate the role of national alliances to increase cooperation between universities, the industrial sector and state institutions within the scope of each alliance, involving development partners from industry, business owners and banks in the alliances, proposing a research plan related to local community issues and studying the problems and challenges related to them, while presenting the results of the research points committed to by each university on a regular basis.
The Supreme Committee will also be responsible for holding an international conference for each alliance to present research points in the alliance’s universities, and to maximize the benefit from all the material capabilities available in the region, represented by infrastructure, laboratories, and modern equipment, as well as establishing companies and incubators in each region. The role of these companies is to contract with major chemical companies and material related to applied scientific research and establishing a warehouse for these companies within each of the alliances to sell and distribute their products on a regular and continuous basis within the universities, research centres and various institutes.
He added that the role of each Regional Executive Committee is to implement the Region’s plan regarding scientific research after all work is approved by the Supreme Committee of the Region. The Executive Committee seeks the assistance of other members from within the region's universities in implementing activities.
The Council approved a memorandum of understanding between the Faculty of Specific Education, Alexandria University, and the University of South Dakota in the United States of America in areas of common interest in science, arts and culture.
 The Council also agreed to create accounts for international students at the university on the Egyptian Knowledge Bank.

64e482d9 aa29 40db 8c83 13cd1db47c46

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