important news
President of Alexandria University Receives Accreditation Teams of University’s Faculties and Programs
Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, received three teams of institutional accreditation visits from the National Authority for Quality Assurance and Accreditation of Education, to ensure the implementation of quality and accreditation standards at the Institute of Medical Research, the Faculty of Physical Education for Girls, and the Faculty of Specific Education.

Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa explained that the university supports the development of the educational process, including facilities and laboratories, by all available means, and supports scientific research based on knowledge, as well as community activities. He indicated that the university pays great attention to the internationalization of education, the establishment of dual programs with international universities, and the establishment of many international branches of the university in different countries, as well as establishing the international branch of Alexandria University.

The visit included shedding light on the strategic plan of Alexandria University and its various activities in the field of education, scientific research and community service, and responding to the inquiries of the heads of the visiting teams regarding the university’s support for the faculties concerned, and the capabilities it provides for applying quality and accreditation standards.

It is worth noting that the Faculty of Physical Education for Girls was previously accredited in 2013, and its accreditation was renewed in 2018. The Institute of Medical Research and the Faculty of Specific Education were also accredited in 2018, and all documents related to the visit were also uploaded to the website of the National Authority for Quality Assurance and Accreditation of Education.
The visit will last for three days, during which the visit schedule will be implemented, including various meetings with all concerned parties, viewing and observing buildings, facilities, educational and research activities, and community service, provided that a report is prepared and submitted to the National Authority for Quality Assurance of Education and Accreditation regarding the renewal of accreditation.
In the same context, visits are being conducted to 8 academic programs, including 4 at the Faculty of Engineering, 2 at the Faculty of Science, and 1 in each of the Faculty of Early Childhood Education, and the Faculty of Fine Arts, in order to evaluate the performance of these programs and the extent they meet the program accreditation standards issued by the National Authority for Educational Quality Assurance and Accreditation.

Dr. Mahmoud El Maghraby appointed as Dean of the Faculty of Veterinary

Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, congratulated Dr. Mahmoud El Maghraby, on the occasion of the issuance of the presidential decree to appoint him as Dean of the Faculty of Veterinary, wishing him success and continuous efforts to maintain the achievements of the faculty, stressing that all support and assistance will be provided to him for his success in performing his mission.
President of Alexandria University Inaugurates Engineering Forum for Business and Jobs 2024
Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University,inaugurated today, Saturday May 11 2024, the Engineering Forum for Business and Jobs 2024 at the Faculty of Engineering, whose activities last for two days at the faculty’s headquarters. The opening ceremony was attended by Dr. Saeed Allam, Vice President of the University for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs, Dr. Essam. Wahba, Acting Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Dr. Walid Abdelazim, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Engineering for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs, Dr. Wael El-Meghlani, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Engineering for Education and Student Affairs, Dr. Hisham Seoudi, Head of the Engineers Syndicate in Alexandria, in addition to a group of faculties’ deans and vice deans at Alexandria University, former university presidents, parliament members, as well as several CEOs and directors of companies and institutions in various engineering specializations.

In his speech, Dr. Konsowa stressed Alexandria University’s keenness to achieve competitiveness through international education to produce alumni capable of competing in the international, regional, and local labour markets, in addition to the university’s keenness to link the outputs of scientific research with industry, develop the field of scientific research, encourage innovation and entrepreneurship, and direct scientific research to serve society. This comes in line with the national strategy for higher education and scientific research and achieving the sustainable development goals of the Egyptian state 2030.
Dr. Konsowa pointed out that in order to achieve these strategic goals, Alexandria University has signed more than 50 double academic degrees with globally high-ranking major international universities, pointing out that the university aims to reach 100 double academic degrees with major international universities, and indicated that the international branch of Alexandria University will be ready within a year, it will be the headquarters for the management and supervision of all international programs within the university, and some of them will also be hosted there. He stressed that the university aspires to advance the educational process as it works to develop all educational laboratories for the undergraduate stage. He explained that the committee that was formed for this purpose reviewed all laboratories and equipment and evaluated them, in preparation for making the supply and completing maintenance, replacement, or purchasing new devices, in order to improve the educational process.
He added that the university also works to encourage researchers to increase applicable research related to industry, market and invest scientific research outputs to serve sustainable development and provide practical solutions for all challenges facing the industrial sector.

While Dr. Essam Wahba stressed that this forum is an important link between the Faculty of Engineering and all industrial companies and institutions in various fields, indicating that the Faculty of Engineering is the locomotive of development for society as a whole because of its participation in most of the national projects currently taking place in Egypt. He also stressed that the faculty seeks to provide a distinguished educational environment for students through launching the “Integrated Training with Industrial Companies” initiative to train students during their studies in various companies, so that they are able after graduation to join the labour market directly, and they are provided with academic and practical experience simultaneously. He pointed to the agreement that the faculty signed with Elsewedy Electric Company to achieve this purpose, and he also welcomed all companies participating in this forum to cooperate in this field.

While Dr. Walid Abdelazim confirmed that organizing this forum comes within the framework of Alexandria University’s initiatives to encourage the employment and training of university graduates and students, and to complement the educational, professional and research services provided by Alexandria University to students, and to support compatibility between academic research and industry. He stressed that this forum is attended by many major companies operating in various engineering specializations, adding that the presence of more than 40 major companies from various sectors of construction and industry confirms confidence in the faculty’s graduates and students. He also announced that the forum in its current session will witness the launch of a digital platform for employment and training that works to facilitate the journey of job and training seekers, through providing all details related to the job or training to help students decide to apply.
While Dr. Hisham Seoudi added that the passage of 22 years since this forum was launched for the first time confirms that the faculty cares about the future of its students and graduates and confirms that this forum is a well-established event at the Faculty of Engineering, as it has proven its great success in the past years. He stressed that engineers are the pride of Egypt for their participation in all national projects that are undertaken in various sectors. He also pointed out that this forum is a great opportunity for all faculty students and alumni to communicate with major companies that have an important and vital role in the Egyptian market, and provide real job opportunities for students.
Department of Military Education at Alexandria University organizes a group of student visits to a number of national projects
Under the auspices of Dr. Abdelaziz Konswa, President of Alexandria University, Department of Military Education organized a group of visits to national projects to familiarize students with the extent of national projects taking place on the territory of Egypt.
It included a visit by the students of the faculty of Agriculture to the Integrated Complex for Animal and Dairy Production in Sadat, and to the National Company for Protected Agriculture at the Mohamed Naguib Base, which is one of the practical training in the fields of study for the faculty students, where they learned about the products that these projects provide to the local market and the size of the job opportunities that these projects provide.
The students of the Faculty of Physical Education - Girls also visited the International Sports City in the Administrative Capital, which represents an unprecedented breakthrough for Egyptian sports, with the capabilities and capabilities it possesses to host the most important and largest international sporting events. During the visit, the students got to know the Capital Stadium, which is the largest sports stadium in Egypt, and they also saw the rest of the sports stadiums. Stadiums for all sports, and they expressed their admiration for the amount of development they witnessed during these visits, and their desire to repeat these visits to see more new projects taking place in Egypt.

President of Alexandria University Attends Educational Seminar Entitled “Egyptian National Security Strategy to Confront Challenges Facing Egypt”
Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, witnessed today, Tuesday May 7, 2024, an educational seminar entitled “Egyptian National Security Strategy to Confront the Challenges Egypt is Facing Now,” which was organized by the Alumni Association of the Faculty of Business, Alexandria University, and delivered by Staff Major General Dr. Samir Farag, the military strategist and former governor of Luxor. The event was attended by Dr. Saeed Allam, Vice President of the University for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs, Dr. Ali Abdelmohsen, Acting Vice President of the University for Education and Student Affairs, Dr. Elsayed Elsiefy, Dean of the Faculty of Business at Alexandria University, Dr. Ahmed El-Gharbawi, the seminar coordinator and member of the Alumni Association, and Ms. Ayat El-Haddad, member of the People’s Assembly, as well as a group of deans, vice deans, and students of Alexandria University’s faculties and institutes.
In his speech, Dr. Konsowa stressed that Alexandria University is honoured to have a great military figure of the calibre of Major General Dr. Samir Farag, due to the important and rich information he possesses that he delivers during his lectures to introduce students to the most important challenges that threaten the Egyptian state and its national security. Dr. Konsowa pointed out that the Egyptian state has great challenges, stressing that these challenges require the preparation of an educated, aware, and responsible generation to confront all these challenges. He stressed that Alexandria University is extremely keen to organize such educational seminars that contribute to raising awareness of all the challenges facing Egypt, as well as instilling the spirit of belonging in the souls of students, and correcting their misconceptions, which is reflected in building the minds of students, developing their ideas of belonging to the homeland, and understanding all the issues that surround us during this period, politically and economically.

Staff Major General Dr. Samir Farag thanked Alexandria University for hosting such a symposium, which aims to educate students about all the challenges facing the Egyptian state. During the seminar, he spoke about the external conspiracies that threaten Egypt’s national security, Egypt’s relationship with Western and Arab countries, the most important issues and risks to which the region is exposed whether on the western, eastern, southern or northern strategic directions, and the challenges of water security. Major General Farag also shed light on Egypt’s relations with the United States, and he also touched on Egypt’s position on the situation in Palestine, explaining the positions of the Egyptian state in supporting the issue and confronting attempts to displace Palestinians from Gaza. He also touched on the situation in Sudan, Libya, Yemen, Ethiopia, and the security of the Red Sea region. Farag concluded his speech with the need for everyone to line up around the Egyptian leadership, led by President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi and the great Egyptian army, so that we can get through this dangerous stage in safety and peace.

Dr. Elsayed Elsiefy stressed that Egypt faces many challenges that threaten its national security, including military and economic challenges and threats. He pointed to the attitude of international economic classification institutions towards the Egyptian state, stressing the need for everyone to stand together during this critical time.