important news

Alexandria University announces Master& Doctoral degree scholarships for students from the African Countries to study in Alexandria University starting the fall semester of 2024/2025 on a competitive basis. The scholarship includes waving of tuition fees only for the duration of study (maximum 3 years for master’s degree and 5 years for doctoral degree) provided that the student will be responsible for paying his/her expenses of travel, accommodation, living and the fees for registering on Study in Egypt portal.

 Students should submit their applications, copies of their transcripts and a medical HIV testing certificate online. For more details and registration, please visit the following website:

The deadline to submit is May 31, 2024

Fluency in the language of study (Arabic or English) is a must.

Applicant from non-speaking Arabic and English countries should submit a certificate of fluency in either Arabic or English language.

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In an atmosphere of joy and affection on the occasion of the blessed Eid al-Fitr, Dr. Abdelaziz Konswa, President of Alexandria University, received the Vice-Presidents of the University, the former Presidents and Vice-Presidents of the University, the Deans and Vice-Deans of the University’s faculties and institutes, and the Assistants to the University President, at the university Club. "Pharos", where they exchanged congratulations, hoping that God would grant our dear Egypt the blessing of security, safety, safety and stability and to return to us those blessed days with goodness, right and blessings

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Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, received Dr. Mohamed Lotfy, President of the British University in Cairo, where the two sides discussed ways to enhance scientific and academic cooperation in areas of common interest.
During the meeting, Dr. Konswa welcomed the university’s guest, stressing Alexandria University’s keenness to consolidate cooperation with the British University in various scientific and academic fields, especially in the field of research projects and graduate studies programs in disciplines of common interest, drawing attention to the cooperation agreements and joint and double academic degrees between Alexandria University and many British universities, as well as between the British University in Egypt and British universities.
For his part, Dr. Lotfy stressed the British University’s keenness to cooperate with the University of Alexandria, which has a distinguished scientific and academic level, and to enhance joint cooperation in the field of scientific programs and joint research projects in various academic disciplines.


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Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, congratulated Dr.Mohammad Bahi Eldin Soliman, on the occasion of the issuance of the presidential decree to renew his appointment as Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry, wishing him success and continuous efforts to maintain the achievements of the faculty, stressing that all support and assistance will be provided to him for his success in performing his mission.


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Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, congratulated Dr. Nefertiti Zaki, on the occasion of the issuance of the presidential decree to renew her appointment as Dean of the Faculty of Nursing, wishing her success and continuous efforts to maintain the achievements of the faculty, stressing that all support and assistance will be provided to her for her success in performing her mission.