important news


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Under the auspices of Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, Unit for Combating Violence against Women - Alexandria University, in cooperation with the Integrated Society for the Treatment of Psychological and Social Crises, organized a workshop at the University City headquarters - female students, under the title “Your Self is a Trust - Defend It”, attended by approximately 70 expatriate female students from the university city, and a group of coordinators and volunteers of the unit for combating violence against women at the university.
The workshop revolved around psychological and physical mechanisms for self-defense, and was lectured by Dr. Manal Fouda, Executive Director of the Unit, spoke about the Unit’s role in creating a safe educational environment, and Mr. Alaa Saad, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Integrated Society, gave a speech in which he explained the association’s free services, especially psychological consultations. The workshop also included an introduction to the types of physical and psychological violence, presented by Dr. Wafaa Al-Sahli, Professor of Forensic Medicine and member of the Unit’s Board of Directors, gave an awareness speech about the psychological dangers behind fear and suppressing negative emotions. Dr. Omnia Nassar and Dr. Nada Al-Muezzin, and the workshop concluded with the practical part of self-defense presented by Dr. Farouk's prayer.
434293771 818668746966522 5534812944245590379 n

313359213 8633527646672248 1103204725260324900 n


Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, congratulated the four students of the Faculty of Economic Studies and Political Sciences who won a scholarship to study for a year at the American University of Chicago, wishing them success and progress.
The students are:
1- Farah Mahmoud Hosni Youssef (Second level - Economics)
432978992 819553903544673 8806605159122220623 n
2- Youssef Shehab El-Din Mohamed (Second Level - Economics)
432947758 819553826878014 2036424259468359692 n
3- Maria Ashraf Ghali Kamel (Second level - Economics)
434341783 819553756878021 292794683229264746 n
4- Karim Ahmed Ibrahim Ragaa Ahmed (Third level - Political Science)
434208210 819553786878018 3981941799154080619 n
Dr. Ahmed Wahban, Dean of the Faculty, indicated that the number of students winning the scholarship doubled this year compared to last year, as a result of the efforts and interest of Alexandria University in academic and research cooperation with international universities. He also thanked Dr. Noha Nagy, lecturer of economics and international cooperation officer at the faculty, for her efforts in preparing and qualifying the applicants for the scholarship fully funded by the Sawiris Foundation for Social Development, which is competed for by students from many Egyptian universities.

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Within the framework of the activities of the Alexandria University Incubator Project for Pedagogical Innovation and Applications Serving Learning Objectives and Teaching (PILOT), funded by the Academy of Scientific Research and Technology, and under the auspices of Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, the training camp for the second incubation edition was held over five days at the Faculty of Business, Alexandria University, with an elite group of trainers and lecturers in the field of entrepreneurship to cover the training points necessary for the camp.
40 trainees, including graduates, faculty members, and their assistants from Alexandria University and other institutions, participated in the training camp. The participating ideas were diverse and were at the core of the business incubator’s activity (the field of using information technology in teaching and learning).
The jury was held for the participating projects, and seven projects were selected to be incubated in the PILOT incubator, where the companies will receive financial support amounting to three hundred thousand pounds per company, fully funded by the Academy of Scientific Research and Technology, in addition to technical, and legal support. The committee’s decision was approved, and the winning projects are as follows:
1. SciAsk
2. Young Engineering Academy
3. KED
4. Techno Def
5. Language Empire
6. Kemet
7. HR Mystery
It is worth noting that the PILOT incubator is one of the incubators of the National Program for Technological Incubators (INTILAC) affiliated with the Academy of Scientific Research and Technology, and it is an incubator specialized in the field of educational innovations, educational technology, training, and capacity building.

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e6ca1ebe 859e 474a adb5 2205e038e4f5


On the evening of Sunday, March 24, 2024, Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, attended the iftar ceremony for international students, which was organized by the University’s Department of International Student Affairs for the third year in a row, with the aim of increasing social ties and strengthening and enriching human relations among international students.
The event was attended by Dr. Saeed Allam, Vice President of the University for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs, Dr. Hisham Saeed, Vice President of the University for Postgraduate Studies and Research, Dr. Ali Abdelmohsen, Acting Vice President of the University for Education and Student Affairs, Dr. Khaled Mohareb, Cultural Attaché of the Embassy of the State of Kuwait in Alexandria, and Mr. Tawfiq Al-Jahni, Deputy Consul General of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in Alexandria, Dr. Hala Maklad, Director of the International Students Department at Alexandria University, as well as to faculty deans and representatives of a number of embassies, in addition to 250 male and female Alexandria University international students of various Arab, Asian and African nationalities.
During the ceremony, Dr. Abdelaziz Konoswa welcomed all attendees, stressing the university’s keenness to organize this event annually to enhance constructive communication with international students at Alexandria University, which will leave a good impression in their memories after they return to their homelands. He also praised the organization of this meeting that brings together students studying at Egypt of different nationalities and different cultures, which helps integrate and bring together these diverse cultures with their Egyptian counterpart.
The meeting included taking memorial photos, reciting poetry from various Arab communities, and an introduction session between the participating students.

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 f403d5a7 15de 4d23 86be d0bdea86c586


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The Alexandria University Council, in its session held today, Tuesday, March 26, 2024, headed by Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of the University, approved the numbers proposed for admission to the faculties of Alexandria University for the academic year 2024/2025, and to submit them to the Supreme Council of Universities.
The Council approved the establishment of a professional diploma in medical infection control at the Faculty of Medicine.
 The Council approved the cooperation protocol between Alexandria University (Faculty of Business) and the National Research Centre in Cairo, and the renewal of the cooperation protocol between Alexandria University (Faculty of Agriculture) and Delta Water Magnetic Water Treatment Company and Beyti Dairy Products Company, and the memorandum of cooperation between Alexandria University (Faculty of Dentistry) and the Medical Information Systems Program in the Middle East and North Africa, the memorandum of agreement between Alexandria University and ETOS Company (Environmental Technology and Oil Services), and the proposed sponsorship agreement between the Francophone University Agency (AUF) and the Alex Monde Student Club regarding renewing the club’s membership in the network of leadership clubs for French-speaking students (CLEF) for the second year in a row, and a memorandum of understanding between Alexandria University and the Board of Trustees of the University of Georgia on behalf of the Georgia Institute of Technology.
 The Council approved the promotion of 22 faculty members, 11 to the position of professor, 11 to the position of associate professor, the appointment of 13 lecturers, and the granting of 80 doctoral degrees and 142 master’s degrees in various scientific disciplines.

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