important news

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Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, received Mr. Nikolaos Papageorgiou, the Greek Ambassador to Cairo, at the university’s headquarters in Shatby, to discuss ways to enhance cooperation between Alexandria University and Greek academic institutions.
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The meeting was attended by Dr. Saeed Allam, Vice President of the University for Community Service and Environmental Development, Dr. Hisham Saeed, Vice President of the University for Postgraduate Studies and Research, Dr. Sameh Shehata, Supervisor of the University’s International Relations Office, Dr. Gihan Gewaifel, Assistant to the University President for International University Branch Affairs, and Dr. Naglaa Abou-Agag, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Arts for Postgraduate Studies and Research.
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In his speech, the University President welcomed the Greek Ambassador to Alexandria University, stressing his pride in the historical and strategic relations extending between the two countries. During the meeting, Dr. Konsowa demonstrated the university’s strategy to support applicable scientific research and the knowledge-based economy through the university’s technology incubator, the Alexandria University Technology Park, seeking to raise the level of education and enhance competitiveness through the internationalization of education using joint and dual academic degrees with major American and European universities and foreign university branches in South Sudan and Chad, and the establishment of branches of international universities with high classification and distinguished educational level in cooperation and coordination with Alexandria University. He pointed to the distinguished relations and cooperation protocols between Alexandria University and the Greek universities of Kapodistrian, West Attica, and Piraeus, pointing to the role of the Alexandria Centre for Hellenistic Studies, which was established in joint cooperation between the University of Alexandria, Bibliotheca Alexandrina, and the Greek Onassis and Vardinoyannis Foundations, expressing his aspiration for continued cooperation with Greek academic institutions in scientific and research fields of common interest.
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The Greek Ambassador stressed his country's keenness to develop scientific and research cooperation with Egyptian academic bodies in general and Alexandria University in particular, given the historical connection between the two countries. He praised the distinguished level of Alexandria University in various academic fields and pointed to the development of political relations between the two countries after the formation of the high-level cooperation council, which It is a natural development and a reflection of the political will on both sides to increase the volume and level of cooperation.
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 The Board of Trustees of the faculties and institutes of Alexandria University held its meeting on Thursday, May 23, 2024, headed by Mr. Mohamed Fathi Abul-Nasr, Secretary General of Alexandria University, where he directed to maximize the benefit from the university’s resources through the optimal use of the provisions of the 2024/2025 budget, especially the maintenance items and commodity supplies.
 Mr. Abulnasr assured faculty secretaries of quickly completing the update of the university employees’ data in the university’s database, including faculty members and other employees, in order to complete the “E- Portfolio.”
He also praised the performance of those working in the second semester final exams of the academic year 2023/2024 and directed that the outstanding performance continues within the framework of working in a team spirit until the end of the examination period.
 The Council also discussed the necessary procedures to complete the implementation of promotion orders for the administrative staff at Alexandria University.
 The University Secretary also directed the need to complete the list of employees eligible for the incentive bonus.
 The Council honoured Ms. Mona El-Rewini, Secretary of the Faculty of Arts, on the occasion of her reaching retirement age.
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Dr. Saeed Allam, Vice President of Alexandria University for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs, stressed during the Council meeting today, the university’s interest in the literacy file and providing all forms of support to students to overcome all difficulties related to this issue, explaining that communication had been made with the director of the branch of the Adult Education and Illiteracy Eradication Authority in Alexandria Governorate, and the Chairman of the Adult Education and Illiteracy Eradication Authority to discuss these procedures and reach solutions to them.
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 Dr. Saeed Allam announced the university’s intention to organize an integrated community medical service convoy to the village of Bahig in Borg El Arab area next August, under the auspices of Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, the University President. This comes within the university’s participation in the Decent Life "Hayah Karina" initiative, and with the participation of the faculties of the medical, educational, veterinary, agricultural, and sports sectors to serve the most needy areas.
 Within the framework of Alexandria University’s preparation for the Best Environmentally-Friendly University competition, Dr. Fahmy Charles, Emeritus Professor at the Higher Institute of Public Health, stressed the importance of the readiness of all university faculties, institutes and facilities in accordance with quality and accreditation standards, while highlighting the identity of Alexandria University, its unique heritage, and its keenness on sustainability and modernization in all aspects, especially green and smart digital aspects, and the extension of its environmental and community activities, to support the state’s policies, initiatives and strategies, especially in preserving the Alexandrian environment, provided that field simulation visits will be conducted in the coming period.
 The Council approved a cooperation agreement between Alexandria University, the Higher Institute of Public Health, and Al Falah Academy for Health Promotion in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
 The Council also approved a joint cooperation protocol between the Faculty of Law, Alexandria University and the Egyptian Bar Association in the field of scientific and cultural cooperation, legal studies and training.
 The Council reviewed the report submitted by Dr. Walid Abdelazim, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, on the Engineering Forum for Business and Jobs 2024, which was organized by the Faculty of Engineering, during this month, with the participation of a large number of companies and industrial institutions in various engineering specializations, with the aim of encouraging the employment and training of faculty graduates and students.
 The Council reviewed a number of activities, workshops, seminars, initiatives, courses, service convoys, employment forums, student training, and community activities in the university’s faculties that took place during the months of April and May 2024.

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Under the auspices of Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, Dr. Ali Abdel Mohsen, Acting Vice President for Education and Student Affairs, witnessed, on Wednesday evening, 5/22/2024, the ceremony of announcing and distributing the awards of the Performing Arts Festival in its thirteenth session to university students for the year 2023.
Its activities were held from May 17 to 20 at the Anfoushi Culture Palace, in the presence of a number of deans and deans of colleges, Prof. Dr. Manal Fouda, Head of the Theater Department at the Faculty of Arts, Major General Mohamed Fathi Abu Al-Nasr, Secretary General of Alexandria University, a number of art icons in Alexandria society, and the artist Sama. Ibrahim Bint, Alexandria University.
The ceremony included honoring the participating faculties, which are the faculties of engineering, dentistry, pharmacy, law, education, nursing, arts, economic studies, political science, computers and data science, tourism and hotels, veterinary medicine, fine arts, and agriculture. Elements of excellence in the field were also honored. The theatrical representation reached 30 places, and the results of the individual awards were announced and the winners of the first three places, which are the Faculties of Engineering, Dentistry and Agriculture, were honored.
In his speech, Dr. Ali Abdel Mohsen congratulated the winners from the students of the various colleges, stressing the university’s keenness to enhance the role of various student activities within its various colleges and encourage students to practice them. He thanked the General Administration of Youth Welfare and the University Students Union for their tangible efforts in promoting student activities, and the Theater Department. at the College of Arts for his role in encouraging and evaluating student initiatives during the past period. Dr. noted. Abdel Mohsen said that during the year 2023, Alexandria University obtained first place among Egyptian universities in terms of the number of student activities, which reflects the university’s role in paying attention to the talents and skills of its students and allowing the practice of student activities of all kinds, which led to enriching the comprehensive educational experience for its students.
Prof. Dr. Manal Fouda emphasized in her speech that cultural awareness and investment in people are among the most important requirements for achieving development, and from this standpoint, we are all proud of the role that the university plays in encouraging the practice of student activities at the university and discovering talents, to build an active generation in society.
Omar Afifi, President of the Alexandria University Student Union, confirmed during his speech that the university theater had been restored to its normal location during the past two years. He stressed that the large festival currently underway is a testimony to this achievement, noting that this festival constitutes a milestone in the university’s efforts to revitalize its cultural and artistic scene, and is expected to be an unforgettable event for students.
Afifi pointed out that the activities provided by the university are not only aimed at achieving advanced positions, but also at enhancing student activities in line with the university’s vision. He expressed his hope that all faculties of Alexandria University would participate in the festival next year. He also thanked Dr. Abdel Aziz Qansra, President of Alexandria University, and Dr. Ali Abdel Mohsen for their continued financial and moral support for the Student Union.
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 Alexandria University's Council of Graduate Studies and Research held its meeting, Wednesday, 22 May 2024, headed by Dr. Hesham Saeed, Vice President of the University for Graduate Studies and Research.
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During the meeting, the Council reviewed the recommendations of the First International Conference on Advances in Science for Sustainable Development (ICASSD 2024), where Dr. Saeed confirmed that the conference came out with a set of important recommendations that are consistent with the vision of Alexandria University in the graduate studies sector, through the use of applied scientific research to serve the sustainable development goals of the Egyptian state 2030, and the necessity of having a unified platform for research and capabilities of centers, institutes and research bodies, available to all researchers and research bodies, in addition to the optimal use of science, technology and innovation to reach tangible scientific and applied results that serve the reality of Egyptian society, to solve the problems and challenges facing economic growth.
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 The Council also discussed the topics of supervision of academic theses and validity reports, topics of the teaching assistants’ and assistant lecturers’ committee.
 The Council also approved a memorandum of understanding between the Polytechnic University of Bari in Italy to establish a partnership with some universities in the Mediterranean basin countries in the fields of engineering, land, construction, and other disciplines.

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