important news
With the participation of the Minister of Culture and of Alexandria governor, Dr. Kurdi opens the event of Dar El Maaref initiative
On Monday 10th of July 2017, Alexandria University President Dr. Essam El-Kurdi participated in the activities of Dar el Maaref initiative under the slogan "Family reads…Nation promotes". The initiative extends until the end of next August with attendance of a group of intellectuals and writers.
The initiative was inaugurated by the Minister of Culture Mr. Helmy El Namnam, Alexandria Governor Dr. Mohamed Sultan, Chairman of Dar El Maaref Mr. Said Abdu, and Mr. Mohamed Amin the chief editor of October magazine.
AU President in his speech stated that the university will host a series of cultural exhibitions held by Dar El Maaref starting from next academic year as a service for faculty members, employees and students. He emphasized that the purpose such events is to disseminate culture and the rising a generations with positive and constructive ideas.
The exhibition includes more than 85 Egyptian publishers and many cultural seminars, and offers a discount of 20% on all editions.
July 31...Candidate nominations for Dean position in 6 faculties in Alexandria University
Alexandria University President Dr. Essam El-Kurdi announced that dean position will be vacant in 6 faculties in the coming period.
Dr. Kurdi pointed out that candidate nominations will start on Monday 31 July 2017 till 6th August 2017 for the vacant positions in 6 faculties (Faculty of Arts - Faculty of Economic Studies and Political Sciences – Faculty of Kindergarten - Faculty of Veterinary Medicine - Faculty of Agriculture, Saba Basha - Faculty of Education).
AU President said that the final nominations will be announced Tuesday 15th August 2017.
Alexandria University mourns Rafah terrorist attack martyrs
Alexandria University family headed by Dr. Essam El-Kurdi stated its condemnation of the blind terrorist attack against military roadblock. Egyptian soldiers and officers were killed and others were injured when armed terrorists attacked some military sites in Rafah in Sinai.
Alexandria University denounces these criminal acts that ran counter to the teachings of Islam and all divine religions as well as the basic tenets of humanity and the standards of cultural values.
We also trust in our military forces and police officers who are fighting terrorism and we are standing behind our political and military leadership until clearing all terrorism hotbeds and return stabilization and safe to our country.
We ask God to grant rest to soul of our martyrs and keep it in Paradise and we hope speedy and complete recovery for our injuries.
AU Rector recieves the Tanzanian ambassador to activate cooperation
Alexandia University President Dr. Essam El-Kurdi recieved the Tanzanian ambassador in Cairo Mr. Mohamed Hagy Hamza.
The two sides discussed how the Tanzanian students can benfit from the grants provided by Alexandria University for Nile basin countries. These grants are available to study for PhD and Master where 30 applicants from Tanzania applied last year.
The two sides reviewe the procedures of cooperation agreements between AU and Tanzanian universities in academic and research fields in addition to joint supervision programs for scientific degrees. The also discussed the medical convoys sent by AU to Tanzania. Dr Kurdi declared that medical convoy with specalists in pediatric surgery will be sent by the end of this month
He also highlighted the cooperation between universiy hhospitals and the Tanzanian side to activate the curtive tourism in Egypt.
The meeting was attended by Dr. Hisham Gaber the university Vice President for Students and Education Affairs, Dr. Ibrahim Rahab the unversity Advisor for African Affairs, and Dr. Ahmed Othman Dean of the Faculty of Medicine.
Announcing the State prizes winners for 2016
Dr. Khaled Abdel Ghaffar, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research the names of winners of State prizes in 2016. This came during the meeting of the Council of the Academy of Scientific Research in presence of Dr. Mahmoud Sakr, President of the Academy and Dr. Ashraf Hatem, the secretary general of the Supreme Council of Universities.
The AU family headed by Prof. Dr. Essam El Kurdi congratulates the three winners of university staff namely:
** Prof. Dr. Esmat Mohamed Hussein Hegazi, the Professor Emeritus in the Faculty of Agriculture who won State Appreciation Award in the area of agricultural sciences.
** AProf. Dr. Morsi Al-Souda,the Professor Emeritus in the Faculty of Agriculture who won State Appreciation Award in the area of advanced technological sciences.
** Prof. Dr. Samir Abdel Azim Mohammed, the Professor in the Faculty of Agriculture who won State Award for Excellence in the field of agricultural sciences.