Cooperation protocol between Alexandria University Engineering Center and the Holding Company for Water and Wastewater
Dr. Ali Abdelmohsen, acting vice President for students affairs, on behalf of Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, and Engineer Mamdouh Ahmed Ismail Raslan, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Holding Company for Water and Wastewater, signed a joint cooperation protocol to provide advisory services to complete the integrated strategy project for rainwater management in Alexandria governorate.
It is noteworthy that the project is being implemented based on a mandate from the Prime Minister, and a decision from Major General Mohamed El-Sherif, Governor of Alexandria, regarding the formation of a committee that will study the mechanism of partial separation of the rainwater drainage network within the city of Alexandria, and the protocol concluded between the Water Department of the Engineering Authority of the Armed Forces and the Water Company regarding project execution.
The centre will carry out engineering consultation work for the design and preparation of tender documents for integrated strategy projects for rainwater management in Alexandria, and it will also supervise the implementation of the project, which comes within the framework of the political leadership’s directives to develop radical solutions that contribute significantly to reducing the effects resulting from the repercussions of climate change.
The integrated strategy project for rainwater management is considered one of the most important radical solutions that will contribute in a distinctive way to facing the rainwater season and reducing the effects resulting from the fall of unprecedented amounts of rainwater that Alexandria witnesses every year, in addition to benefiting from rainwater and connecting it to the new delta as part of a huge national project.
The protocol signing ceremony was attended by Major General Mohamed El-Sherif, Governor of Alexandria, Dr. Jacqueline Azer, Deputy Governor, Dr. Walid Abdelazim, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Engineering for Environmental Affairs and Community Service, Dr. Ziad El-Sayyad, Executive Director of the Engineering Centre, and a number of professors, members of the work team, as well as Dr. Salah Bayoumi, Vice President of the Holding Company for Water and Wastewater, Brigadier Engineer Mohamed Galal, Head of the Projects Sector of the Holding Company for Water and Wastewater, Major General Mahmoud Nafea, Chairman of the Board of Directors and Managing Director of the Alexandria Wastewater Company, and Engineer Ahmed Gaber, Chairman of the Board of Directors and Managing Director of the Alexandria Drinking Water Company.
Cooperation Protocol between Alexandria University and General Authority of Alexandria Port
Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, and Rear Admiral Nihad Shaheen, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the General Authority of Alexandria Port, signed, a cooperation protocol between the two sides aimed at exchanging training and rehabilitation programs, and providing training and vocational programs for university students of the faculties related to work in seaports, and scientific qualification programs for employees of the Port Authority in accordance with the data and mechanisms of joint cooperation between them.
In his speech, Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa confirmed that Alexandria University, through this protocol, will provide practical training opportunities, in cooperation between the Alexandria Port Authority and faculty members, for students of the Faculties of Arts, Commerce, Law, Science, and Engineering in the departments related to sea ports, with the aim of qualifying and preparing them to keep pace with the requirements of the labour market and update the necessary knowledge and skills, in order to keep pace with modern developments. He added that the university will also participate in developing the technical capabilities of the staff working at the port, providing training courses and workshops, and facilitating their enrollment in postgraduate studies in related specialisations at reduced fees.
While Rear Admiral Nihad Shaheen confirmed that the General Authority of Alexandria Port, as one of the largest ports in the Republic that is recognized locally and internationally in the field of maritime transport and logistics, will facilitate the administrative procedures for permitting students to enter the customs office to obtain practical training before the start of the training program, and grant them a statement indicating their name of the student, the faculty, the department, the period of passing the training, and approving the trainee evaluation form with the seal of the training center. It will also participate in developing training programs for students of faculties' departments related to seaports.
The signing of the protocol was attended by Dr. Saeed Allam, Acting Vice President for Environmental Affairs and Community Service, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Dr. Mohamed El-Feki, Dean of the Faculty of Law, Dr. El-Sayed El-Seifi, Dean of the Faculty of Commerce, Dr. Amani Ismail, Dean of the Faculty of Science, Dr. Jihan Mahmoud, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Arts for Education and Student Affairs, Dr. Wael El-Maghlani, Acting Vice Dean of the Faculty of Engineering for Education and Student Affairs, and officials of the General Authority of Alexandria Port.
Faculty of Economic Studies and Political Science Holds its Second Annual Conference
Under the auspices of Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, the Faculty of Economic Studies and Political Sciences held its second annual conference under the title: "The Faculty of Economic Studies and Political Sciences between Reality and Development Challenges".
In his speech, Dr. Ahmed Wahban, Dean of the Faculty, pointed out the importance of this conference as it is an authentic university tradition in order to develop the faculty. He stressed the necessity of developing the content of the scientific curricula for the courses and adding some other courses to keep pace with the ongoing developments in the educational process at the global level, as well as making some amendments to the internal regulations for the bachelor’s level in order to raise the efficiency and quality of the educational process.
He also pointed out a number of axes, the most prominent of which are: quality and the faculty’s keenness to apply for a certificate of accreditation and quality, scientific research, encouraging faculty members and assisting staff to participate in various research projects, and keenness to publish research papers in prestigious academic journals, community service, support for the academic and professional training of faculty graduates, and the prominent role played by the training and qualification unit for the labour market.
In his speech, Dr. Osama El-Adly, Vice Dean of the Faculty for Education and Student Affairs, reviewed the educational process, which has become a continuous and uninterrupted process throughout the year under the credit hour system, evaluated the process of academic guidance for students of the credit hour system, evaluated the regularity of exams, and presented some recommendations that would increase efficiency of the education and student affairs sector at the faculty.
Dr. Sherine Nosseir, Vice Dean of the Faculty for Postgraduate Studies and Scientific Research, reviewed the numbers enrolled in the faculty's diploma, master’s, and doctoral programs, and reviewed the most prominent challenges faced by the graduate studies sector in all its aspects. She pointed to the tremendous developments witnessed by the faculty’s library, most notably the trend towards providing library services completely electronically. In the same regard, Dr. Sherine Nosseir mentioned that the library’s work team entered 96% of the foreign books, 46% of the Arabic books, and 52% of the scientific theses into the Egyptian University Libraries Union system, and in her evaluation of the faculty’s scientific journal, Dr. Nosseir pointed out that the magazine’s evaluation has been graded according to the Supreme Council of Universities since 2020 until it reached 7 out of 7 points in 2023.
Dr. Ahmed Mandour, Head of the Economics Department, and Dr. Mamdouh Mansour, Head of the Political Science Department, presented working papers that addressed the most prominent challenges, in addition to proposals that would raise educational efficiency in the two scientific departments.
The conference sessions continued throughout the day and concluded with a number of recommendations intended to be implemented in the academic year 2023/2024.">
President of Alexandria University Directs Preparations for New academic year
Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, stressed during the University Council meeting, the need to intensify the faculties' preparations to receive the new academic year 2023/2024, and to complete all maintenance work required by laboratories, auditoriums, classrooms, buildings, university dormitories, libraries, and medical clinics in the faculties before the start of the academic year. starting on the 30th of September, and providing safety and security means in all university facilities in order to preserve lives and facilities.
Within the framework of the university's keenness to provide medical services for it's employees, the university president directed the need to complete the distribution of health services cards for to university employees, and for the application of the medical insurance system in cooperation with Misr Insurance Company, which includes medical examinations, analyses, x-rays, medicines, hospital treatment, operations, and other services, where the university guarantees the payment of installments without any additional deduction from the salaries of its employees, and the formation of a committee to study the development of health services provided to the faculty members of the university.
The Council agreed to accept new memberships from home and abroad, in the various faculties and institutes of the university.
The Council approved the cooperation agreement between Alexandria University (Faculty of Physical Education for Girls) and the University of Western Ontario in Canada in the field of research, the memorandum of understanding between Alexandria University and the University of Birmingham in the United Kingdom, the cooperation agreement between Alexandria University and the University of Côte d'Azur in France in the field of research, and the memorandum of understanding between Alexandria University (Faculty of Physical Education for Boys) and Yarmouk University in Jordan, Memorandum of Understanding between Alexandria University and University of Derna in Libya, Memorandum of Understanding between Alexandria University and University of Mosul in Iraq, Memorandum of joint scientific and academic cooperation between Alexandria University (Faculty of Physical Education for Girls) and Future University in Iraq.
The Council agreed to accept the donation made by Mr. Alaa Mohamed Nosseir, which consists of 4 respirators, at a value of 1.8 million EGP, for the Critical Medicine Department, the donation from the Mohamed Ragab Foundation for Social Development, which is a colonoscope, at a value of 1,048,000 EGP, and the donation from Ghrabali Company, which is an Ultrasonic waves machine with a value of 1.95 million EGP for the ultrasound room at the Department of Cardiovascular Diseases at the Main University Hospital.
The council approved the promotion of 23 faculty members, 14 to the position of professor, 12 to the position of associate professor, the appointment of 18 lecturers, and the granting of 78 doctoral degrees and 208 master's degrees in various scientific disciplines.
New Vice Deans at Faculties of Medicine and Agriculture in Saba Pasha
Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, issued the following decrees:
• Appointment of Dr. Tamer Abdullah Helmy Gomaa Mukhaimer, Professor, Department of Critical Medicine, Faculty of Medicine and Executive Director of University Hospitals, as Vice Dean for Community Service and Environmental Development for a period of three years.
• Appointing Dr. Ibrahim Abbas Al-Sayed Ibrahim - Professor and Head of the Plant Production Department at the faculty of Agriculture- Saba Pasha, as Vice-Dean of the College for Postgraduate Studies and Research for a period of three years.