important news


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Under the auspices of Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, Dr. Hisham Saeed, Acting Vice President for Graduate Studies and Research, inaugurated the annual training workshop on using the Egyptian Knowledge Bank in Egyptian universities for faculty members, researchers, digital library specialists, and students. It continues for two days at the Faculty of Education, Alexandria University.
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The opening ceremony was attended by Dr. Mohamed Anwar Farrag, Dean of the Faculty of Education, Dr. El-Sayeda Mahmoud Ibrahim, Vice Dean for Graduate Studies and Research, Dr. Alaa Gaafar, Director of the Digital Library Unit at Alexandria University, Dr. Walid Ali, representative of the Egyptian Knowledge Bank, and Dr. Mahmoud Shawky, representative of the Supreme Council of Universities, as well as several researchers at Alexandria.
In his speech, Dr. Hisham Saeed stressed that the Egyptian Knowledge Bank is a real breakthrough and shift in the ease of obtaining information in various fields of science. He added that it is also a very fertile environment of educational resources available all the time via the Internet for free to Egyptians, stressing that the bank provides educational clips and films. There are many different sources for collecting scientific material from articles published internationally and locally, which were not easy to obtain before and cost the researcher a lot of time and money. Saeed pointed out that the Knowledge Bank includes the best publishers in the world who participated in providing many educational films, scientific articles and audio files.
It has a very rich library that includes valuable educational materials estimated at millions, and the list of publishers includes prominent international entities such as Elsevier, Springer, Taylor and Francis, Oxford University Press, Willy, adding that the bank has already succeeded in reaching all sectors of Egyptian society, as more than 900 training sessions were held in schools, as well as more than 120 other sessions that were held in universities, in addition to allocating more than 150 specialists from the Ministry of Education and its affiliated bodies to bring the Egyptian Knowledge Bank to the highest levels of success. He pointed out that the Egyptian Knowledge Bank platform has achieved more than 70 million searches and 40 million file downloads and 250 registrations for Egyptian Knowledge Bank user accounts, adding that the user base has expanded to include students and children interested in reading and learning.
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While Dr. Mohamed Anwar stressed that the Egyptian Knowledge Bank is a qualitative leap in achieving the ambitions of researchers and graduate students, especially since it provides the largest sources of knowledge on the Internet, giving students and researchers the opportunity to obtain free resources for education and scientific research throughout the world. Dr. Anwar stressed that the density of attendance reflects the interest of researchers at Alexandria University in learning about everything new in scientific research. He pointed out that scientific research is a national security issue, because scientific research will be useful in confronting the fourth generation wars facing young people in that period.
Dr. El-Sayeda Ibrahim indicated that the training comes within the framework of the Egyptian state’s directions to support scientific research, digital transformation, and the use of information technology in the educational process, and to meet the training needs of the target groups in maximizing the benefit of the most important local, regional, and global databases through a detailed explanation provided by an elite group of specialists in technical training to help researchers gain the greatest amount of research knowledge in all scientific disciplines.
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Dr. Alaa Jaafar indicated that the training will include how to create an account on the Egyptian Knowledge Bank, instructions on the procedures for applying for impact factor reports, citation checking, how to use the Knowledge Bank and its academic search engine, a detailed explanation of the importance of databases through the bank, as well as an explanation of the research tools and software available from Through the Egyptian Knowledge Bank platform.
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Within the framework of Alexandria University’s keenness to support cooperation relations with African countries, Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, met Dr. Gabriel Changson Chang, Minister of Higher Education, Science and Technology of the Republic of South Sudan, at the headquarters of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research in Cairo, on Wednesday the 8th of November 2023. Dr. Konsowa reviewed with his guest the items of the memorandum of understanding between the two sides, regarding the start of operation of the Alexandria University branch in the state of South Sudan. They also reviewed the terms of the framework agreement, in preparation for setting the date for its signing and taking the necessary executive steps to start operating the branch, after completing all construction work and necessary equipment for the branch. The two sides also discussed some of the problems facing South Sudanese students at Alexandria University, and ways to solve these problems.
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Under the auspices of Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, the Faculty of Education and the Youth Organization of Alexandria University organized a seminar entitled “Volunteering and Leadership,” in which a group of university and governorate leaders and members of the House of Representatives and Senate participated.
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Dr. Jacqueline Azar, Deputy Governor of Alexandria, in her speech, referred to the fields provided by the Egyptian state for volunteer youth, explaining that there is a clear political will to push young people into leadership positions, and a keenness for young people to assume responsibility so that they are strongly qualified, and this is happening in all aspects.
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Dr. Ali Abdelmohsen, Acting Vice President of the University for Education and Student Affairs, also pointed out in his speech the importance of volunteer work at the university, enhancing the spirit of volunteer work among students during their university life, making use of youth energy, and engaging in service activities and events to achieve social solidarity. He added that the university is keen to develop the skills of its students, providing them with experiences to benefit from in the field of work in the future.
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In his speech, Dr. Mohamed Anwar, Dean of the Faculty of Education, highlighted the psychological and leadership behavioural traits of university student volunteers, including taking responsibility, self-denial, cooperation, and awareness, pointing out that evaluation and selection of jobs are based, among other factors, on the number of hours of volunteer work.
Engineer Ihab Zakaria, Senate Member and Coordinator of the National Alliance in Alexandria, referred to the initiative he launched to pay the tuition fees for Palestinian students at Alexandria University. He pointed out in his speech the benefits of volunteer work and the appropriate age at which volunteering begins.
Mr. Waley El-Din Seoudi, member of the Central Committee of the National Alliance in Alexandria, referred to his personal experience in volunteering, noting that volunteering work develops the behaviour and personality. He also mentioned to the students several areas of volunteer work.">
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Under the auspices of Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, Dr. Saeed Allam, Vice President of the University for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs, accompanied by Dr. Mohamed Anwar, Dean of the Faculty of Education, Dr. Rehab Seddik, Dean of the Faculty of Early Childhood Education, and Dr. Nagda Ibrahim, Dean of the Faculty of Specific Education, inaugurated an exhibition entitled “The Glorious October Victory: Employing Environmental Raw Materials from a Sustainability Perspective,” where childhood education students in the university’s educational sector faculties used environmental materials to create designs and models that express the epic of the Glorious October Victory.
The Alexandria University Youth Organization participated in organizing the exhibition, while several kindergarten children and their supervisors also participated in some parades. The exhibition will remain open to kindergarten children for ten days, after which the schools of Bashayer Al-Khair schools and Hayah Karima villages will be supplied with the exhibition’s products in order to convey the spirit of October among school children and students to instill the values and spirit of loyalty and belonging.
The inauguration was attended by Dr. Arabi Abu Zeid, Director of Alexandria Education Department, who directed the Kindergarten Administration to organize educational trips for kindergarten children to learn about the heroism of their ancestors. The event was also attended by Dr. Ibrahim El-Gamal, General Director of Preaching and Secretary of the Family House, and Ms. Ola Suleiman, Director of Central Alexandria Educational Administration, Major General Mohamed Nassar, Assistant Commander of the Northern Military Region, Ms. Amal Abu Zeid, General Director of Kindergartens in Alexandria Department of Education, in addition to the Faculties' vice deans: Dr. Hassan Abdeen, Dr. Salem Abdelrazek, and Dr. El Sayeda Mahmoud, as well as Dr. Saeed Nafea, former President of Damanhour University.
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Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, received Dr. Andrea Nolan, President of Edinburgh Napier University in Scotland, and her accompanying delegation, with the aim of developing ways of academic and cultural cooperation between the two sides on topics of common interest. The meeting was attended by Dr. Ali Abdelmohsen, Acting Vice President of the University for Education and Student Affairs, Dr. Hisham Saeed, Acting Vice President of the University for Postgraduate Studies and Research, Dr. Boshra Salem, responsible for the University’s Office of International Relations, Dr. Gihan Gewaifel, Assistant to the University President for International University Branch Affairs, and Dr. Essam Wahba, Acting Dean of the Faculty of Engineering.
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In his speech, Dr. Konsowa welcomed the delegation from Edinburgh Napier University, stressing Alexandria University’s keenness to cooperate with Scottish universities in various scientific and cultural fields, pointing to Alexandria University’s international relations with highly ranked international universities through dual academic degrees, scientific research, and joint research projects with these universities. He reviewed ways to support scientific research through the initiative to support young researchers and stimulate innovation and entrepreneurship through the Alexandria University Technology Park incubator, the university’s role as an academic think tank for the surrounding industrial community, and the university’s participation in the United Nations Climate Change Conference COP27 and preparations for the COP28 conference. Dr. Konsowa also expressed his aspiration to increase this cooperation in the areas of exchanging faculty members and students, sharing opinions and experiences in the fields of education, scientific research, innovation, training, and joint academic degrees at both the undergraduate and postgraduate levels.
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Dr. Andrea Nolan praised the distinguished level of Alexandria University, stressing Edinburgh Napier University’s keenness to cooperate with Alexandria University in the areas of educational programs and joint research projects in various academic disciplines in general and engineering, social and health sciences in particular.