important news





Dr. Abdelaziz Konswa, President of Alexandria University, issued the following decisions: -
• Appointment of Dr. Reham Mustafa Mohammed Mohammed Al-Debani, Professor in the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at the faculty of Dentistry, as Vice Dean of the faculty for Postgraduate Studies and Research Affairs for a period of three years.
• Renewing the appointment of Dr. Maha Muhammad Ali Al-Tantawi, Professor in the Department of Pediatric Dentistry and Public Dental Health at the faculty of Dentistry, as Vice Dean of the faculty for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs for a period of three years.

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Under the auspices of Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, within the framework of the activities of the Digital Library Unit, and in coordination with the Digital Library Unit of the Supreme Council of Universities and the Egyptian Knowledge Bank, the Digital Library Unit at Alexandria University is organizing a training workshop on how to benefit from the activities of the Egyptian Knowledge Bank (EKB) and deal with databases and knowledge sources available on this portal, during the period from the 13th until the 14th of November 2023, in the Conference Hall 2 at the Faculty of Education.
Dr. Hisham Saeed, Acting Vice President of the University for Postgraduate Studies and Research, indicated that the workshop will address how to create and manage an account on the Egyptian Knowledge Bank, instructions for application procedures to obtain impact factor reports and citation screening, and how to use the Egyptian Knowledge Bank and its academic search engine. The workshop will give a detailed explanation of the databases available through the bank, and an explanation of the research tools and software available through the Egyptian Knowledge Bank. He explained that the workshop is available to faculty members, supporting staff members, researchers, graduate students, library and information specialists, and undergraduate students.
Registration of attendance starts at 9:30 am
- Registration is available at:
Note: Attendance certificate is provided free of charge provided that attendees are present fully in both days.


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Under the auspices of Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, the activities of the Alexandria University PILOT Incubator training camp were concluded, which lasted for five days, during which emerging projects (16 projects) were reviewed by a specialized arbitration committee composed of faculty members and experts in The field of entrepreneurship.
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Dr. Ghada Al-Khayyat, Executive Director and Principal Researcher of the PILOT Incubator, indicated that this camp is an embodiment of the fruitful cooperation of the Pilot Business Incubator and Children’s University projects funded by the Academy of Scientific Research and Technology, which is considered a first of its kind. She explained that a mini-camp was also implemented for the Pilot Business Incubator for students. Children’s University, over the course of three days, during which the students were practically trained on the basics of entrepreneurship, which comes in line with and practically supports the courses related to entrepreneurship that the Children’s University students are studying. The training bore fruit and had a great impact in developing the students’ cognitive and practical abilities about entrepreneurship and its importance in supporting, Sustainable development that is consistent with Egypt's 2030 strategy.


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The Center for Educational Innovations and Distance Learning organized the “Alexandria University Conference for Educational Innovations and Technology-Supported Learning” in its fifth edition, and was held under the title:
Developing the Learner Autonomy: Undeegrauate Research and Flipped Classrooms as two proposed
The scientific committee of the conference judged the student papers that were presented, a total of 31 papers (15 papers in the field of human sciences and 16 papers in the natural sciences and life sciences), and the jury announced the results as follows:
* In the field of human sciences, the College of Early Childhood Education won first place for a research entitled “A Project to Develop Digital Children’s Literature in the Early Childhood Stage: Theater and Story as a Model,” and the research was by students Nourhan Taha Abdel Azim, Basmala Abdullah Al-Sayed, and Habiba Ahmed Shaout, under the supervision of Ms. Dr. Sherine Mustafa Abbas
* The College of Arts came in second place for a research titled Gamification Usage in Teaching Graeco-Roman Archeology: an Applied Study
For students: Sylvia Shenouda, Maryam Ezzat, Ahmed Abdel Azim, in participation with student Maggie Morris from the Faculty of Artificial Intelligence at Kafr El-Sheikh University, and the research is under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Fathia Jaber Ibrahim
* The Human Sciences Research Jury also decided to award the title of Best Presenter to student Fares Samir Mansour from the College of Tourism and Hotels.
* In the field of natural and life sciences, the College of Computing and Data Science won first place for a research entitled innovative technology for enhancing independence of the blind or visually disabled.
For students Nourhan Abdullah Mahmoud, Israa Al-Sayed Mustafa, Dina Nabil Ahmed, Mazen Mohamed Al-Sayed, Mohamed Al-Sayed Shehata and research under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Abeer Amer
* The College of Science came in second place for a research entitled Potential Microbial degradation of PET from Alexandria solid waste landfill.
For students: Mustafa Abdel Gawad Muhammad Suleiman Abdullah, Ali Muhammad Ibrahim Abdel Moneim, Muhammad Lotfy Ibrahim Muhammad Ibrahim, Maryam Ali Hafez Ibrahim Youssef, Wissam Sabry Abdel Fattah Hasballah, Yasmine Abdel Aziz Al-Sayed Hasballah, Hanan Ghazlan, and the research is under the supervision of Professor Dr. Hanan. Deer.
The conference ended with the handing over of participation certificates to all conference participants.
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The Alexandria University Council, headed by Dr. Abdelaziz Konswa, President of the University, condemned, the continuing violations committed by the Israeli occupation forces against Palestinians and defenseless civilians since October 7, and the continued indiscriminate bombing of the Gaza Strip, which resulted in the death of hundreds. The innocent, wounded and injured victims. The Council also praised the wise administration of President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi and the Egyptian role in supporting the Palestinian cause, which expresses a conscious belief in the cause of the Arab nation, and its endeavor to urge the international community to carry out its tasks to stop the continuing Israeli aggression against Palestinian citizens, and to restore their freedom, security and dignity, and stressed The University President affirms that Alexandria University is ready to participate with medical teams in treating the injured and injured and performing operations through the mechanism that will be approved by the Ministry of Higher Education.
* The Council approved the start of studies with a diploma in pharmacogenomics and a master’s degree in pharmaceutical sciences, specializing in pharmacogenomics, starting in the fall of 2023.
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* The Council honored Dr. Mervat Qassem, Dean of the College of Pharmacy, and Dr. Muhammad Bilal, Dean of the College of Physical Education for Boys, on the occasion of the end of their deanship term in the two colleges and their outstanding efforts during their work period.
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* The Council approved the cooperation protocol between Alexandria University (Faculty of Tourism and Hotels) and the National Authority for Management and Investment - Regal Heights Hotel El Alamein and Crystal Inn El Alamein Hotel, the cooperation protocol between the college and Misr Tourism Company, the cooperation agreement between Alexandria University and Nanjing Agricultural University in China, and the cooperation protocol between Alexandria University. The Education Development Fund of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, the Memorandum of Understanding between Alexandria University and Shandong Normal University Jinan (SDNU) in China, the Memorandum of Understanding between Alexandria University and Airlangga University in Indonesia, the Memorandum of Understanding between Alexandria University and Mu’tah University, and the Memorandum of Understanding between Alexandria University and the Board of Trustees of the University of Alabama - Birmingham. In the United States of America, as well as the student exchange agreement between the two universities, the cooperation protocol between Alexandria University and the State Litigation Authority - Cairo 2023, and the cooperation protocol between Alexandria University and the Administrative Prosecution - Cairo 2023.
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* The Council approved the promotion of 17 faculty members, 7 to the position of professor and 10 to the position of assistant professor, the appointment of 18 teachers, and the granting of 133 doctoral degrees and 110 master’s degrees in various scientific specializations.