important news
Presidential Decree Appointing Dr. Hesham Saeed as Vice President of Alexandria University for Postgraduate Studies and Research
Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, congratulated Dr. Hesham Saeed on the occasion of the issuance of the presidential decree appointing him as Vice President of the University for Postgraduate Studies and Research Affairs, wishing him success.
It is worth noting that Dr. Hesham Saeed graduated from the Faculty of Science in 1988 with distinction and honours. He was appointed as a teaching assistant at the Institute of Graduate Studies and Research in 1989. He obtained master’s and doctoral degrees and rose through the ranks of academic positions at the institute until he reached the position of dean of the institute in 2021. During his career, Dr. Saeed had many academic scholarships and scientific missions to European universities. He also participated in many training courses and post-doctoral studies organized by the Institute of Graduate Studies and Research. He also obtained three patents from the Academy of Scientific Research and Technology and participated in several of its research projects. Dr. Saeed has many research papers published in prestigious scientific journals.
Dr. Ahmed Wahban Re-appointed as Dean of the Faculty of Economic Studies and Political Science
Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, congratulated Dr. Ahmed Mohamed Wahban on the occasion of the issuance of the presidential decree to renew his appointment as Dean of the Faculty of Economic Studies and Political Science, wishing him success and continuous efforts to maintain the achievements of the faculty, stressing that all support and assistance will be provided to him for his success in performing his mission.
It is worth noting that Dr. Ahmed Wahban has been a member of the Economic Studies and Political Sciences Sector Committee of the Supreme Council of Universities since 2020. He is also a member of the jury of the International Politics Journal issued by the Al-Ahram Centre for Strategic Studies, and a member of the editorial board of the International Journal of Public Policy at the Information and Decision Support Centre of the Egyptian Cabinet. He received the State Encouragement Award in Economic and Legal Sciences from the Supreme Council of Culture in 2001. He has many published research papers and scientific books in his field of specialization.
Alexandria University President Receives Delegation from Zhejiang Yuexiu University of Foreign Languages (ZYUFL) in China to Discuss Cooperation
On Monday the 4th of December 2023, Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, received a delegation from Zhejiang Yuexiu University of Foreign Languages (ZYUFL) in China, headed by Dr. Fei Junqing, President of the University, to discuss ways of cooperation and sign a letter of intent in preparation for signing a joint protocol to enhance research and academic cooperation between both sides. The meeting was attended by Dr. Saeed Allam, Vice President of Alexandria University for Environmental Affairs and Community Service, Dr. Hisham Saeed, Acting Vice President of the University for Graduate Studies and Research, Dr. Hani Khamis, Dean of the Faculty of Arts, as well as officials of the University’s Office of International Relations, and a delegation from the Faculty of Arts.

In his speech, Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa stressed the university’s keenness to cooperate with Zhejiang Yuexiu University, and to prepare a protocol to enhance this cooperation, which includes receiving students from Zhejiang University to study for a year at Alexandria University and to study for two years by establishing a double degree with a 2+2 system for students at the bachelor’s level in accordance with the university governing rules.

In addition, cooperation will include the exchange of professors with the Chinese Language Department at the Faculty of Arts and receiving Chinese students to study the Arabic language for foreigners through the Teaching Arabic as a Foreign Language Centre (TAFL), as well as cooperation at the postgraduate level and receiving students wishing to obtain master’s and doctoral degrees.

For his part, Dr. Fei Junqing expressed his pleasure for being at Alexandria University and welcomed cooperation with the prestigious Alexandria University through a joint project with the Arabic Language Department at the Faculty of Arts, through sending Chinese students to study the Arabic language and Arab culture and cooperation in several different fields. He also called for a visit to Zhejiang Yuexiu University learn about the Arabic Language Department at the university.

While the Faculty of Arts delegation reviewed the available opportunities provided by the Faculty to Chinese students through its Arabic and Chinese Language, as both departments witnessed a remarkable turnout this year from students due to their good international reputation in the People’s Republic of China. The Faculty of Arts representatives in the meeting explained that the Languages and Translation Unit provides a preparatory course and supplementary materials for Chinese students so that they can deal with the scientific material presented to them, and study Arabic grammar, rhetoric, literature, and Islamic studies. In addition, the TAFL Centre also offers Arabic language courses at multiple levels according to the students’ needs, as well as providing cultural activities for Chinese students such as painting, music, and Arabic calligraphy. The Chinese Language Department receives visiting professors and students from various Chinese universities. One of the department’s graduates won the Arabic Language Award at Peking University at the level of the Arab world. The Chinese language was also included as one of the languages in which the Academic Journal of the Faculty of Arts is published.

Combating Violence against Women Unit at Alexandria University Announces Winners of “16 Arts Competition”
Within the framework of Alexandria University’s support for the global campaign “The 16 Day Campaign Against Violence,” which continues from November 25 to December 10, and under the auspices of Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of the University, the Unit for Combating Violence against Women at Alexandria University announced the names of the winners who participated in the second season of the 16 Arts Competition. The winners were awarded and honoured in a ceremony that took place at the Capacity Development Centre, Faculty of Nursing, in the presence of Dr. Magda El-Shazly, Rapporteur of the National Council for Women, Alexandria Branch, Dr. Iman Youssef, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, in addition to many civil society pioneers, members of Rotary with its three sectors (Capital - New Era - Harbour) , as well as several members and coordinators of the unit, volunteers, and students.

Dr. Manal Fouda, Executive Director of the Unit for Combating Violence against Women, indicated that 16 winners in various fields were announced, explaining that each of them won a financial prize from Alexandria University amounting to 1,000 pounds, in support of every student who rejects and opposes violence, and supports awareness to combat it through arts.

Alexandria University Receives Follow-up Team of ISO 9001/2015 Quality Management Systems Certificate
Under the auspices of Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, Dr. Saeed Allam, Vice President of the University for Community Service and Environmental Development, received the GIC team, which grants the various ISO certificates, headed by Engineer Amr El-Helw, Chief Auditor, to review and ensure the continuity of the application of the international standard for ISO 9001/2015 within the different departments of the university. The ISO 9001/2015 was granted to the university last year 2022 and continues for three years with annual follow-up.

During his speech, Dr. Saeed Allam thanked the administrative staff at Alexandria University for their efforts to raise the performance level within all university departments, and the improvement of their performance over the last year, demonstrating a distinguished work spirit. He stressed the provision of full support to all employees to maintain this success.
In his speech, Dr. Hisham Saeed, Acting Vice President of the University for Graduate Studies and Research, stressed that the success of the visit came as a result of the effort exerted by all the university’s departments and leadership, led by Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of the University.
Engineer Amr El-Helw, head of the review team, praised the distinguished and remarkable level with which the university appeared in this review compared to previous years.
Mr. Mohamed Abulnasr, Secretary-General of the University, indicated that the results of the review, which resulted in the University continuing to maintain the ISO 9001/2015 certificate, came as a culmination of great efforts carried out by all university employees under the supervision and follow-up of Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, where an action plan was developed to address problems and overcome obstacles in various departments of the university, keeping pace with the country's direction of digital transformation with the aim of facilitating services and saving time and effort.

Dr. Kamal Metwally, supervisor of the University’s Quality Assurance Department, explained that this visit was preceded by the preparation and qualification of the university’s departments in accordance with the international standard ISO 9001/2015, under the supervision and follow-up of Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of the University, Mr. Mohamed Abulnasr, Secretary-General of the University, and the Assistant Secretaries, as the Quality Assurance Department assisted the Quality Team by disseminating and following up on the application of the standards to the various departments of the university.
The closing session was attended by Dr. Ali Abdelmohsen, Acting Vice President of the University for Education and Student Affairs, assistant secretaries, the quality team, general directors, department directors, department coordinators for quality, and university employees.