
important news


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Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, congratulated the faculty members, directors of educational innovations and distance learning units in the faculties, who passed the training program entitled "Teaching and Digital Learning", which is the first project of the Egyptian National Center for the International Institute for Distance Learning affiliated with the International Center for Innovation in Education. higher online
IIOE Egypt National Center
Affiliated to UNESCO and its headquarters at Ain Shams University, as Alexandria University is a member of that national network, in the presence of Dr. Wael Nabil, Vice President of Alexandria University for Education and Student Affairs.
Dr. Ghada Al-Khayat, Director of the Center for Educational Innovations and Distance Learning at Alexandria University, indicated that the training program aims to train participants on the latest trends in education and digital learning, designing courses for this purpose, and methods for assessing their efficiency.
During the meeting, the University President also congratulated Dr. Dina Wahiba, Executive Director of the Educational Innovations and Distance Learning Unit at the Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, on the success of the event organized by the unit under the title "In Love with Alexandria", which worked on developing students' innovative skills in the field of tourism, in cooperation with the Tourism Promotion Authority.
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Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, congratulated Dr. Wael Nabil, Vice President of Alexandria University for Education and Student Affairs, on the occasion of the Board of Trustees’ decision to appoint him as President of Beirut Arab University, starting from the beginning of next September, for a period of four years, wishing him success in his new position.
This announcement came today during the signing ceremony of the cooperation protocol between Alexandria and Beirut Arab Universities at the headquarters of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, in the presence of Dr. Ayman Ashour, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Dr. Kamel Galal, Minister Plenipotentiary, representing the Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Dr. Ammar Al-Houri, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Endowment of Righteousness and Benevolence Association (Waqf Al-Birr-wal-Ihsan), and his accompanying delegation, and Dr. Mohamed Samir Hamza, Acting Head of the Cultural Affairs and Scholarships Sector.
Dr. Wael Nabil is the thirteenth president of Beirut Arab University since its establishment in 1960. He is a professor of general surgery at the Faculty of Medicine since 2015. He held the position of head of the university hospital sector for two years from 2017 to 2019, and then he was appointed dean of the Faculty of Medicine and chairman of the university hospital board from 2019 until January 2022. Dr. Nabil was appointed as Vice President of Alexandria University for Education and Student Affairs from January 2022 until now, and he obtained the shield of the Egyptian Medical Syndicate and the ideal doctor award of the Republic in 2015. He is a member of several scientific societies specialized in laparoscopic surgeries, and a member of many coordination and technical committees at Alexandria University.

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Dr. Ayman Ashour, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, witnessed on Monday the 13th of March, at the Ministry's headquarters, the signing ceremony of a cooperation protocol between Alexandria University and Beirut Arab University, in the presence of Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, Dr. Wael Nabil Abdelsalam, Vice President of Alexandria University for Student Affairs, Dr. Kamel Galal, Minister Plenipotentiary, representing the Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Dr. Ammar Al-Houri, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Endowment of Righteousness and Benevolence Association )Waqf Al-Birr-wal-Ihsan), and his accompanying delegation, and Dr. Mohamed Samir Hamza, Acting Head of the Cultural Affairs and Missions Sector.
During the ceremony, Dr. Ayman Ashour stressed Egypt's keenness to support scientific and academic cooperation with brethren Arab countries, especially in the field of higher education and scientific research, referring to the civilizational symbol that Beirut Arab University represents, reflecting the principles and values of joint Arab action. He pointed to the unique historical and academic ties that unite it with Alexandria University, which has deepened since the establishment of the Beirut Arab University in 1960, as one of the endowment institutions of Righteousness and Benevolence, with the support of the Alexandria University.
Dr. Ayman Ashour added that the signing of the protocol is a new start to confirm the bonds of cooperation between the two countries, stressing the provision of all aspects of support to Beirut Arab University to serve the Arab nation with a new and distinct vision.
The Minister also congratulated Dr. Wael Nabil Abdelsalam, Vice President of Alexandria University for Student Affairs for assuming the duties of the presidency of Beirut Arab University as of September 2023, wishing him success in his new position.
For his part, Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, valued the efforts of the charitable Endowment of Righteousness and Benevolence Association to reach the signing of this protocol, confirming the provision of all aspects of support to Beirut Arab University, and referring to what Alexandria University provided during the last period of support to Beirut Arab University, including the provision of human cadres from faculty members and experts, and other forms of support, which resulted in the crystallization of this unique model represented by Beirut Arab University.
In his speech, Dr. Ammar al-Houri expressed his pleasure for signing the cooperation protocol, praising the Egyptian-Lebanese bilateral relations, stressing that Cairo and Beirut have historical relations characterized by friendship, brotherhood and mutual love, pointing to the Egyptian-Lebanese cooperation in the field of education at the highest level, especially in the field of university higher education, expressing his aspiration to more cooperation and coordination between Cairo and Beirut in the university education sector.
The cooperation protocol was signed by Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, and Dr. Ammar Al-Houri, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Endowment of Righteousness and Benevolence.
The cooperation protocol aims to complete the process of interdependence between the two deep-rooted universities, in a way that serves joint academic and cultural development, and contributes to achieving a high Arab and international status for each of them, which enables them to anticipate modern scientific and technical developments.
During the protocol signing activities, Alexandria and Beirut Arab Universities affirmed their determination to renew the horizons of this cooperation between them in accordance with the rules and laws in force in both Egypt and Lebanon.
The protocol provides for cooperation between the two universities in the fields of education at the bachelor’s and licentiate levels, postgraduate studies, supervision and judgment of theses, seminars, scientific conferences, the use of laboratories and university libraries, as well as cooperation in the fields of student activities, sports, culture, entertainment, student exchange and delegation visits etc.
The protocol also provides for cooperation in implementing training for Beirut Arab University medical students at Alexandria University hospitals and clinical clinics, according to the needs of Beirut Arab University.
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Alexandria University is announcing Master& Doctoral degree scholarships for students from the Nile Basin Countries to study in Alexandria University starting the fall semester of 2023/2024 on a competitive basis. The scholarship includes waving of tuition fees only for the duration of study (maximum 3 years for master degree and 5 years for doctoral degree).

 Students should submit their applications, copies of their transcripts and a medical HIV testing certificate online. For more details and registration, please visit the following website:


The deadline to submit is May 31, 2023

Preference will be for students with B.Sc. with accumulated grade point average of “B” (65-74%) or above or hold a higher degree in area of his/her specialty or related areas. Fluency in the language of study (Arabic or English) is a must.

Applicant from non-speaking Arabic and English countries should submit a certificate of fluency in either Arabic or English language.

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On Sunday, the 12th of March 2023, Dr. Ashraf El-Ghandour, Vice President for Postgraduate Studies and Research Affairs at Alexandria University, received a delegation from the French Embassy in Cairo, headed by Counselor Monica Jekyll, Attaché for Scientific and Academic Cooperation at the French Embassy, Mr. Victor Pratt, and Ms. Maya El-Ramli, Academic Cooperation Officer at the French Embassy, Ms. Nadine Mekkawi, Assistant to the Cooperation Attaché at the French Embassy. The meeting was also attended by Dr. Sameh Shehata, Supervisor of the International Relations Office at Alexandria University, Dr. Abeer El-Wakil, Francophone International Relations Officer at the International Relations Office at Alexandria University, and the deans of the Faculties of Medicine, Law, Science, and Agriculture, as well as vice deans of the Faculties of Arts and Commerce, and officials of the French programs in these faculties.
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During the meeting, the two parties discussed means of joint cooperation, and presented the grant funding opportunities offered by the French Embassy for research projects at Alexandria University, as well as the expansion of joint educational programs in various scientific fields and disciplines.
In his speech, Dr. Ashraf El-Ghandour welcomed the French delegation to the University of Alexandria, pointing to the existence of extended relations through academic cooperation and joint degrees with many French universities, such as Aix-Marseille, Poitiers, Grenoble and Toulouse in France. He also highlighted the distinguished presence of French departments in several faculties at Alexandria University that cooperate in research with Francophone universities, and have branches in French-speaking countries in Africa. El-Ghandour expressed his hopes to achieve more cooperation with French universities through the establishment of more joint degrees whether on the undergraduate or postgraduate levels, exchange programs for students and professors, in addition to cooperation through various research projects.
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While the French delegation affirmed its keenness to cooperate with the deep-rooted Alexandria University, especially as it is one of the most prestigious universities in the Middle East. The delegation confirmed that France has 74 universities, 26 research centers, and more than 3,000 research libraries that have more than 30,000 cooperation agreements with major international universities. The delegation expressed their hope to consolidate cooperation with Alexandria University in joint educational programs and at the level of scientific research.