important news


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Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, and Dr. Ahmed El-Hayawy, Secretary General of the Education Development Fund of the Egyptian Cabinet, signed a cooperation protocol between the two sides to coordinate efforts regarding providing engineering consultations, training faculty members and administrative staff at the Egyptian Technological University, and providing experts from Alexandria University.
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The signing of the agreement was witnessed by Dr. Saeed Allam, Acting Vice President of the University for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs and Dean of the College of Engineering, Dr. Walid Abdelazim, Vice President of the Faculty of Engineering for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs, Dr. Abdelaziz Emara, Executive Director of the Centre for Capacity Development of Faculty Members and Leaders, and a delegation from the Education Development Fund.
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After signing the protocol, Dr. Konsowa stressed the university’s keenness to cooperate with the Education Development Fund in order to achieve the priorities of the state’s sustainable development plan (Egypt Vision 2030) and to provide a model of cooperation between the two sides that contributes to providing graduates at the highest level to meet the requirements of the labour market. He explained that Alexandria university through this protocol will provide engineering consultations for the buildings and facilities of the Egyptian Technological University, through the Engineering Centre at Alexandria University, and will also provide a set of appropriate training packages approved locally and internationally to raise the efficiency of trainees from the faculty members and administrative staff at the Egyptian Technological University through the Centre for Capacity Development of Faculty Members and Leaders at Alexandria University.
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While Dr. El-Hayawy pointed out to the Fund’s role as an incubator for creating innovative educational projects and models in the various education sectors, including general, higher, technical, and vocational education. He pointed out the Fund’s keenness to benefit from Alexandria University with its scientific, human, and technical capabilities to complete the needs of the Egyptian Technological University and build the capabilities of its members to improve the quality of the educational process provided.
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During its meeting this morning, headed by Dr. Ali Abdelmohsen, Acting Vice President of Alexandria University for Education and Student Affairs, the Education and Student Affairs Council discussed the academic time plan for the academic year 2023/2024 in accordance with the decision of the Supreme Council of Universities during the first semester, which began on the 30th of September and continues until the 4th of January , 2024, provided that the mid-year vacation takes place during the period from the 27th of January until the 8th of February , 2024. The second semester begins on the 10th of February 10 and continues until the 30th of May 2024. The second semester final exams begin during the month of June 2024 according to the nature of the study and exams in each faculty, in accordance with the details contained in the approximate annual calendar proposal received from the Supreme Council of Universities.
 Dr. Ali Abdelmohsen stressed to the faculties’ representatives the necessity of adhering to the directives of developing their laboratories, as this academic year is the year of modernization of the laboratory equipment for the undergraduate level at the university, as the laboratories in the faculties of the medical, scientific, and technological sectors as well as the language and computer laboratories of the humanities sector will be modernized.
 The Council also approved a proposal to submit the Faculty of Early Childhood Education for program accreditation for the program “Preparing an Early Intervention Specialist in the Field of Special Education for the Early Childhood Stage.”
The Council witnessed a presentation by Dr. Sameh Nakhla, Director of the Measurement and Evaluation Centre at Alexandria University, which addressed the time plan for measurement and evaluation work at the Centre during the current academic year, which includes preparing the training plan for each faculty, which includes formative assessment, a table of graded scale specifications, oral and practical policies, and the beginning of an academic advising evaluation indicators project in each faculty, which includes projects to evaluate academic advising in university faculties, question banks for Alexandria University, and academic governance.

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Under the auspices of Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, the university organized in cooperation with the Bibliotheca Alexandrina the seventh night of the Arabic language at the headquarters of the Alexandria Library, and in the presence of the deans of the faculties, a large number of Arabic language professors at Alexandria University, members of the Rotary Club of Alexandria and university students. The event was held under the supervision of Dr. Nagwa Saber, Professor of Arabic Literature at the Faculty of Arts.
The Alexandria University Choir and the selected theatre and poetry teams of the university students presented poetry, singing, and theater performances during the celebration.

     Under the auspices of Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, a blood donation campaign will start as of tomorrow, Sunday the 15th of October, 2023, in solidarity with the Palestinian people, in cooperation with the "Students of Egypt" fraternity, and some civil society organization, and it will last for a week.     
   Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of the University, pointed out that Alexandria University launched this campaign as part of its desire to support the Palestinian people and provide assistance and support to them. This initiative comes as part of humanitarian solidarity with the people of the Gaza Strip, calling on the Alexandrian community and the university community to lend a helping hand and donate blood to contribute to saving lives and helping the victims and their families.
 *Donation Points*
 *The first point: in front of the Faculty of Medicine and Faculty of Pharmacy gate, Khartoum Square.
 *The second point: in front of the Faculty of Engineering, car entrance gate.
 *The third point: in front of the Faculty of Business (Previously Faculty of Commerce) gate at the Humanities Campus in Shatby, facing the Alexandria Library.

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First batch of Faculty of Engineering students from the computer and communications engineering program enroll in the 4+1 dual degree program with the University of Essex and arrive at the University of Essex campus to start their studies.
The agreement between Alexandria University and the University of Essex allows Faculty of Engineering students from the computer and communications engineering program, mechatronics and robotics engineering program and electromechanical engineering program to obtain a Bachelors degree from Alexandria University and a Masters degree from the University of Essex, where the student studies 4 years (8 semesters) at Alexandria University followed by 1 year at the University of Essex.