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Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, received this morning Mr. Jean-Noël Baléo, Regional Director of University Agency of the Francophonie in the Middle East, and his accompanying delegation, to discuss ways to strengthen the frameworks of joint cooperation between Alexandria University and French institutions, and proposed future projects to develop cooperation between Alexandria University and the University Agency of the Francophonie.
The meeting was attended by Dr. Saeed Allam, Vice President of the University for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs, Dr. Sameh Shehata, Supervisor of the University’s International Relations Office, Dr. Gihan Gewaifel, Assistant to the University President for Foreign University Branch Affairs, Dr. Morsi El-Souda, Professor at the Faculty of Agriculture, Ms. Cynthia Abboud, Deputy Regional Director of the University Agency of the Francophonie in the Middle East, and Dr. Soha Amer, head of the office of the University Agency of the Francophonie in Alexandria.
In his speech, Dr. Konsowa welcomed the French delegation to Alexandria University, stressing the university’s keenness to continue cooperation with the University Agency of the Francophonie in scientific and academic fields of common interest, pointing to academic cooperation and joint academic degrees between Alexandria University and a number of French universities, namely the universities of Nice, Aix-Marseille, Poitiers, and Bordeaux. Dr. Konsowa expressed his aspiration for more scientific and research cooperation and the exchange of faculty members and students, within the framework of the university’s strategic plan towards internationalizing education and establishing branches of highly ranked foreign universities in cooperation and coordination with Alexandria University. The university president also discussed with the delegation the possibility of cooperation to establish joint scientific programs and dual degrees with French universities, pointing to the academic programs offered by the university in the French language in several faculties, and the role of the university branch in Chad as a platform to serve French-speaking African countries.
Mr. Jean-Noël Baléo stressed the keenness of the University Agency of the Francophonie to develop cooperation with Egyptian universities in general and Alexandria University in particular in various scientific and research programs, and to establish joint educational and training activities and events between Alexandria University and French scientific institutions, praising the distinguished level of Alexandria University in various academic fields.

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