important news
Community Service and Environmental Development Council Forms Committee to Participate in Green Ranking Universities Competition
Alexandria University's Council for Community Service and Environmental Development, headed by Dr. Saeed Allam, Vice President of the University for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs, decided to form a committee of a number of Vice-Deans of faculties to prepare the file of Alexandria University in order to get ready for its participation in the green ranking competition for universities. This came during the Council for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs meeting Thursday morning the grand conference hall at the University headquarters.

The Council was informed of the most important recommendations issued by the World Population Day Health and Development Conference and the importance of the participation of universities to contribute to this regard. The most prominent recommendations were reviewed, such as increasing educational opportunities for the less educated groups to reduce negative phenomena such as child labour, early marriage among girls, and depriving boys of education, which constitute the fundamental causes of the population problems, and activating Egyptian family development programs.

The Vice President of the University thanked all the university’s faculties and institutes for successfully preparing and organizing the celebrations of the 50th anniversary of the glorious October War by organizing a large number of seminars and events as well as hosting heroes of the Egyptian Armed Forces and influential figures to encourage the spirit of loyalty and belonging among the university’s students.

The Council reviewed the report submitted by Dr. Wafaa El-Sehli, Professor at the Faculty of Medicine, on organizing a number of integrated medical service convoys to “Halab Village, Alexandria-Cairo Desert Road, Abis 7 Health Unit, Abis 8 Health Unit” to serve the people of the villages in the areas that are in utmost need for various medical specialties. The convoys services included dispensing medications and transferring some cases to the main university hospital.

Dr. Saeed Allam praised the faculties of the educational sector at the university, for their organization of the the exhibition “The Glorious October Victory” to employ environmental materials from a sustainability perspective, and the childhood education department students in the faculties of the educational sector at the university who used environmental materials to create designs and models that express the epic of the glorious October victory, with the participation of the university youth organization, as well as kindergarten children and their supervisors perform some military parades.

The Council discussed the Faculty of Education’s report on eradicating illiteracy, the number of classes that were opened, the most important obstacles facing the university and students, and ways to overcome them, with full coordination between the five faculties of the educational sector.

The Council reviewed several activities, workshops, seminars, initiatives and courses in the university’s faculties that took place during the months of October and November.

Faculty of Tourism and Hotels Organizes Workshop on Alexandria Culture Trails in Cooperation with German Philipps University
The Faculty of Tourism and Hotels at Alexandria University organized a workshop entitled “Autumn School Alexandria Culture Trails: Journey through Time and Space” within the framework of the project “Dealing with Material Culture in the Eastern Mediterranean: Excavation and Digitization” in cooperation with Philipps University in Germany. The workshop takes place for three days at the faculty’s headquarters.

The workshop inauguration was attended by Dr. Abeer Attia, Dean of the Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, Dr. Heba Saad, Professor of Islamic Archaeology at the Faculty of Tourism and Hotels and organizer of the workshop, Dr. Albert Voth, Project Officer at Philipps University, and Dr. Carsten-Michael Walbiner, Director of the Regional Office of the German Authority for Cultural Exchange (DAAD) in Cairo, as well as several faculty members and students.

In her speech, Dr. Abeer Attia stressed the importance of the project, which is funded by the German Authority for Cultural Exchange DAAD in Cairo in the period from 2023 to 2025, noting that the project aims to strengthen the partnership between German higher education institutions and their counterparts in the Middle East region, and to consolidate cooperation between the participants in the field of cultural heritage through participation in scientific research among project members, developing curricula and cultural heritage education programmes, and raising competence and capabilities in the field of cultural heritage through training (summer school and fall school organized in Egypt, Lebanon and Germany), as well as organizing scientific activities, conferences and workshops.

Dr. Attia said that Alexandria University was chosen to host the organization of the first fall school for the year 2023, in coordination with the Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, within the framework of permanent and ongoing cooperation between Alexandria University and Philipps University in Germany, in accordance with the cooperation agreement between the two universities, in which Alexandria University, Ain Shams University, and Dar Al-Kutub from Egypt participate. Other participants include the American University in Beirut (AUB), the German Institute for Oriental Studies in Lebanon, the German Institute for Oriental Archaeology in Cairo, the French Institute for Oriental Archaeology in Cairo (IFAO), the Goethe Research Library in Germany, the Middle East Library, the Leipzig Library, in addition to researchers from other institutions.
Inauguration of First Forum for Francophone Programs Sector at Alexandria University
Under the auspices of Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, the University’s Office of International Relations organized the first forum for the Francophone Programs Sector, in order to introduce the scientific, literary and educational programs taught in French language in the various university faculties, introduce dual degrees with French universities, and enhance cooperation between the departments that teach specialized literary or scientific subjects in the French language in some of the university’s faculties. In addition, the forum aims at consolidating and expanding ties of cooperation and partnership between the university and Francophone knowledge institutions and bringing in expatriates from French-speaking African countries.
The forum that took place in the conference hall at the Faculty of Nursing, was attended by officials from the Francophone programs at the various Alexandria University Faculties, Senghor University, the Francophone Activities Sector at the Library of Alexandria, and representatives of some Francophone knowledge institutions and students.

In her speech, Dr. Abeer El-Wakil, Deputy Executive Director of the Office of International Relations and responsible for Francophone relations at the university, referred to the main topics of the forum, which dealt with introducing scientific programs in French language at different faculties, development trends in academic programs granting dual degrees, the relationship of the proposed programs to educational development projects in the country, and future visions aspiring to create real opportunities for excellence, through establishing interest in the field of Francophone cooperation and its positive impact in increasing students’ interest in these distinguished programs.

The forum witnessed rich discussions on the role of academic programs in French language and dual degrees with French universities in enhancing the competitiveness of graduates in local, regional, and international labour markets.
Alexandria University Students Visit “Berket Ghalioun” Fisheries Project
Within the framework of Alexandria University’s keenness to develop students’ awareness of major national projects, and the efforts made by the state in the field of comprehensive development, and under the auspices of Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, the Faculty of Agriculture in Shatby and the General Administration of Youth Welfare organized a field visit to the fish farming project “Berket Ghalioun.”
During the visit, the students were introduced to all the project sectors, and learned about the stages of work in this huge project, accompanied by Major General Dr. Maged Abdelzaher, Deputy Project Director, and Major Mohamed Rifai, coordinator of the visit. The delegation also included Dr. Mohamed Bahey El-Din, Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture, Dr. Ahmed Mahdi, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture for Education and Student Affairs, and Mr. Shehab Mahrous, Officer in Charge of the General Administration of Youth Welfare, in addition to some distinguished faculty members and employees at the Faculty of Agriculture.
Dr. Mohamed Bahey El-Din announced that the number of students who participated in the visit reached 90 male and female students from the university’s various faculties. He explained that everyone praised the real boom they saw in fish farming technology and the latest technology for manufacturing, packing, and preserving products.
At the end of the visit, commemorative shields were exchanged between the two sides.
Dr. Hesham Saeed Reviews Report on Scientific Research at Alexandria University and Discusses Proposed Plan to Improve Its Performance
Dr. Hesham Saeed, Acting Vice President of Alexandria University for Graduate Studies and Research, reviewed during the Graduate Studies and Research Council held on Tuesday the 21st of November 2023, a report on the reality of scientific research at the university, a proposed plan to improve and enhance its performance, and ways to improve the ranking of Alexandria University globally.
The report presented an analysis of statistics related to aspects of scientific research at the university, based on the SciVal tool. The report also included a summary of the position of scientific journals issued by Alexandria University, in addition to addressing all aspects of the university’s research system and discussing proposals to improve its performance. He pointed out that the administration of Alexandria University pays great attention to raising the university’s status at the international level, raising the level of the educational system’s outcomes, and raising the university’s competitiveness globally, in the interest of researchers and the international reputation of Alexandria University. The report stressed the importance of international rankings, especially since they help improve the international reputation of the university, contribute to attracting international students, increase educational tourism and foreign exchange flows, as well as increasing the opportunities of university graduates to obtain regional and international job opportunities, and increasing the opportunities of young researchers to obtain scholarships for postgraduate studies abroad. In addition, the Council discussed a proposal to amend the rules for disbursing publishing rewards at the Centre for Distinguished Scientific Publishing. Dr. Amira Hemdan, Director of the Centre, presented the proposed regulations and amendments.