
important news




Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, congratulated Dr. Manal Fawzy Ahmed, Chair of the Man and Biosphere (MAB) Committee of the Egyptian National Commission for UNESCO and former Head of the Environmental Sciences Department at the Faculty of Science, on the occasion of her selection among 12 experts in the International Advisory Committee for the International MAB Program of UNESCO, as of the first of January 2023, for a period of 4 years, in light of her contribution and expertise in the field of preserving biological diversity and biotechnology, wishing her success and progress.
It is noteworthy that UNESCO announced since 1971 the Man and the Biosphere Program (MAB), which is an international governmental scientific program that aims to lay the scientific foundations necessary to improve relations between population and the environment, in addition to adopting a research agenda that combines several scientific branches within the framework of natural sciences and social sciences, for the purposes of sustainable development, the use and conservation of biodiversity, and the improvement of connections at the global level between peoples and the environmental conditions surrounding them.




Within the framework of Alexandria University’s role in social solidarity and community service, Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, participated in the activities of the Iftar campaign in the second village of Abis, with the participation of the "Students for Egypt" fraternity and Ehna El Kheir "We Are the Good" Foundation, where iftar meals and bags of goods were distributed during the campaign.
The University President expressed his appreciation of this initiative and its noble societal goals, as a symbiotic initiative that supports different groups of the most deserving citizens and thanked all those in charge of implementing the initiative.
Among the participants of the campaign were Dr. Sameh Nakhla, pioneer of the fraternity, Dr. Walid Abdelazim, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Engineering for Community Service and Environmental Development, Mr. Shehab Mahrous, Director General of Youth Welfare, and Mrs. Mona Mahmoud, CEO of Ehna El Kheir Foundation.

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Dr. Abdel Aziz Konsowa, President of the University of Alexandria, participated in the educational symposium organized by the Bibliotheca Alexandrina yesterday under the title "Strategic Preparation of the Egyptian Armed Forces for the Tenth of Ramadan War", on the occasion of the celebration of the tenth of Ramadan victories, in the presence of Major General Muhammad Al-Sharif, Governor of Alexandria, and Dr. Ahmed Zayed, Director of the Library of Alexandria, and a group of leaders of the armed forces, consuls, members of the House of Representatives and Senate, deans of university faculties, and representatives of Al-Azhar and the Church.
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The celebration began with the showing of a documentary film entitled "Glimpses of the Victories of the Tenth of Ramadan". Major General Muhammad Al-Ghobari, former director of the National Defense College at Nasser Military Academy, gave a detailed explanation of the war strategies and the great effort by our armed forces to prepare for the great October victory.
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The symposium was followed by an open discussion with the attendees of senior officials, military personnel, diplomats, thinkers and public figures. The ceremony was followed by a visit to President Sadat’s Museum to deposit ten of President Sadat’s belongings, the most important of which is his sovereignty’s passport, which was deposited in his museum inside the Library of Alexandria, where the Library of Alexandria announced the recovery of the President’s passport. The late, after the success of state agencies in recovering the passport, whose photos were circulated for sale and sparked a lot of controversy recently.
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On Thursday the 30th of March 2023, Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, and Dr. Mahmoud Mohieldin, President of Pharos University, signed a clinical training agreement between the two universities, in the presence of Dr. Wael Nabil, Vice President for Education and Student Affairs, and Dr. Ali Abdelmohsen Acting Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, and Dr. Mohamed Ragab, Secretary General of Pharos University.
In his speech, Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa stressed that cooperation with Pharos University is not new, but rather began since the establishment of Pharos University by providing its faculties with the expertise of faculty members from Alexandria University in various disciplines. He indicated that the cooperation agreement comes with the aim of providing clinical training for Pharos University students of medical faculties, within Alexandria University hospitals at the Faculties of Medicine and Dentistry and the Medical Research Institute Hospital, under the supervision of faculty members, assistant staff and specialists with expertise and competencies in Alexandria University hospitals and institutes.
In his speech, Dr. Mahmoud Mohieldin thanked the President of Alexandria University for welcoming the cooperation, stressing his aspiration for a long-term fruitful cooperation that achieves the interests of both parties and contributes to the graduation of distinguished students for our beloved Egypt. He added that this agreement will provide Pharos University students with the opportunity to benefit from the expertise of the specialized cadres in Alexandria University hospitals, in order to provide the students of Pharos University with the necessary clinical experience and skills, and to inform them of all developments in all medical fields through Alexandria University Hospitals.
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Dr. Abdel Aziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, emphasized during the university council meeting the importance of the national strategy launched by the Ministry of Higher Education on March 7 to establish regional alliances between public, private, civil and technological universities, civil society, local development agencies, and the industrial community; To contribute to achieving comprehensive development in all geographical regions at the level of the Republic, and to enhance scientific and research cooperation between universities and the industry and business community in its comprehensive concept, stressing that the idea of ​​alliances is a pioneering idea to provide a stimulating climate for the localization, production and creation of a knowledge economy in cooperation with industry, and expanding the establishment of business incubators within universities , supporting research plans, developing programs and curricula in cooperation with partners from industry, and field skill training for students to prepare them to meet the requirements of the labor market. From: Alexandria University - Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport - Matrouh University - Alamein University - City of Scientific Research and Technological Applications - Alexandria Mineral Oils Company "AMOC" - Abu Qir Fertilizers Company - Board of Trustees of the New Borg El Arab City - Alexandria Businessmen Association.
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• The Council congratulated Dr. Wael Nabil, Vice President of the University for Education and Student Affairs, on the occasion of the issuance of the Waqf of Charity and Charity Council's decision to appoint him as President of Beirut Arab University as of next September, stressing that Alexandria University will provide all aspects of support to Beirut Arab University to serve the Arab nation with a new and distinct vision, which is a reflection of the keenness The Egyptian state supports scientific and academic cooperation with the sisterly state of Lebanon, because Beirut Arab University represents the jewel of the crown in these relations, in terms of a reflection of the principles and values ​​of joint Arab action, and unique historical and academic ties that unite it at Alexandria University, which have deepened since the establishment of Beirut Arab University in 1960, as one of the institutions Endowment of righteousness and charity with the support of the University of Alexandria.
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The Council also congratulated Dr. Ghada Abdel-Wahhab Al-Khayyat, Chairman of the Information Systems and Computers Department and Executive Director of the Center for Educational Innovations and Distance Learning, on the occasion of her election as President of the Scientific Council of the Francophone University Agency, in the first meeting of the Council in its current session, which was held on the thirteenth of last February in Montreal, Canada. Accordingly, Her Excellency is also the head of the Scientific Council of the International Academy of Scientific Francophonie (AIFS), which was inaugurated in Rabat, Morocco, on March 21, and which is a “milestone project” in the life of the Francophone University Agency and of Francophonie and scientific diplomacy more generally.
• The Council approved the establishment of a Huawei Academy within the College of Computing and Data Sciences, including the training of faculty members, supporting staff and students, and contributing to the establishment of laboratories in the college with appropriate equipment and devices.
• The Council approved the accreditation of the Professional Master's Program in Primary Health Care Practice at the Higher Institute of Public Health
• The Council approved a proposal for a professional master's program in Sports Technology and Human Movement at the College of Engineering.
• The Council approved the establishment of a master's program in prosthodontics in the Faculty of Dentistry, in the international program for postgraduate studies in the Faculty of Dentistry.
• The Council approved the establishment of three inter-programs in the College of Education.
• The Council approved the memorandum of understanding between the University of Alexandria and the University of Belarus BSUIR, the memorandum of understanding between the University of Alexandria and the University of Mostar in Bosnia, the memorandum of understanding between the University of Alexandria and the University of Zintan in the State of Libya, the memorandum of understanding for academic cooperation and the student exchange agreement between Alexandria University and the University of Jordan, and the memorandum of understanding between the University of Alexandria KEPCO International School for Nuclear Postgraduate Studies in Korea, the academic cooperation agreement between Alexandria University and the University of Illinois University Edwardsville in the United States of America, the cooperation agreement between the University of Alexandria and the University of Angers in France, the draft framework agreement between the University of Alexandria and Aix-Marseille University in France and the Euro-Mediterranean Universities Network, and the student exchange agreement between the University of Alexandria and Sungshin University in South Korea, and the Council approved the cooperation protocol between Alexandria University - Faculty of Education and Salah El-Din International School, the cooperation protocol between Alexandria University - Faculty of Agriculture Saba Pasha and the General Authority for Cotton Test Arbitration, and the cooperation protocol between Alexandria University and Fahim Foundation for Psychological Support regarding experiences and studies In the field of psychological support, and the cooperation protocol between Alexandria University Hospitals, Neil Hope Hospital.
• The council approved the promotion of 18 faculty members, 7 to the position of professor, 11 to the position of assistant professor, the appointment of 13 teachers, and the granting of 28 doctoral degrees and 72 master's degrees in various scientific disciplines.
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