important news

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Under the auspices of Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, Dr. Ali Abdelmohsen, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine and Acting Vice President of the University for Education and Student Affairs, inaugurated the sixth student conference of the Faculty of Agriculture, which was held under the title “Youth and the Challenges of Sustainable Development,” where its activities lasted for two days at the faculty headquarters.
In his speech, Dr. Ali Abdelmohsen thanked all those organizing the conference, stressing that Alexandria University supports all student activities and encourages students to participate in them, and works to provide all necessary means to assist students in practicing these activities. He expressed his pleasure with the students’ participation in organizing the conference, which prepares them to organize other conferences and encourages them to present their research in the future.
Dr. Mohamed Bahey El-Din, Dean of the Faculty and Chairman of the Conference, indicated that the conference discussed during its period a group of smart agricultural scientific research, the impact of climate change on sustainable agriculture, alternative solutions to overcome obstacles to animal and poultry production, new sources of renewable energy, green and blue hydrogen, nanotechnology, processing polluted water, agricultural technologies, food security, food processing and safety, plant protection, and the role of the plant clinic in sustainability.
Dr. Ahmed Mohamed Mahdi, vice dean of the faculty for education and student affairs and the conference’s rapporteur, noted that the conference included the opening of the art exhibition and innovations exhibition at the faculty’s theatre, a presentation of graduation projects for senior students, a review of youth visions and agricultural community development, pioneering experiences for youth, and a number of student initiatives in agricultural specialization, in addition to an exhibition of works of art, a sports day in which faculty members, students and workers participated, a cultural forum and a singing concert for Egyptian and international students.
The conference was organized by a distinguished group of faculty members, supporting staff, students, student union, and active members of the youth affairs department at the faculty. It was attended by the vice presidents of the university, the current and former deans and vice deans of the faculty, faculty members, supporting staff, and faculty students.

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Under the auspices of Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, and the supervision of Dr. Ali Abdelmohsen, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine and Acting Vice President of the University for Education and Student Affairs, the Faculty of Medicine held the first celebration of the Alex Med Stars initiative for its Egyptian and International students in both the General Program and the International Program in cooperation with the British University of Manchester.
Dr. Iman Youssef, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Medicine for Education and Student Affairs, stated that the celebration aims to shed light on the faculty’s distinguished students in various scientific, research, sports, artistic, and technological fields, and to encourage them to continue in these activities. She added that a talent fair will be organized to display various student activities and products, such as posters, published research and various artistic works (drawings, models, handicrafts, etc.), and thanked everyone who contributed to the preparation of this celebration.
Dr. Tamer Abdallah, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Medicine for Community Service and Environmental Development, confirmed that the celebration included the presentation of a Role Model, during which a number of distinguished medical professors and good role models spoke about their honourable life journey and their wonderful efforts to serve as good role models for students.
Dr. Hala Maklad, Executive Director of International Students Department at the university, indicated that the Alex Med Stars initiative aims to shed light on talented students in various fields such as scientific research, culture, arts, drawing, singing, and sports, whether Egyptian or international students, as well as sponsoring these students in an institutional setting under the auspices of the Faculty of Medicine and Alexandria University.
Several medical professors participated in the celebration and its sessions, including Dr. Abdelmoneim Fawzy, Head of the Alexandria Doctors Syndicate, Dr. Mohamed Hisham, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine at the Arab Academy, and Dr. Ashraf Saad Galal, former Head of the Alexandria Doctors Syndicate and former Dean of Alexandria’s Faculty of Medicine.
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Within the framework of cooperation between the University of Alexandria and the University’s Department of Military Education, and under the auspices of Dr. Abdulaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, the Department of Military Education organized a group of visits to military units and various development projects. These visits included the Mohamed Naguib Military Base - Sayo Foods Company for Food Industries - the Technological Center for Cadastral Registration. – Water Treatment Plant in Al-Hammam – The National Company for Protected Agriculture at the Mohamed Naguib Base. It also included a group of scientific field visits in the academic specializations for students to maximize their benefit during their period of study at the university.
These visits aim to acquaint the students with the extent of the continuous development and modernization of the Armed Forces, and the size of the development projects that were implemented during the previous period. During these visits, the students expressed their pride in the Armed Forces, the extent of the development they have witnessed, and their desire to repeat these visits continuously.
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On the occasion of International Women’s Day, and under the auspices of Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, the first medical educational awareness-raising convoy, organized by the University’s Unit for Combating Violence against Women, was launched yesterday to serve women and children in Abis 7 district, in which the unit’s coordinators from various faculties s and institutes participated.
During the convoy's work, Professor Dr. Wafaa El-Sehli, former dean of the Faculty of Medicine and member of the Board of Directors of the Anti-Violence Unit, provided an educational presentation on the widespread types of violence, especially domestic violence, while Professor Dr. Omnia Nassar, Director of the Central Quality Department of University Hospitals, and the unit’s volunteer, raised awareness about public health and the benefits of mental health. The unit’s volunteers, psychologists from civil society, participated with her. In addition, Dr. Baheya El-Akhriti, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Specific Education, held a workshop on teaching handicraft skills to girls.
Dr. Hadeer Mahmoud, Lecturer at the Department of Anthropology and unit coordinator for the Faculty of Arts, gave training for mothers on developing gender awareness during the socialization process with the participation of volunteer female students from the Faculty of Arts, and Dr. Marwa Gamal Ahmed Allam, lecturer of dairy science and technology in the Food Science Department and unit coordinator for the Faculty of Agriculture Saba Pasha Campus, participated in educating women on airy products manufacturing and small food industry projects.
While Ms. Heba Taha, and Ms. Hadeer Mustafa, teaching assistants at the Department of Medical Organic Physics, and unit coordinators at the Medical Research Institute, raised awareness about methods of early detection of breast cancer and methods of preventing it.
Dr. Sarah El-Beltagy, lecturer of sociology, and Ms. Menna Mahmoud, unit coordinator for the Faculty of Education, provided community awareness about human needs and the development of social values within the family with the participation of student volunteers from the Faculty of Education.
Professor Dr. Manal Fouda, Head of the Theater Department and Executive Director of the Unit, supervised the workshops conducted to raise awareness among children and youth about the dangers of social media.
The workshops were implemented by the unit’s volunteers, distinguished students and graduates in various fields of arts, namely artists: Mai Abdelrazek, Ahmed Hakam, Mai Saeed, Ahmed El-Hofi, and Yassin Sherif.

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Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, and Mr. Walid Tayel, Head of the Human Resources Sector at Elsewedy Electric Company, signed, via video conference, a joint cooperation protocol for implementing joint programs with the aim of raising the efficiency of students and graduates at Alexandria University, and qualifying them for local, regional and international labour markets.
The signing of the agreement was witnessed by Dr. Essam Wahba, Acting Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, who signed the agreement on behalf of Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, Dr. Wael El-Meghlani, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Engineering for Education and Student Affairs, and Dr. Gihan Gewaifel, Assistant to the University President for International University Affairs.
In his speech via video conference, Dr. Konsowa stressed that this agreement is consistent with one of the most important strategies adopted by Alexandria University for cooperation between academia and industry and linking the outputs of scientific research to the requirements of the national industry. He indicated that this agreement aims to support the national industry to build a strong national economy, in line with Egypt's 2030 Strategy to support the knowledge-based economy and link scientific research to industry in its comprehensive sense.
He added that it aims to improve the competitiveness of education systems and outcomes, and to support the market economy in order to achieve comprehensive and sustainable growth, characterized by competitiveness and diversity, through providing efficient training to Alexandria University students, as well as providing job opportunities for them, so that they can compete in local, regional and international labour markets. Dr. Konsowa stressed that Alexandria University will support this agreement by providing all necessary logistical tools to ensure the quality of joint training programs between the two sides, in addition to inviting Elsewedy Electric Company to participate in all employment activities organized by Alexandria University.
Meanwhile, engineer Ahmed Elsewedy in his speech via video conference expressed his pleasure to cooperate with the Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria University due to the quality of its graduates in various fields related to the engineering field. He stressed that the company works in 50 countries around the world in Africa, Europe and Asia, pointing out that the company employs a large percentage of youth annually, stressing that job and training opportunities will be provided in the company for students of the Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria University, especially since young people are the hope of the Egyptian state and its bright future.
While Dr. Essam Wahba welcomed the delegation of Elsewedy Electric Company to the Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria University, stressing that this agreement will be the beginning of a sustainable relationship between the two sides.
Dr. Wahba said that graduates of the Faculty of Engineering at Alexandria University are internationally recognized for their scientific and academic excellence, especially since the faculty has advanced educational programs. He added that the faculty is always working to raise the competitiveness of its students at all levels by providing several training programs and agreements with major international companies and institutions, in order to bridge the gap between academic curricula and labour market needs.
Mr. Walid Tayel also confirmed that the Faculty of Engineering at Alexandria University has distinguished educational programs in various engineering specializations, and pointed out that it has a distinguished academic and research reputation and works according to an integrated system to raise the efficiency of educational and research services according to the needs of the labour market.
Following the signing of the agreement, the delegation of Elsewedy Electric presented the job and training opportunities available at the company inside and outside Egypt to the faculty students.

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