important news
Alexandria University’s Community Service and Environmental Development Council Reviews Faculty Laboratories Development Plan
Dr. Saeed Allam, Vice President of Alexandria University for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs, confirmed during the meeting of the Community Service and Environmental Development Council, Wednesday, July 24, 2024, the continuation of implementing the university's plan to develop laboratories in the university's faculties, based on the directives of Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of the University, in this regard.

The council discussed presenting training programs in cooperation with the National Council for People with Disability on how to deal with students with disabilities, with the participation of faculty members, assistants and administrators from the relevant faculties.

As part of the university's participation in the Decent Life “Hayah Karima” Initiative, the council reviewed the university's preparations to launch an integrated community medical convoy to Bahig Village in Borg El Arab next August, with the participation of the faculties of the medical, educational, veterinary and sports sectors, and with the participation of the Violence Against Women Unit, to serve the most needy citizens, conduct medical examinations for them and dispense the necessary medications, as well as provide social services, recreational and service activities and educational seminars.
• The council honoured Dr. Wafaa El-Sehli, professor at the Faculty of Medicine, on the occasion of her appointment as Dean of the Faculty of Medicine at Beirut Arab University.

• Dr. Saeed Allam congratulated Dr. Lamia Othman, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Early Childhood Education, and Dr. Sahar Mansour Lamda, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Nursing, on the occasion of the issuance of the university president's decision to appoint them as Vice Deans for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs, wishing them success in their duties to serve the two faculties.
• The council approved the cooperation agreement between the Faculty of Engineering and Orascom Construction Company to train the faculty's students.
• The Council discussed a number of activities, events, workshops, seminars, literacy efforts and educational seminars that took place during the months of June and July 2024.
Alexandria University Students Participate in First Student Activities at "The World is Alamein 2024" Festival
Two hundred students from Alexandria University participated in the first trips and student programs for the first week of the " The World is Alamein 2024" Festival, which was organized by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research in cooperation with the United Company for Media, Helwan University, and the Student Activities Sector, with the participation of Egyptian universities.
The last day witnessed several diverse activities, as a sea tour was organized on one of the city's charming beaches, which was allocated to university students participating in the festival. The students also attended a seminar with the prominent writer, journalist, and author, Mr. Omar Taher, during which he interacted with Egyptian university students, sharing his valuable experiences and engaging them in a fruitful discussion.
Dr. Ayman Ashour, Minister of Higher Education, participated with Egyptian university students in some events of the New Alamein Festival in various student activities held there during his inspection of the various activities.
The Minister honoured the winners of beach soccer, beach volleyball, and also the winners of fine arts competition, stressing the importance of students' participation in various student activities; with the aim of enhancing interaction between them and contributing to refining the students' personality, building their awareness, enhancing their spirit of initiative, and expanding their horizons, pointing out that developing the capabilities of youth comes in line with achieving the goals of the National Strategy for Higher Education and Scientific Research and Egypt's Vision 2030.
The activities concluded with a musical concert by the Anfoushi Band at the Roman Theatre in the Heritage City, in the presence of Dr. Ashraf Sobhi, Minister of Youth and Sports, who praised the participation of Egyptian university students in the second edition of the New Alamein Festival, and the vital role of the Student Activities Sector at the Ministry of Higher Education and the Leadership Preparation Institute in building student awareness.
The festival included students' participation in many activities, including a competition in fine arts that included drawing, design, and artwork, to produce artwork related to Egypt and Palestine and support the Palestinian cause. The activities also included competitions in five-a-side football and beach volleyball, in addition to choir and musical performances. The activities will last until August 31.
President of Alexandria University Appoints New Vice Deans
Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, issued decisions appointing new vice deans in several faculties, as follows:
* Dr. Jihan Farouk Abul-Kheir, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Specific Education for Education and Student Affairs, for a period of three years.

* Dr. Lamia Ahmed Othman, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Early Childhood Education for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs, for a period of three years.

* Dr. Sahar Mansour Lamada, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Nursing for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs, for a period of three years.

* Dr. Islam Amin Zaki, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Physical Education for Boys’ for Education and Student Affairs, for a period of three years.

Graduate Studies and Research Council Discusses Mechanisms of Comprehensive Qualifying Exam for Doctoral Degree
Alexandria University’s Council of Graduate Studies and Research, which met this morning, Tuesday, 23 July 2024, headed by Dr. Hesham Saeed, Vice President of the University for Graduate Studies and Research, discussed the mechanism of the comprehensive qualifying exam for the doctoral degree, where Dr. Saeed confirmed that this exam aims to qualify and raise the efficiency of doctoral students by measuring their ability to interpret scientific concepts related to their academic specialization and measuring their thinking skills, in addition to preparing and qualifying them to write their theses in a correct scientific manner. Dr. Saeed stressed to the Vice Deans of Faculties and Institutes of Alexandria University, the necessity of developing a vision for each faculty and institute regarding the mechanism for implementing the comprehensive qualifying exam for the doctoral degree in a manner that suits each faculty and institute.

• The Council also discussed the topics of the Committee of Teaching Assistants and Assistant Lecturers, scientific missions, scholarships and study leaves to obtain master's and doctoral degrees.
• The Council approved the Memorandum of Understanding between the Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria University, and the University of Southampton in the United Kingdom, for cooperation in areas of common interest and to activate the Memorandum of Understanding signed between the two parties in 2012, the Memorandum of Understanding between Alexandria University and West China Hospital, Sichuan University, the Memorandum of Cooperation between the Faculty of Education, Alexandria University, and Hankuk University in the Republic of Korea in the field of cultural and student exchange between the two universities, the Cooperation Agreement between the Faculty of Agriculture, Alexandria University, and the University of Naples Federico II - Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine in Italy, with the aim of cultural and scientific cooperation between the two universities, the Memorandum of Understanding between the Faculty of Pharmacy, Alexandria University, and Vita Biotics Egypt for Pharmaceutical Industries, the Memorandum of Understanding between the Faculty of Business and Kent State University, USA, and the Memorandum of Understanding between the Faculty of Education, Alexandria University, and Polytechnic University, Hong Kong.

Alexandria University Participates in the Activities of the New Alamein Festival 2024
Under the auspices of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, the United Company, Alexandria University, and the Student Activities Sector of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Alexandria University is participating in the "Alamein World" Festival held in the New Alamein City.
This participation comes within the framework of the important role of student activities included in the National Strategy for Higher Education and Scientific Research 2023, which is implemented at the level of all Egyptian universities. It is also a unique opportunity for Alexandria University students to learn about and participate in major development projects in Egypt.
The festival represents an important platform to raise awareness of the importance of sustainable development and encourage creativity among Egyptian youth. It aims to introduce students from all governorates to the major development achievements in Egypt and provide them with the opportunity to participate in the huge development programs held in New Alamein.
It is worth noting that the festival is organizing a set of wonderful events, providing participants with a unique opportunity to see the latest developments in the New Alamein City, which is a model for modern urban development in Egypt.