Dr. Mohamed Ayman Ashour, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, witnessed the signing of the cooperation protocol between Alexandria and Damanhour Universities, where Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, and Dr. Elhamy Tarabis, President of Damanhour University, signed the joint cooperation protocol between the two universities in the fields of higher education, scientific research, community service, environmental development, as well as health services, training and quality. This comes within the framework of Alexandria University's keenness to contribute to achieving comprehensive cooperation with the universities of the Northern Alliance region, and to work with Damanhour University to establish the Faculty of Medicine, the University Hospital and the Faculty of Dentistry to serve Beheira Governorate, a turning point in providing medical services in the governorate.
This came in the presence of Dr. Mustafa Refaat, Secretary of the Supreme Council of Universities, Dr. Sami Hashem, Chairman of the Education and Scientific Research Committee in the House of Representatives, and members of the Supreme Council of Universities.
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Dr. Konsowa pointed out after signing the protocol that this cooperation comes within the framework of Alexandria University’s work with the universities of the northern region in accordance with the national strategy of the Ministry of Higher Education and Egypt’s Vision 2030, within the framework of regional alliances between public, private, civil and technological universities, civil society, local development agencies and the industrial community, to contribute to achieving comprehensive development in all geographical regions across the country, and to enhance scientific and research cooperation between universities and the industrial and business community in its comprehensive concept. He explained that the protocol between the two sides will include the exchange of experiences and cooperation to develop and set regulations, curricula and study plans for the Faculty of Medicine and the Faculty of Dentistry at Damanhour University, and to evaluate the quality of medical study programs and develop them. It will also include joint cooperation to develop the capabilities of faculty members, the exchange of faculty members between the two universities to provide consultations, teaching and scientific research, and to prepare a distinguished training matrix to raise the efficiency of the administrative apparatus at the Faculty of Medicine, the University Hospital and the Faculty of Dentistry at Damanhour University, and also to exchange study materials, published research and other scientific and technological information, and to implement joint research projects within the framework of achieving the mission of both universities.
Dr. Konsowa added that this will also include cooperation in the field of projects related to community service and environmental development of the Alexandria and Beheira region, organizing and sponsoring scientific conferences, seminars and workshops, holding seminars and workshops to discuss societal problems in both governorates, exchanging medical, academic and clinical expertise and consultations regarding the establishment, equipping, furnishing and accreditation of university hospitals, exchanging administrative expertise regarding the administrative and service apparatus of university hospitals, organizing mutual visits to increase awareness and participation in the university hospital management system, developing a joint training matrix to qualify university students for the labour market, and exchanging expertise between the two universities in the field of quality and accreditation of medical and educational institutions.
Dr. Tarabis stressed that the establishment of the Faculty of Medicine, the University Hospital and the Faculty of Dentistry at Damanhour University is one of the important national projects in the region, stressing his endeavour, in cooperation with Alexandria University, to qualify future cadres scientifically, practically and training-wise to compete in the local, regional and international labour market to achieve the goals of the national strategy for higher education and scientific research in university hospitals to improve the quality of health services provided to citizens.