important news


453907775 902102061956523 6316735124729589538 n 1



As part of the Alexandria University's support for student activities, Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of the University, honoured, during the meeting of the University Council, the cast and crew of the artistic performance "Andalusia, a Postponed Spring", which was organized by the Alexandria University Forum as part of the activities of the thirteenth night of the Arabic Language Nights, which was greatly appreciated by the attendees of the Alexandrian community symbols, creators, artists, faculty members and university students. Dr. Konsowa extended his thanks to all those in charge of implementing and directing this show, the university choir team, the exhibitors and show designers, for the distinguished show that presented a positive message to society about the possibility of presenting an enjoyable and purposeful work that combines all elements of creativity and mastery in all details of the work. He called on the group to continue presenting distinguished shows and return to originality and creative art, as these values represent the soft power for building the nation, stressing the university's full support for any work that highlights the values of high art.


453621238 902100805289982 846591692746012628 n
 453855207 902101231956606 1550707322416640326 n
 453503604 902101351956594 6324166261888936245 n
 454001156 902101401956589 1640867596024956647 n
 453907948 902101655289897 4269089427631784912 n
 453177116 902101775289885 5712683571590590696 n
 453330670 902101878623208 1479054927859123216 n
 453750875 902101948623201 457688637174968320 n


454036671 901860785313984 2755150068965895057 n



Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, thanked all university members, including deans, vice deans, faculty members and administrators in all faculties and institutes of the university on the occasion of end of the academic year 2023/2024, the efforts made during the past academic year, and the commitment to announcing most of the results of the second semester exams on the scheduled date and announcing the rest of the results as soon as possible.

 453097223 901860478647348 7612115257900422654 n

 During the council, the university president handed over the contracts of the researchers who received the university initiative grant to support research for the second year, funded by Alexandria University, numbering 11 researchers, with a funding value of up to 300 thousand pounds as a maximum for each project, with the aim of helping young researchers, encouraging distinguished scientific research and publication, and purchasing scientific equipment and chemicals necessary to conduct research to reach distinguished scientific publication, under the supervision of the university's Project Management Unit in the Graduate Studies and Research Sector.
 The University President congratulated the faculties for which the decision of the Board of Directors of the National Authority for Quality Assurance and Accreditation of Education was issued, as the accreditation of the Higher Institute of Public Health was renewed, the Tourism, Hospitality and Heritage Program at the Faculty of Tourism and Hotels was accredited, the Environmental Sciences/Chemistry and Marine Sciences/Chemistry Programs at the Faculty of Science were accredited, and the Plant Production and Agricultural Biotechnology Programs at the Faculty of Agriculture were accredited.

 453213379 901859368647459 8307258035347302321 n

 The Council honoured Dr. El-Sayed El-Seifi, Dean of the Faculty of Business, on the occasion of the end of his tenure as Dean of the Faculty, and Dr. Maha Amin on the occasion of reaching the retirement age. The President of the University expressed his thanks and appreciation for the distinguished efforts they made to the two faculties, wishing them success.

 453870276 901860688647327 6128057495433211031 n

 453777265 901860715313991 3263149111311678042 n

٠President of Alexandria University, congratulated members of the University Council, on the occasion of the issuance of the Cabinet's decision to authorize Alexandria University to contract with the Egyptian-Finnish Company for Educational Facilities and Services, in New Borg El Arab City, to establish a university institution to host a branch of the Finnish University of "Tampere".
• The Council approved the allocation of (500) scholarships at a 50% discount for diploma students at the Faculty of Business for the academic year 2024/2025.
• The Council approved the regulations for scientific journals of the Faculties of Physical Education for Boys, Physical Education for Girls, and Fine Arts.
• The Council approved the renewal of the joint scientific cooperation agreement between Alexandria University (Faculty of Arts) and the Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport (Faculty of Language and Media) to provide a joint certificate under the name of Diploma in Teaching Arabic to Non-Native Speakers, the cooperation protocol between Alexandria University (Faculty of Engineering) and the University of Uzbekistan (Namangan Institute of Textile Industry, Uzbekistan), the memorandum of cooperation between Alexandria University and the University of Sousse in the Tunisian Republic, the memorandum of understanding between Alexandria University (Faculty of Business) and Kent State University, the American University, the cooperation agreement between Alexandria University (Faculty of Pharmacy) and Vita Biotics Company, and the cooperation agreement between Alexandria University (Faculty of Agriculture) and the University of Naples - Federico II (Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine) in Italy. The Council also approved the memorandum of understanding between Alexandria University (Faculty of Education) and each of Polytechnic University in Hong Kong and Hankuk University in Korea in both Arabic and English, and the cooperation agreement between Alexandria University (Faculty of Tourism and Hotels) and ACT Computers Company, the cooperation agreement between Alexandria University (Faculty of Engineering) and Orascom Construction Company, and the memorandum of understanding between Alexandria University and Terry Fox College in Canada.
• The Council approved accepting donations and gifts from several companies, institutions, associations and individuals to the various departments of the Faculty of Medicine, which are medical devices and supplies, amounting to about 16 million pounds.
• The Council approved the promotion of 15 faculty members, 5 to the position of professor, 10 to the position of associate professor, the appointment of 22 lecturers, and the granting of 77 doctoral degrees and 143 master's degrees in various scientific specializations.

453751846 901377298695666 506930582750142887 n



Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, attended on Friday evening the graduation ceremony of the 76th batch of the Faculty of Dentistry, at the Grand Conference Hall of the Bibliotheca Alexandrina, in the presence of Dr. Mustafa El-Naggar, President of Matrouh University, Major General Alaa Fathallah, Police Director of West Alexandria, Dr. Ahmed Abdelhakim, Dean of the Faculty, vice deans, faculty members, and parents.
 453650893 901377698695626 5273790499385986711 n
In his speech, Dr. Konsowa congratulated his students on their graduation and the crowning of their great efforts throughout their studies at the faculty. He also thanked the parents for all the support they provided to their children. The university president pointed out the efforts made by Alexandria University to be a competitive university with global quality by expanding external relations with international universities and establishing dual programs to compete locally, regionally and globally. He explained that the joint degree between the Faculty of Dentistry and the University of Manchester is the first joint bachelor’s degree in dentistry in the Middle East.
The university president announced the establishment of a distinguished dental complex that will be the largest in the Middle East with extensive equipment from laboratories, dental units, equipment, devices and an integrated research centre. At the end of his speech, Dr. Konsowa referred to supporting scientific research and its applications within the university through the technology park, stressing that the progress of any society comes through a knowledge-based economy.
 453725927 901377262029003 610876045417576167 n
Dr. Ahmed Adel Abdelhakim, Dean of the Faculty, expressed his pleasure with the graduation of his students, who numbered 749 male and female students, which is the culmination of efforts, perseverance, and years of study, stressing that today is not the end of an academic journey but rather the beginning of a journey full of opportunities and challenges. He pointed out that the profession of dentistry is a great humanitarian profession that requires commitment to the highest standards of ethics and professionalism, and called on the graduates of the faculty to continue to excel and develop.

454000962 901376975362365 3782267173807012432 n

 453854456 901377085362354 4351321043654517059 n

 453791185 901377142029015 3998986184416392349 n

 453741286 901377225362340 8613068872647410058 n

 453852654 901377435362319 4513194989218269015 n

 453724004 901377472028982 2069291788207004045 n

 453860989 901377532028976 608394285216199619 n

 453874653 901377568695639 631470717825240947 n

 453881034 901377618695634 3981576704943945637 n

 453651232 901377658695630 628596069805880760 n

 453788349 901377802028949 615594537392209773 n


453859725 901252922041437 3288578650922489511 n


Under the auspices of Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, the comprehensive community medical convoy organized by the Community Service and Environmental Development Sector headed by Dr. Saeed Allam, Vice President of the University for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs, under the umbrella of "Decent Life" (Hayah Karima) initiative, was launched yesterday, Friday, August 2, 2024, to the Bahig area in Borg El Arab. Participants included 200 faculty members, administrators and students from the Faculties of Medicine, Dentistry, Pharmacy, Nursing, Veterinary Medicine, Education and Physical Education for Boys and Girls, Special Education, the Higher Institute of Public Health, the Medical Research Institute, the Anti-Violence Against Women Unit, the National Council for Women, Rotary Alexandria Capital, Alexandria Harbor, the Drug Bank, and the "Doctor for You" fraternity.
The convoy included examining and treating 825 cases in all medical specialties, holding immediate exams for the illiterate in literacy classes, family and psychological counselling sessions, mental health, awareness seminars for women, sewing and crafts workshops, and an entertainment section with children. The convoy also included examining, diagnosing and treating diseases and surgeries for small and large animals and poultry for free. A sports day was also organized at the Bahig Youth Centre in the form of various matches and competitions, and Rotary Hyper distributed sweets, school bags and stationery to the children of the area.

453097618 900037255496337 4766197835476161289 n



Dr. Saeed Allam, Vice President of Alexandria University for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs, and Dr. Ali Abdelmohsen, Acting Vice President for Education and Student Affairs, on behalf of Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of the University, witnessed today, Thursday, August 1, 2024, the signing of the framework agreement between the Faculty of Business at Alexandria University and DeGroote Business School at McMaster University in Canada, in the presence of Dr. Sayed El-Seifi, former Dean of the Faculty of Business, Dr. Amani Yacout, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Business for Graduate Studies and Research, Dr. Ismail Gomaa, Professor of Accounting and Auditing at the Faculty of Business at Alexandria University, Dr. Sameh Shehata, Supervisor of the International Relations Office at Alexandria University, Dr. Gihan Gewaifel, Assistant President of the University for International Branches, and Dr. Boshra Salem, Assistant President of the University for University Classification.
The agreement was signed by Dr. Ayman El-Shetewi, Acting Dean of the Faculty of Business, Alexandria University, and Dr. Khaled Hassanein, Dean of DeGroote School of Business, McMaster University, Canada.
 453779543 900035778829818 4673857658337589914 n
In his speech, Dr. Saeed Allam welcomed the cooperation with McMaster University, Canada, stressing the need for cooperation and expanding the scope of the memorandum of understanding between the two universities to include other fields in various scientific disciplines. He pointed out that the memorandum of understanding between the Faculty of Business, Alexandria University, and DeGroote School, McMaster University, will include exchanges between faculty members and students, in addition to cooperation in the field of joint scientific research. He pointed out that the cooperation comes within the framework of Alexandria University's strategy to raise the level of education and enhance international education competitiveness through cooperation with major American and European universities with advanced global rankings.
 453157272 900035805496482 6038626000337145771 n
Dr. Ali Abdelmohsen stressed that the cooperation agreement between the two parties is a great opportunity for students of the Faculty of Business at Alexandria University, especially since McMaster University in Canada enjoys a good international reputation and has joint agreements with major international universities. He pointed out that the framework agreement will be followed by signing a protocol to establish a (2+2) program in the field of management, as this program allows students who have passed the first and second levels at the Faculty of Business at Alexandria University to complete the requirements for a bachelor's degree at DeGroote School of Business in Canada in 3 specialized academic programs: human resources, marketing, and finance.
 453475003 900035882163141 2521314978165016180 n
Dr. Khaled Hassanein welcomed the cooperation with Alexandria University and expressed his aspiration to expand the horizons and areas of joint cooperation between the two universities in the future, especially in light of the strong relations between Egypt and Canada. He stressed that aspects of cooperation already exist between Alexandria University and McMaster University in Canada, and that McMaster University has graduates from Alexandria University who have already proven their efficiency and have become the best ambassadors for Alexandria University in Canada. He stressed that the memorandum of understanding between the two parties is the first agreement signed by McMaster University with Alexandria University, as it is one of the most important universities in the Middle East.
 453301075 900035922163137 7465193253260807126 n
 453257032 900037175496345 6149055793799396125 n
 453628384 900037212163008 177233946616959279 n