important news


454752008 905314701635259 7427250897613454646 n


Within the framework of the partnership between Alexandria University, Louisville University in the state of Kentucky, USA, and El Alamein International University, Alexandria University students participate in summer training at Louisville University research labs in the fields of bioengineering, computer engineering, and science.
The summer training program comes within the framework of the distinguished partnership between Alexandria University and Louisville University over the past years, which includes the partnership in the 2+2 bachelor's programs to grant double degrees in the specializations of computer science and engineering and biomedical engineering.
It is worth noting that this year witnesses the graduation of the first group of five students who joined Louisville University through this partnership in the field of biomedical engineering.
 454649234 905314728301923 9062648848031436307 n
 454631147 905314748301921 1631091502762904175 n
 454349068 905314984968564 7201323769272964747 n



Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, extended his sincere congratulations to the faculty members who won the State Encouragement Awards for the year 2023, wishing them continued progress and success. The winners are:
• Dr. Hoda Atef Sabry El-Khanani, Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, won the State Encouragement Award in Agricultural Sciences (in Sciences).
 454611144 904651205034942 5184647094962539263 n
• Dr. Karim Mohamed Badr El-Sabrout, Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Agriculture, won the State Encouragement Award in Agricultural Sciences (in Sciences).
 454506139 904650848368311 7727542706542616048 n
• Dr. Alaa El-Din Mahmoud Abdelmeguid, Lecturer at the Faculty of Science, won the State Encouragement Award in Basic Sciences (in Advanced Technological Sciences).
453658429 904651368368259 8040010818466800709 n

451320944 904518485048214 6091564480099675590 n 1



Dr. Abdelaziz Konswa, President of Alexandria University, witnessed yesterday evening, Wednesday, August 7, 2024, the activities of the EDUGATE Exhibition during its session at the Library of Alexandria, and its activities will continue until tomorrow evening, Thursday, with the participation of more than 100 leading universities from official and private governmental universities, in addition to international universities. In Egypt from more than 25 countries.
Participating in attendance were Dr. Essam Al-Kordi, President of Al-Alamein International University, Dr. Ali Shams, President of the EDUGATE Exhibition and former President of Banha University, Dr. Ahmed Zayed, Director of the Library of Alexandria, Dr. Hala Makled, Director of the Expatriates Department at Alexandria University, Dr. Al-Arabi Abu Zaid, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Education in Alexandria, and a number of others. Leaders of the Ministry of Education and school principals in Alexandria.
It is worth noting that Alexandria University participated in the exhibition with two pavilions to introduce the faculties and programs of Alexandria University and Alexandria National University, and to respond to the inquiries of students and parents. The exhibition pavilions also included various activities that carried an educational and cultural dimension for the participants, and witnessed a large presence of students, who were interested in learning about the university’s faculties. And its programs in various academic disciplines. Today’s exhibition activities also witnessed the honoring of a number of educational pioneers in Alexandria.
454741774 904517895048273 5971303805066460625 n
 454633097 904518075048255 7490384005722218619 n
 453627079 904518288381567 2962521936637085686 n
 453651558 904518338381562 5628452265129927665 n
 454484694 904518368381559 9154208519115502175 n
 454490387 904518388381557 7018121772921171749 n
 454613451 904518435048219 4214265937060126300 n


454296697 903189835181079 1976446162613408740 n


Under the patronage of Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, and in celebration of the 72nd anniversary of the July 23 Revolution, the University's Military Education Department, in cooperation with the General Administration for Youth Care, organized a series of student visits to several military institutions during the past month of July.
These visits come within the framework of cooperation between Alexandria University and the Popular and Military Defence Forces Administration, with the aim of enhancing students' knowledge and familiarizing them with Egypt's military history and its role in shaping the country's future, various skills and techniques, and the daily lives of soldiers, which contributes to their understanding of the challenges they face during their work and in their daily lives.
The tours included a visit to the Air Museum, viewing the equipment and aircraft and learning about the most important battles of the Air Eagles, a visit inside the command of the parachute forces, the paratroopers special forces (Falling Thunder), and viewing many activities, such as Delta aviation, free jumping, the air assault field, and the air column, a visit to the Military College, the factory of men and the den of heroes throughout the ages, and viewing various activities inside the Military College. Educational seminars were also held by the leaders of the Military College on how to apply theories in real military operations, and open dialogues were held on the role of the college in forming leaders. These visits helped in enhancing the sense of belonging and national awareness among students.
454212844 903190098514386 5151683447839262998 n 
 454521729 903190125181050 7591845864722128504 n
 454213183 903190311847698 4642975317423196499 n
 454199153 903190351847694 1740805311795023038 n
 454306426 903189091847820 2153087776489395843 n


453739256 902562158577180 4684783010027614962 n


Under the auspices of Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, and Dr. Ali Abdelmohsen, Acting Vice President of the University for Education and Student Affairs, Dr. Mohamed Bahey El-Din Mohamed, Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture, Dr. Ahmed Abdelfattah, Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture in Saba Pasha, and Dr. Mahmoud El-Maghrabi, Dean of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, inaugurated today, yesterday, August 4, 2024, the activities of the "Steps into Field" training project in its sixth edition for students of the three faculties, with the participation of 200 male and female students, in the conference hall at the Faculty of Agriculture in Shatby, and in the presence of the vice deans of the three faculties participating in the project.
The project aims to qualify and train students on the basics of various agricultural and animal projects, to graduate students capable of managing their own project and working on farms and serving development projects in the country, as well as seeking to establish and implement a production project on the ground.
The project will include lectures by a number of professors from Alexandria University faculties and business leaders in the agricultural and veterinary fields. Training will also be provided by the various companies and factories participating in the project. The training program will last for 45 days.
 453722597 902560065244056 141830495031926802 n
 453256529 902561471910582 5616965673751482460 n
 453409250 902561565243906 968260099161253170 n
 453436890 902561625243900 1092054161721831333 n
 454059346 902561798577216 1684993035183018614 n
 453503213 902561845243878 7666367243042209706 n