important news

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Dr. Essam Al-Kurdi, President of Alexandria University inaugurated the 11th International Conference of "Role of Engineering towards better environment". The conference will be under title of "Bridging the gap between scientific research, government and industry", and will be organized by the Faculty of Engineering. The conference activities will continue for three days under the chairmanship of Dr. Abdel Aziz Qansoah.

The conference will discuss 83 researches on the use of traditional water sources to fill the gap in demand for water, keep surface water and groundwater quality, reduce water pollution, rationalize consumption, and reduce lakes pollutants to optimize the water usage.

The conference will also address issues like protection of beaches and marine facilities from the impact of erosion and sedimentation, environmental integration inside Nuclear energy stations, green roads to preserve heritage, urban planning of cities in accordance with the environment, using of new eco friendly materials in the construction of bridges and high buildings, desalination systems with recent environmental methods, and finding technological solutions to the challenges of energy, oil and gas to achieve the desired environmental integration.

The conference will also define a session on the issue of "Energy and Water Management"

Minister of Manpower, Mohamed Saafan emphasized the Ministry's keenness to spread the culture of self-employment and entrepreneurship among university students and young graduates, and to develop their abilities and potentials to create job opportunities in the professions needed by the labor market. He emphasized the cooperation between the ministry and the university to eliminate unemployment.

This came through the participation of the Minister of Manpower at the opening of "ICT in our lives" conference organized by the Department of Information and Computer Systems at the Faculty of Commerce annually. The conference is held this year in cooperation with the Computer Department of the Faculty of Engineering in the period from 16 to 18 December 2017 under title of "Information Systems for Sustainability".

The minister added that according to the recently signed protocol with Dr. Essam El-Kurdi, AU graduates will be trained on various careers for periods 2 or 4 months in the training centers of the Ministry of Manpower in Alexandria, then the trainee will be supported by a loan to start his own business.  

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The President of Alexandria University, Dr. Essam El-Kurdy met Alex Eagles Team who occupied the second place in Flying Competition in USA. This came during his tour in the Faculty of Engineering with the Dean, Dr. Abdel Aziz Konswa, Dr. Said Allam, the Faculty Deputy for Education and Student Affairs and the former AU President Dr. Roshdy Zahran.    


The President of Alexandria University, Dr. Essam El-Kurdy signed cooperation agreement with the Information Technology Industry Development Agency ITIDA to activate "The frame of national skills" by which a work plan will be executed to provide training for all students in engineering, communication and information technology fields. The training will be on specializing skills in data science, cell phone applications, engineering designs and works connected to these programs to meet all labor market needs.

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Dr. Mohamed Ismail, Vice President of Alexandria University for Matroh Branch Affairs expressed his happiness after conducting the first student elections in Matroh branch. This came during the session of the University Council on 14/12/2017 in El Shatby.

Dr. Ismail called the deans and faculty members to attend the final celebration of the Diamond Jubilee of Alexandria University on 20 and 21 December in the Conference Hall Alexandria Bibliotheca.

The Council reviewed the latest status of constructions and equipment of the university land in Kilo 9.

The Council was informed of the decree of the Supreme Council of Universities to open post graduate studies for Demonstrators and Assistant Lecturers in the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, in Matroh Branch.

The Council also reviewed the detailed report submitted by the dean of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine on the workshop of the Egyptian Knowledge Bank held last week in Egypt Public Library in Matroh as well as the report of the medical convoy to Siwa oasis.

The Council also reviewed the preparations for the first semester exams.

Dr. Mustafa Al Nagar the Academic Coordinator of Matroh Branch presented the rules and regulations of the Graduate Studies that shall be applied in Matroh faculties.
The Council also approved the appointment of one Demonstrator and promotion of one Lecturer to the degree of Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Desert and Environmental Agriculture.