important news
Alexandria University receives Australian Ambassador
Dr. Essam El-Kordi, President of Alexandria University received on Monday 22/1/2018 Ambassador Neil Hawkins, Ambassador of Australia in Cairo.
During the meeting, Prof. Al-Kordi reviewed the system of study at the University of Alexandria and its embrace of a large number of international students from different countries of the world through the Center of Teaching Arabic as a Foreign Language (TAFL).
Ambassador / Neil Hawkins expressed his interest in cooperating with Egyptian universities and the possibility of inviting representatives from Australian universities to visit Egypt in the coming period. He pointed out that there are a large number of Australian students at Alexandria University to study Arabic.
At the end of the meeting, the university president gave a copy of the memorial book to the Australian ambassador.
The meeting was attended by Ms. Anna Crisp, Director of Political and Economic Affairs at the Australian Embassy in Cairo.
AU Rector attends the graduation ceremony of the first batch of 2nd and 3rd level leaders
Dr. Essam El-Kurdi the President of Alexandria University and Dr. Hisham Gaber the AU Deputy for Education and Students Affairs witnessed the graduation ceremony of the first batch of 2nd and 3rd level leaders of teaching staff.
Alexandria University is keen on to be in a pioneering position between the Egyptian university by applying world level standards in preparing the of 2nd and 3rd level leaders.
The event included a detailed presentation of some modifications and development projects of administrative sections in the university and its faculties. The presentation was addressed by the executive team headed by Prof. Dr. Alaa Ramadan the Dean of the Faculty of Science and the Chief of Leaders Preparation Committee.
The event was supervised by Prof. Dr. Essam El Refaie; the project consultant and Dr. Rania El Sharkawy the Assistant Professor at the Institute of Medical Researches.
The event also witnessed the honoring of batch graduates of faculty members, administrators, and department heads.
The Council of Graduate Studies and Research studies procedures of improving AU world classification
Alexandria University Council for Graduate Studies and Research during its latest session headed by Dr. Hisham Gaber adopted the Master degree in Laboratory and Clinical Blood Researches. The new degree will be conferred by Institute of Medical Researches with credit hours system.
The Council approved the agreement of academic cooperation between Alexandria University and Senghor University, and the memorandum of understanding with the University of Technical Research for Engineering Sciences in Benghazi.
The Council also approved the cooperation agreement with the British Council.
The Council also discussed the procedures of improving the world classification of Alexandria University within the development plan of graduate studies in the university. The council emphasized on revising the rules and regulations.
Alexandria University is studying the establishment of the Faculty of Fisheries
Alexandria University Council for Education and Students Affairs during its latest session approved the formation of specialists committee from related colleges to study the proposal of the establishment of the Faculty of Fisheries and to develop a complete study in this regard.
Alexandria University organizes the Olympiad of Egyptian universities in coming August
Alexandria University Council for Education and Students Affairs during its headed by Dr. Hisham Gaber approved latest session the plan of organizing the Olympiad of Egyptian universities on 6th of coming August.