important news
Activating the cooperation protocol between AU and the department of civil protection
The Council of Community Service and Environment Development in its session headed by the President of the University Dr. Essam El-Kurdy in 19th of November 2017 was informed that 181 faculty members and staff had completed the training package of leadership qualification for academic and administrative position. The training package included programs on leadership, strategic thinking, skills development, decision making, university regulations and problem solving.
The Council also agreed to activate the cooperation protocol between the university and the department of civil protection to conduct 8 training courses for free to increase the awareness of fire fighting and prevention.
The Medical Council discusses the medical care system in the university
The Medical Council of Alexandria University during its session on Sunday 19 November 2017 headed by AU President Dr. Essam El-Kurdi discussed the suggestions of the members to facilitate accelerate the procedures of the medical care system for faculty members, students and employees. The Council decided to for a committee to study the submitted suggestions.
The Council recommended to establish more research medical centers and discussed to use the building of Occupational Health in Mustafa Kamel district for this purpose.
The Council also agreed to activate the program of medical information systems and to be studied in nursing institutions in order to enhance the graduates level and skills.
The Council set a plan for the development of the hospital of Medical Research Institute.
After the meeting, the President of Alexandria University inaugurated the headquarter of the Medical Council in the building of conferences center in the Faculty of Medicine.
Dr. Maisa Ibrahim is the Deputy of the Faculty of Physical Education for Girls
Alexandria University President Dr. Essam El-Kurdi issued a decision to appoint Dr. Maisa Mohamed Ibrahim the Professor at Department of Educational and Psychological Sciences in the Faculty of Physical Education for Girls as Deputy of the faculty for Education and Students Affairs.
Dr. Kurdi also appointed Dr. Maha Mohamed Said as Deputy of the Faculty of Physical Education for Graduate Studies and Research.
"Gaber": AU is about to convert all faculties to work with credit hours system
Alexandria University vice President for Education and Students Affairs Dr. Hisham Gaber appraised the honoring attendance of the university beside Mr. President El Sisi during the inauguration of the fish farms in Kafr El Shiekh where 100 students appeared in the event.
This came during the meeting of Education and Students Council. Dr. Gaber stated the university role is not limited to education but it should be a complete life to discover talents. He indicated that AU students achieve distinguished places on international and regional levels.
The council reviewed the student activities in the academic year 2017/2018 as the student Ahmed Al Masry from Dentistry won the golden medal in the World Karate championship and the student Amr Khalil from Engineering achieved the first place in two contests of Mobile Applications in Egypt and Tunis.
Dr. Hisham Gaber declared that AU is about to convert all faculties to work with credit hours system. He also called the faculties to create interdisciplinary programs between different departments in the same faculty and between different faculties in order to improve the educational process and provide labor market requirements. I this regards, the council adopted the regulation of the Biological Medical Engineering program as a cooperation between the Faculty of Engineering and the Faculty of Medicine of Alabama.
The council also reviewed the visit of the National Council of Woman to organize public lecture, gallery and marathon within the celebration of fighting the violence against the woman during the period from 26 November to 12 December 2017.
The council also discussed the cooperation between AU and the University of Hanibat in S. Korea in fields of industry, sciences and technology.
Alexandria University receives the president of Shanghai Arts Gallery
The president of Alexandria University Dr. Essam El-Kurdi has received Mr. Muching Hu the president of Shanghai Arts Gallery from China. The visit aims to discuss possible cooperation in arts and archeology to promote relations between Alexandria and Shanghai as both has great history and culture. The two sides agreed to strengthen the communications between AU and Shanghai University and other Chinese universities and agreed also to exchange students and professors through scholarship programs in scientific and humanity fields.
Prof. Dr. Essam El-Kurdi expressed his ovation to cooperation in archeology via the Department of Greek and Roman Archeology in the Faculty of Arts. He added that Au has a museum inside the central library that contains antique portraits, maps and rare antiquities.
Prof. Dr. Ghada Mosa the Dean of the Faculty of Arts declared that the faculty has 138 Chinese students studying Arabic language in addition to other courses like international relations between Egypt and China, English-language, Sociology and Islamic studies. She added that the study in the Department of Chinese language will start in the next academic year with a possibility to hire Chinese professors and to establish a laboratory for Chinese language in the faculty.
Mr. Muching Hu said that his government is ready to cooperate with Alexandria University in archeology. He added that he can contact with scientific and cultural centers in China, Korea and Japan to encourage mutual cooperation between AU and theses centers in scientific and cultural fields in addition to exchange students and faculty members.
The meeting was attended by Prof. Dr. Hisham Gaber the vice president of Alexandria University for Education and Students Affairs.