Alexandria University Council in its session held on Monday the 24th of February 2025, headed by Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of the University, approved - in principle - the opening of two branches of Alexandria University in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Iraq, and taking the necessary measures towards that.
 The Council approved the establishment of the Technology Park at Alexandria University following the completion of the construction works of its buildings. The University President called on all researchers, faculty members and students who have innovative and applicable initiatives and ideas to join the Technology Park to adopt these ideas and bring them to light. He stressed the role of the Technology Park in adopting applied scientific research that provides solutions to the industry, contributes to its development and advancement, finding practical and applied solutions to enhance the knowledge economy and to encourage students to establish their start-up companies. The President of the University pointed out the University's orientation towards linking the Technology Park with its counterpart in American, British, European, Indian and Far Eastern universities that have cooperative relations with Alexandria University, while working to present a unique model for partnerships with prestigious international institutions and companies.
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 The Council approved the establishment of the Alexandria University Company for Consulting and Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Services as one of the Alexandria University companies.
 The Council approved the establishment of a master’s program in Artificial Intelligence Applications in Dentistry (double degree) at the Faculty of Dentistry.
 The Council approved the cooperation agreement to establish an academic program for partnership in nuclear law between Alexandria University (Faculty of Engineering) and the International Atomic Energy Agency in Vienna, Austria.
 The Council approved the formation of a committee representing all faculties of the university to set the necessary controls for holding charity bazaars to provide products to university students with the highest quality and lowest price, for their benefit.
The Council approved the memorandum of understanding between Alexandria University and the University of Debrecen in Hungary, the two memoranda of understanding between Alexandria University and Sapienza University in Rome, the cooperation agreement between Alexandria University (Faculty of Pharmacy) and Manakh Ardena (Our Earth’s Climate) Foundation for Sustainable Development, the cooperation protocol between Alexandria University and the General Authority for Health Care, the cooperation agreement between Alexandria University and the University of Caen Normandy, France, the cooperation agreement between Alexandria University Littoral Cote d'Opal in France, the renewal of the scientific cooperation agreement between Alexandria University and the Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport in the field of postgraduate studies, the cooperation protocol between Alexandria University and the National Bank of Egypt, and the cooperation agreement between Alexandria University and Virginia Tech University in the United States.
 The Council accepted the devices donated to the Surgical Operations Department at the Medical Research Institute worth 1.5 million pounds, the devices donated to the Kidney Unit at the Faculty of Medicine worth 3.5 million pounds, and the donations of medical supplies for patients in the Cardiovascular Diseases Department worth 4 million pounds.
 The Council approved the promotion of 23 faculty members, 7 to the position of professor, 16 to the position of associate professor, the appointment of 20 lecturers, and the granting of doctoral degrees and master's degrees in various scientific disciplines.
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