important news
Alexandria University participates in the International Forum of Education and Scientific Research
Dr. Essam Elkordi, the President of Alexandria University in the recent meeting of University Council declared that Alexandria University will participate in the International Forum of Education and scientific research that will be held in the period from 4 to 6 April 2019. Dr. ElKordi added that the forum activities will include presenting excellence centers in all universities at local and international level.
Alexandria University discusses ways to provide medical care for participating teams in Africa Cup of Nations
Alexandria University Council in its recent session headed by Dr. Essam Elkordi, the President of Alexandria University approved the Faculty of Medicine proposal to be the medical sponsor of Africa Cup of Nations 2019 to provide all medical services for participating teams and coming fans.
Alexandeia University recieves the French Consul to discuss scientific, cultural and environmental cooperation
The President of Alexandria University Dr. Essam El Kurdi has recently received the French Consul Ganina Erierara. The meeting was attended by the University deputies where the two parties discussed ways of cooperation in scientific, cultural and environmental fields.
Dr. Kurdi presented the French programs being studied in Alexandria University and the university branches in many African countries. He also highlighted the plan of opening new branches to provide international programs and joint degrees. He also stated that a new faculty will be established for modern technological sciences in artificial intelligence and robots to produce a student that can meet the labor market requirements.
The French Consul underlined the interest of her country on education and health issues. She also stated that France has announced the year of 2020 as Africa Year as many grants will be provided for the development of African countries.
Alexandria University receives Ambassador of Guinea to discuss arrangements for sending medical convoy to Conakry
Dr. Essam El-Kordi, President of Alexandria University has recently received Mr. Soriba Kamara, Ambassador of the Republic of Guinea in Cairo. The meeting was attended by Dr. Mukhtar Youssef; Vice President for Graduate Studies and Research, Dr. Ibrahim Rehab, Advisor of the University President for African Affairs and Dr. Adel Ramadan, the Deputy of the Faculty of Medicine for Community Service and Environmental Development.Dr. Essam El-Kordi, President of Alexandria University has recently received Mr. Soriba Kamara, Ambassador of the Republic of Guinea in Cairo. The meeting was attended by Dr. Mukhtar Youssef; Vice President for Graduate Studies and Research, Dr. Ibrahim Rehab, Advisor of the University President for African Affairs and Dr. Adel Ramadan, the Deputy of the Faculty of Medicine for Community Service and Environmental Development.The two parties discussed scientific and academic cooperation in some modern study programs and arrangements for sending a medical convoy to the capital of Conakry to treat and carry out operations for the people of the region in specialties of pediatric surgery, orthopedics, eye medicine and surgery.During the meeting, the university president stated that the Guinean side will nominate a specialist to prepare the work of the convoy in terms of nursing staff, technicians and medical staff to carry out the required operations. He added that the university will send specialists from Alexandria University to determine the technical needs of the work of the medical convoy. Dr. Kordi welcomed the visit of the President of the University of Gamal Abdel Nasser intended in early February to activate cooperation between the two universities and to operate the Alexandria University office in Gamal Abdel Nasser University. He also announced an increase in the number of grants for African countries with 50 grants in the various disciplines.
Alexandria University joins the union of Road and Tie of environment leaders
Dr. Essam El Kordi the President of Alexandria University declared that Alexandria University was selected to join the union of Road and Tie of environment leaders during the forum of environmental institutes' deans. The forum was held in Shanghai in China under the umbrella of the United Nations as a part of the agenda of sustainable development 2030.
Dr. Kordi added that Alaa Eldin Ramadan the Dean of the Faculty of Science represented the university during the forum activities in Tungy University. He said that the union is a communication network for universities and institutes in environment field and is considered as a platform for information related to environmental solution and cooperation with member countries through joint workshops, projects and experience exchange in environment and sustainable development.