
important news

Alexandria University vice President for Education and Students Affairs Dr. Hisham Gaber appraised the honoring attendance of the university beside Mr. President El Sisi during the inauguration of the fish farms in Kafr El Shiekh where 100 students appeared in the event.

This came during the meeting of Education and Students Council. Dr. Gaber stated the university role is not limited to education but it should be a complete life to discover talents. He indicated that AU students achieve distinguished places on international and regional levels.

The council reviewed the student activities in the academic year 2017/2018 as the student Ahmed Al Masry from Dentistry won the golden medal in the World Karate championship and the student Amr Khalil from Engineering achieved the first place in two contests of Mobile Applications in Egypt and Tunis.

Dr. Hisham Gaber declared that AU is about to convert all faculties to work with credit hours system. He also called the faculties to create interdisciplinary programs between different departments in the same faculty and between different faculties in order to improve the educational process and provide labor market requirements. I this regards, the council adopted the regulation of the Biological Medical Engineering program as a cooperation between the Faculty of Engineering and the Faculty of Medicine of Alabama.

The council also reviewed the visit of the National Council of Woman to organize public lecture, gallery and marathon within the celebration of fighting the violence against the woman during the period from 26 November to 12 December 2017.

The council also discussed the cooperation between AU and the University of Hanibat in S. Korea in fields of industry, sciences and technology.

The president of Alexandria University Dr. Essam El-Kurdi has received Mr. Muching Hu the president of Shanghai Arts Gallery from China. The visit aims to discuss possible cooperation in arts and archeology to promote relations between Alexandria and Shanghai as both has great history and culture. The two sides agreed to strengthen the communications between AU and Shanghai University and other Chinese universities and agreed also to exchange students and professors through scholarship programs in scientific and humanity fields.

Prof. Dr. Essam El-Kurdi expressed his ovation to cooperation in archeology via the Department of Greek and Roman Archeology in the Faculty of Arts. He added that Au has a museum inside the central library that contains antique portraits, maps and rare antiquities.

Prof. Dr. Ghada Mosa the Dean of the Faculty of Arts declared that the faculty has 138 Chinese students studying Arabic language in addition to other courses like international relations between Egypt and China, English-language, Sociology and Islamic studies. She added that the study in the Department of Chinese language will start in the next academic year with a possibility to hire Chinese professors and to establish a laboratory for Chinese language in the faculty.

Mr. Muching Hu said that his government is ready to cooperate with Alexandria University in archeology. He added that he can contact with scientific and cultural centers in China, Korea and Japan to encourage mutual cooperation between AU and theses centers in scientific and cultural fields in addition to exchange students and faculty members.

The meeting was attended by Prof. Dr. Hisham Gaber the vice president of Alexandria University for Education and Students Affairs.


In the framework of consolidating the relations between Alexandria University and universities from the Far East, Dr. Hisham Gaber; AU Vice President for Education and Student Affairs and Dr. Mohammed Ismail, AU Vice President for Matroh Branch received the delegation of Hanbat National University from South Korea. The delegation was headed by university President Dr. Sung Ha Yang. The visit aims to develop and strengthen the scientific research and academic cooperation between the two universities and to open new prospects for further cooperation between the two sides, especially in the fields of technology, engineering, and areas that serve industry. The two sides also discusses the possibility to exchange faculty members and students and ways of cooperation in the fields of common interest.

 Dr. Hisham Gaber emphasized during the meeting the keenness of Alexandria University to consolidate relations with the prestigious world universities to cooperation with, through scholarships, study programs and joint scientific degrees. He explained that AU seeks in the coming period to develop the scientific programs in all faculties of the university in line with world standards, in order to increase employment opportunities for its alumni.

Dr. Mohamed Ismail also confirmed the scientific leadership of Alexandria University among both Arab and African universities with its outstanding positions in several international indexes, in addition to its distinguished relations with many African countries.

For his part, Dr. Sung Ha Yang expressed his hope to increase the future cooperation between the two universities in scientific and academic areas of common interest, as well as developmental programs that can contribute to qualifying the alumni of Alexandria University especially in the fields of high professional technology.


The President of Alexandria University Dr. Essam El-Kurdy received Germany ambassador in Cairo, Julius George Loi to discuss development of cooperation means between AU and the German universities, support scientific and academic exchange and to increase scholarship and missions in Germany.

Dr. Kurdi emphasized AU concern to contact with German universities to make use of German expertise in technical and professional education within the frame of university intention to establish technological faculties in engineering and medical fields in Burg El Arab. He indicated that Alexandria combines more than 40% of the industrial projects in Egypt and added that AU provides scientific and technical advices to different industrial bodies under the frame the role of community service. Also, Alexandria University has established Career Development Center to help graduates and students and qualifying them for the labor market through training and workshops.

The ambassador underlined the desire of his country to cooperate with Egypt and exchange experiences in education field to meet labor market requirements. Mr. Julius invited the leaders of Alexandria University to attend the activities organized by the embassy to announce for scholarships and scientific projects provided by the German government for students from Egyptian universities.

The meeting was attended by Dr. Hisham Gaber the university vice president for Education and Students Affairs, Rawya Teama the Scientific Advisor in the German embassy and Mr. Roman Lukeshter, the President of German Scientific Exchange DAAD and members of German embassy.


The President of Alexandria University Dr. Essam El-Kurdi has received the ambassador of South Africa in Cairo with a delegation including the ministerial committee of Kwazulu-Natal district during their visit to Alexandria. The two sides discussed possible ways of cooperation and friendship between AU and the South African universities.

Dr. Kurdi emphasized AU concern to contact with the African countries based on its role and continuous interest to undertake its regional role towards Africa. He welcomed the students from South Africa to study in the specialized programs in the faculties of AU in English and French language. He also pointed that AU can sign cooperation agreements in the required scientific and research fields.

The ambassador underlined the desire of his country to cooperate with Alexandria University as Alexandria city has historical, economic and scientific reputable value. He indicated that he wants to send students from South Africa to study in the international program in the Faculties of Medicine and Engineering.

The meeting was attended by Dr. Hisham Gaber the university vice president for Education and Students Affairs, Dr. Mohamed Ismail the university vice president for Matrouh branch affairs and Dr. Ibrahim Rehab the Advisor of university president for African affairs.