Dr. Khaled Abdel Ghaffar, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, announced, on Monday morning, September 20, 2021, the results of the university competitions launched by the ministry among Egyptian universities, which included several areas, namely: preparing for the academic year 2020/2021, efforts to confront the emerging corona virus pandemic, and the best website at the level of universities, research centers and institutes, the best applied project related to the community, the best public university in the field of graduate studies, research and applied research published in terms of creativity and its association with industry, and the best environmentally friendly university, in addition to competition between university students and faculty members to beautify the visual image of the capital The new administration.
The results of Alexandria University were as follows:
In the first and second competitions, which specialized in competition between Egyptian universities in preparing for the 2021/2020 academic year and their efforts to confront the emerging corona virus, Alexandria and Helwan Universities won the third place equally.
- In the fourth competition for applied projects related to society, Alexandria University won the third place, shared equally with Minya University.
With regard to the fifth competition for graduate studies and research, Alexandria University won the second place as the best Egyptian university in graduate studies, research and applied research published in terms of creativity and its association with industry.